Thordaddy said ....
300 mill in duh bank
That'll hire,
A gang of misfits and ingrates,
Put food on they plates,
Strap bombs and meditate,
Break on through
Radically autonomous incarnate...
"Carnage!!!" live at 8!!!
Turn on the tv,
Osama meets his fate
THE second in command
SEALed da fate of the "spiritual" great...
Come on DV...
This how the big boys play!!!
Since I don't wear skirts
I ain't cheerleadin' any way
But they some cutthroats cats in the M.E.
Wouldn't u say????
Fake as the Shaft remake. Fake as the H1N1 outbreak. Fake as a genetically modified cornflake. Fake as a gay Muslim fruitcake.
Fake as a Masonic handshake between two pork eating sheiks. Fake as the Haitian “earthquake”. Fake as a McDonald’s strawberry milkshake.
Fake as Jake on the take extorting dealers for cheesecake.
What’s my take?
Whiteboy my shit aint opaque.
Lay my cards flat as a pancake.
This blog is a document to the Hegelian Head Fake.
2 Planes 3 Buildings
Where’s the Pentagon videotape?
Justice has been raped.
Ass left agape by an evil globalist ape determined to reshape fate.
Skydive into my archives if you think I'm reckless.
911 was an exercise in mass hypnosis.
An actual ritual.
Making peasants behave like cattle
intellectual cripples
psychological children
who mostly think resistance is futile.
'We wrestle not with flesh and blood
but with the muhfuggin devil!'
Gee Chee Vision said...
"Fake as a gay Muslim fruitcake.
Fake as a Masonic handshake between two pork eating sheiks"
Lemme try off your template
Fake as the food pyramid remake
Fake like what smart choice brands try to authenticate
Fake as the mosque/ground zero debate
Fake as MLK being a victim to James Earl Ray hate
Fake as homosapes evolve from grape ape
Fake as a Ken Lay wake
Fake like a dead Usama pic, Patterson-Gimlin could take
Fake as the “Gordon Gartrelle” Denise tried to make
TD you got the wrong assailants
You spitt’n insect repellent (your facts off)
but here’s some logic
Passports survive yet steel beams melted?
Demolition explosions, firefighters felt it
Amateurs turned expert pilots?
Air Force in paralysis?
Cats got box cutters & passengers twiddle their pollices?
Naw, they didn’t fly those planes in New York
You pop’n corks beneath palm shades with Mr. Roarke
Pentagon plugged in the teleprompter power chord
Bush took cue from the clapperboard
9/11 is nothing more than a script upgrade
from the Golf of Tonkin writers backstage
Went into Nam like Clara Peller
Came out like Carl Miller
Now people sipp’n Champipple
Believing Usama got squeezed on like Mr. Whipple
9/11 story fails like Kente cloth Fubu
Its all some deep ysh like Atlantian boo-boo
That's your take?
UBL ain't a real snake...That's your take?
300 mill in duh bank
That'll hire,
A gang of misfits and ingrates,
Put food on they plates,
Strap bombs and meditate,
Break on through
Radically autonomous incarnate...
"Carnage!!!" live at 8!!!
Turn on the tv,
Osama meets his fate
THE second in command
SEALed da fate of the "spiritual" great...
Come on DV...
This how the big boys play!!!
Since I don't wear skirts
I ain't cheerleadin' any way
But they some cutthroats cats in the M.E.
Wouldn't u say????
Denmark Vesey said ...
Was it fake?Fake as the Shaft remake. Fake as the H1N1 outbreak. Fake as a genetically modified cornflake. Fake as a gay Muslim fruitcake.
Fake as a Masonic handshake between two pork eating sheiks. Fake as the Haitian “earthquake”. Fake as a McDonald’s strawberry milkshake.
Fake as Jake on the take extorting dealers for cheesecake.
What’s my take?
Whiteboy my shit aint opaque.
Lay my cards flat as a pancake.
This blog is a document to the Hegelian Head Fake.
2 Planes 3 Buildings
Where’s the Pentagon videotape?
Justice has been raped.
Ass left agape by an evil globalist ape determined to reshape fate.
Skydive into my archives if you think I'm reckless.
911 was an exercise in mass hypnosis.
An actual ritual.
Making peasants behave like cattle
intellectual cripples
psychological children
who mostly think resistance is futile.
'We wrestle not with flesh and blood
but with the muhfuggin devil!'

Gee Chee Vision said...

Fake as a Masonic handshake between two pork eating sheiks"
Lemme try off your template
Fake as the food pyramid remake
Fake like what smart choice brands try to authenticate
Fake as the mosque/ground zero debate
Fake as MLK being a victim to James Earl Ray hate
Fake as homosapes evolve from grape ape
Fake as a Ken Lay wake
Fake like a dead Usama pic, Patterson-Gimlin could take
Fake as the “Gordon Gartrelle” Denise tried to make

You spitt’n insect repellent (your facts off)
but here’s some logic
Passports survive yet steel beams melted?
Demolition explosions, firefighters felt it
Amateurs turned expert pilots?
Air Force in paralysis?
Cats got box cutters & passengers twiddle their pollices?
Naw, they didn’t fly those planes in New York
You pop’n corks beneath palm shades with Mr. Roarke
Pentagon plugged in the teleprompter power chord
Bush took cue from the clapperboard
9/11 is nothing more than a script upgrade
from the Golf of Tonkin writers backstage
Went into Nam like Clara Peller
Came out like Carl Miller
Now people sipp’n Champipple
Believing Usama got squeezed on like Mr. Whipple
9/11 story fails like Kente cloth Fubu
Its all some deep ysh like Atlantian boo-boo
That's your take?
UBL ain't a real snake...
300 mill in duh bank
That'll hire,
A gang of misfits and ingrates,
Put food on they plates,
Strap bombs and meditate,
Break on through
Radically autonomous incarnate...
"Carnage!!!" live at 8!!!
Turn on the tv,
Osama meets his fate
THE second in command
SEALed da fate of the "spiritual" great...
Come on DV...
This how the big boys play!!!
Since I don't wear skirts
I ain't cheerleadin' any way
But they some cutthroats cats in the M.E.
Wouldn't u say????
I didn't know you had bars like that, DV. You been listening to Kendrick Lamar?
Woowee, DV...
Hegel ain't got nothin'
On yur headshake...
Houdini ain't got nothin'
On that "Great Escape..."
Even Ali himself
Made to hesitate...
I peeped the archs
U got Wolfgang shake-n-bake
Dood just wanna be free to cogitate
I insinuate
U above the fray
Refereeing lika chocolate saint
Sweet with yur wishes
I'll still sense uh lil bit uh taint
It's faint
In yur faith there ain't much ain't
But I can't
Let u take the agency
Out the cutthroats that play this game...
Just to name a name,
UBL in the Jihadist Hall of Fame
That ain't fake,
That's real, magne,
I'll say it again
al-Zawahri, in the jihadist Hall of Fame
I'll say it again...
That ain't fake, that's real, magne...
"Fake as a gay Muslim fruitcake.
Fake as a Masonic handshake between two pork eating sheiks"
Lemme try off your template
Fake as the food pyramid remake
Fake like what smart choice brands try to authenticate
Fake as the mosque/ground zero debate
Fake as MLK being a victim to James Earl Ray hate
Fake as homosapes evolve from grape ape
Fake as a Ken Lay wake
Fake like a dead Usama pic, Patterson-Gimlin could take
Fake as the “Gordon Gartrelle” Denise tried to make
TD you got the wrong assailants
You spitt’n insect repellent (your facts off)
but here’s some logic
Passports survive yet steel beams melted?
Demolition explosions, firefighters felt it
Amateurs turned expert pilots?
Air Force in paralysis?
Cats got box cutters & passengers twiddle their pollices?
Naw, they didn’t fly those planes in New York
You pop’n corks beneath palm shades with Mr. Roarke
Pentagon plugged in the teleprompter power chord
Bush took cue from the clapperboard
9/11 is nothing more than a script upgrade
from the Golf of Tonkin writers backstage
Went into Nam like Clara Peller
Came out like Carl Miller
Now people sipp’n Champipple
Believing Usama got squeezed on like Mr. Whipple
9/11 story fails like Kente cloth Fubu
Its all some deep ysh like Atlantian boo-boo
GeeChee GeeChee
Why must I re-read
All yur pontifications come in 3-D?
A delicious deep dish
Stuffed at the crust wiff gc's bullsheeeet...
Just playin'
Buttjew sayin' cutthroat JIHADISTS don't exist???
Lee n Malvo justa script?
What u sayin'
Muslims too dumb to flip the script?
Fly a plane
Or plan a trip?
What u sayin'
Atta was in,
UBL was in,
al-Zawahri is in,
Ok my friend,
That's so inflammatory to the jihadist mind
It seems like a sin,
It seems like geechee in,
Stealing jihadist agency from within,
Make these jihadists feel offense
Wanna dispense with jihad
When they get the chance
GeeChee come around n put da masses in a trance
Ain't no Jihadists here
They simply don't exist...
Nah, GeeChee
That's fake azz sheeeeet...
I do insist...
TD see the Jihadi
But don't see the Jewhadi
Negro please.
Israelis making home movies
as the planes hit the WTC.
Did you see Shlomo hi-five Ari?
Jihadi's were just employees.
Who benefitted from America
going to war with the enemies
of the Zionese?
An enemy of my enemy
Is still a feign
Dear Cat,
Who post anonymously...
TD don't wear skirts
So TD won't cheer lead,
Invisible Jews and "religion of peace,"
Two different fruits
From duh same Semetic tree
'mericans like TD n the middle
Just fixin' to b free...
I see what I see
And I see what u don't see
Just cuz I see jihadi
Don't mean I don't see Jewhadi
But then again, Jewhadi
Say jihadi "religion of peace"
Nigel please,
How many times Bush boy say this?
Was it reverse psychology
The question ain't the plot
It's players who play for keeps
I know my peeps
And I heard the chants of the jihadis
An enemy of my enemy AINT my friend
Know what I mean???
The enemy
of my enemy
is in the same boat
as me
killing him,
is killing me
the spirit is not "I",
the spirit is "we".
That's why Bob sang
One L-O-V-E
wasn't it Jesus who said
do unto others
as they do to we?
You blame Jihadi, but
wasn't it Christian-hadis
dropped nuclear hell
on Nagasaki?
Discovered the "New World"
and damn near killed everybody?
Now nerds with remote controls
kill babies
with predator drones
Fire and brimstones
with crosses
hanging from neck bones
worried about their home loans
so government murder and lies they condone
TD ... we all must atone.
So go on ...
with that nonsense about "Jihadi".
Head fake trick you
but not trick DV.
2 Planes
3 buildings
No damn sense to me
Ray Charles
can see
the False
Fake as homosapes evolve from grape ape
they not ready!
Surely a sequel to 911.....firefight first reported...did Bin Laden's men have weapons?? no reports of what the weapons were or where they were purchased which is usually included in most U.S. conflicts....respect for the Islam religion which was why Bin Ladens body was disposed of at sea????? this respect coming from the same group that wrote "Fuck Ramadan" on the bombs over Baghdad...bombing someones defenseless children is a "military psychological" warfare tactic..Bin Laden is unarmed...what did he do reach for his wallet???? Shades of some Lee Harvey Oswald shit!
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