Thursday, May 19, 2011

Apocalypse Rapture & The Hegelian Head Fake • The Plantation Media Promotes Religious Kooks To Discredit Faith In Anything But The Plantation

JH said...
Coverage of the "end of the world story" can only be explained as secular media jumping at any chance to make religous people look stupid.

The story iteself doesn't deserve any press coverage...the sect is wack/useless...but peep, more and more, the press wants to highlight the "crazy guy who believes in God"...just like highlight the "ignorant negro" when they interview crowds at murder scenes. They're creating another archetype in "crazy God guy" hopes of identifying all religion and belief as a fools game.

I'd rather have this "Christian Cracka" leading his people than the same number of people worshiping the "Real Housewives".

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