If you are aware of a more lucid or relevant explanation of the events in the middle east ... drop a link.
Makheru Bradley said...
DV, I would think that you would be pro-Scott Walker since a
by-product of his Koch Brothers inspired attack on public sector labor
unions in Wisconsin is an assault on public education which you despise.
Basically you and Gov. Walker have the same agenda. Methinks you got your anti-NWO propaganda a tad confused here. Naomi Klein and Chris Hedges break it down for you.
Makheru Bradley said...

Basically you and Gov. Walker have the same agenda. Methinks you got your anti-NWO propaganda a tad confused here. Naomi Klein and Chris Hedges break it down for you.
Denmark Vesey said...
Watched that link. That's not Chris Hedges. That cat is Chris Hayes.
I'm not clear on your point. It seems as if you are suggesting you expect me to support Scott Walker because Scott Walker, inspired by the Koch brothers, wants to bust labor unions and to dismantle the public education system. Is that right?
1) Unions
I think talk about preserving a "teachers union" in America at this point in the game is as silly as talking about preserving a "labor union" for the crew of the Titanic ... after it hit the iceberg.
There are bigger problems. Who is going to pay all of these teachers? Taxpayers? Paying taxes with what? Where are the jobs for the hundreds of thousands of taxpayers in Wisconsin needed to pay the salaries and health benefits of tens of thousands of overweight, over-vaccinated and soon to be diabetic school teachers in Wisconsin?
The destruction of unions has nothing to do with some peon technocrat who happens to occupy the governor's mansion. The destruction of unions and the American Middle Class has more to do with the intentional deindustrialization of this country by international interests and the shadow government.
The jobs are gone. Point Blank. Union or no union. Labor agreement or no labor agreement. The fact is kids can be taught much better with far less cost than this glorified welfare / make-work program we call a "public school system".
Teachers Are Finished. I told you last year: The Impending Irrelevance of School.
2) Public Schools
"The ultimate aim of conservatives scrapping the public education system which has "sustained" this country for years. Teachers are the stewards of preserving public education which is the core element of our civic life." Chris Hayes
Chris Hayes parrots a dated socialist meme which fuels much of the ideology your generation still confuses for contrarian. The public school system is seen as a necessary and positive tool of societal engineering. The meme promises to deliver an egalitarian vision of class and race homogenization. (thus the nonsense that 100 years of compulsory schooling is somehow the core element of our civic life).
The actual education of children is a farce. The Public School System is nothing but a bureaucracy designed to employ poorly educated Plantation occupants and to produce future generations of dumbed down easily controlled, reproductively challenged occupants to serve the interests of the corporate oligarchy.
It's not that I hate "public schools" Makheru. It's that I love education.
Why do you cling to an institution of compulsory schooling that fails to educate?
*sigh* The distractions that are being imposed upon 'we the people' (if you bring in less than a quarter mil, YOU are part of the people) makes it difficult for the to see through what is going on.
Even if a person was a single-issue voter and researched those who they vote for and those who mouth the words that makes them a supporter of an elected official, they would eventually see how contradictory to what their vote received is to what they believe it was being purchased for.
If they looked beyond the surface, and I mean just the top level, not plunging to the depths, of a person they were supporting, they would being to see the inconsistency in their representative and what the representative actual does in office and as a human being.
When it came to President Obama being elected, I would write on my blog that whenever someone has the most money, that is who the person is beholden to. And the President had nearly ALL the money...
What would Orwell come up with today? Or is what he said so prophetic that you would not have to change a thing? I don't recall such a period of time where the few were allowed to strip from the many not only material goods and wealth, but common sense and dignity as well. The Rothschilds are not only hoovering up crumbs but coming behind themselves with microfiber to scoop up all they can until they learn how to clean microscopically...
What a wonderful Sunday post! But really, I need to follow up on some of this stuff...
DV, I would think that you would be pro-Scott Walker since a by-product of his Koch Brothers inspired attack on public sector labor unions in Wisconsin is an assault on public education which you despise. Basically you and Gov. Walker have the same agenda. Methinks you got your anti-NWO propaganda a tad confused here.
Naomi Klein and Chris Hedges break it down for you.
"What would Orwell come up with today? Or is what he said so prophetic that you would not have to change a thing? I don't recall such a period of time where the few were allowed to strip from the many not only material goods and wealth, but common sense and dignity as well." Big Mark 243
Wouldn't have to change a thing!
[quote] is an assault on public education which you despise. [/quote]
makheru bradley:
The BIGGEST ASSAULT in the state of Wisconsin is what the PUBLIC SCHOOL INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX is doing to the BLACK STUDENTS under their care.
According to one source, African-American males in MPS, for example, have a graduation rate of about 31%, and Hispanic males have an estimated graduation rate of 36%.
Are you SURE that this present system should be PERPETUATED?
Are you SURE that this present system should be PERPETUATED?-- Feed
I understand clearly what's going on in MPS and public school systems in general. Dr. Howard Fuller, the former superintendent of MPS was the Mwalimu of Malcolm X Liberation University when I was a student there. We had several conversations about the crisis, particularly of Black males, in education.
I've never once said that the present system should be perpetuated. After all, I'm a person who has attended and worked in alternative schools, and charter schools. Of course, the current system needs to be revolutionized. However, it is the epitome of asininity to suggest that children drop out of school without any viable alternatives in place, unless you are on the dole of the prison-industrial complex.
Too simple:
1) Koch Bros get their puppet Governor in power
2) Governor Walker gins up a crisis
3) Democrats and Progressives take the bait and counter-protest on collective bargaining
4) Governor Walker will compromise on collective bargaining if the rest of the budget is passed as is
5) Bill passes, with trojan horse give-a-way to the Koch Brothers nested in
6) Koch Brothers will buy Wisconsin state-owned power plants for pennies on the dollar in closed unsolicitated bids for which there will be no oversight
7) Koch Brothers get the best vertical monopoly in a generation
I'm not clear on your point.—DV
The point was that you and Gov. Walker agree on several points, which you’ve made crystal clear. Basically people shouldn’t fight for their hard won rights. They should just bend over and grab their ankles.
Who is going to pay all of these teachers? Taxpayers? Paying taxes with what? Where are the jobs for the hundreds of thousands of taxpayers in Wisconsin needed to pay the salaries and health benefits of tens of thousands of overweight, over-vaccinated and soon to be diabetic school teachers in Wisconsin?—DV
Obviously you didn’t even listen to Alex Jones. You’ve fallen for the oligarchic psychopathocracy bait—hook, line, and sinker.
It's not that I hate "public schools" Makheru. It's that I love education.—DV
That’s a crock of reactionary shit, piled higher and deeper. You’re the master of polemics and opposition with no viable alternatives or solutions.
"That’s a crock of reactionary shit, piled higher and deeper. You’re the master of polemics and opposition with no viable alternatives or solutions." MB
Calm down bruh.
Just because you are uncomfortable with the point doesn't make me a "master of polemics".
I'm just challenging your assumptions.
You EQUATE "public schools" ... with "education" itself.
I say that is as big a mistake as equating "McDonalds" with food.
You say "fix the public schools".
I say "the public schools were never meant to work".
You say "give people what they deserve".
I say "The world doesn't work that way. To "give" is to master. Asking to be "given" something is to ask to be a slave.
If they are teachers ... teach!
What the fuck they need the government for?
Rent one of these empty ass commercial spaces ... set up a fucking classroom, charge a couple of hundred dollars per month per kid and fucking TEACH.
Quit begging the government to support an unsustainable bureaucracy that FUCKS kids up.
"However, it is the epitome of asininity to suggest that children drop out of school without any viable alternatives in place, unless you are on the dole of the prison-industrial complex." MB
To suggest young people drop out of school is to acknowledge the fact that compulsory schooling in America does more harm than it does good.
One more time.
To suggest young people drop out of school is to acknowledge that compulsory schooling in America does more harm than it does good.
I'm not asking you to agree ... just please acknowledge my point.
That said:
Proposing young people remove themselves from the "program" of COMPULSORY SCHOOLING by dropping out ... WILL CREATE A DEMAND for Alternatives to compulsory schooling?
Get it?
That's the difference between you and me Mak.
You are still looking to the Plantation ... ultimately ... to provide solutions to our problems.
Begging the government... in 2011 ... to "provide schools" and to "educate our children" is preposterous.
(just because one marches, and protests does not mean one is not begging)
You are still looking to the Plantation ... ultimately ... to provide solutions to our problems.--DV
LMBAO ^ Yeah, I'm looking to the plantation for solutions the same way Boukman Dutty and Gullah Jack Pritchard were looking to the plantation.
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