DMG said...
Excellent. Actually looks interesting. I browsed a couple of the
videos, and seems like good basic foundation information. Can't vouch
for all of the content, because I haven't watched it, but seems
I didn't see any Moorish Science in there.
Now there will be no excuse for you not understanding basic biology, chemistry, physics, and cosmology.
I didn't see any Moorish Science in there.
Now there will be no excuse for you not understanding basic biology, chemistry, physics, and cosmology.
Denmark Vesey said ...
lol ...That's funny Doc.
And since you've been attending class at DV University for going on 2 years now you will have no excuse for not knowing all science is "Moorish science" ... you have no excuse for prescribing H1N1 vaccines to protect people from nonexistent "H1N1 Pandemics" ... no excuses for eating cloned factory meat or genetically modified high fructose corn syrup ... you have no excuses for failing to see that the entire medical industrial complex is designed to profit from sickness and does not actually heal anyone ... no excuses for remaining ignorant of the consequences of a Scientific Dictatorship and one world government ... no excuses for remaining ignorant of the African Origins of Christianity ... no excuses for parroting the HIV / AIDS myth ... no excuses for participating in the sham of "Global Warming" ... no excuses for not recognizing that GMO is a eugenics tool .... no excuses for continuing to limit your understanding of health and the human body to the outdated Germ Theory of Disease ... no excuses for failing to see Darwinism as a religious hoax ... no excuses for ignoring the evidence that adequate levels of Vitamin D is more effective at preventing disease than any vaccine ... no excuses for not considering the significance of occult symbolism in Western medicine ... and no excuse not to Get A Chick.
Admit it Doc. DenmarkVesey.Net is a better education than you received in 12 years of college. You won't appreciate it until you have to get a loan to pay for it.
Excellent. Actually looks interesting. I browsed a couple of the videos, and seems like good basic foundation information. Can't vouch for all of the content, because I haven't watched it, but seems reasonable.
I didn't see any Moorish Science in there.
Now there will be no excuse for you not understanding basic biology, chemistry, physics, and cosmology.
I didn't know you knew about this "KhanAcademy" channel on you tube. It's pretty helpful for a college student like me.
You and your Moorish science are full of shit. Figuratively and literally. I had a great time laughing my ass off at a group of "Moorish" wannabe lawyers on YouTube last night. Will the clownshow never cease?
This Khanacademy channel is useless, DV. It teaches evolution!!!
I paid 600 dollars to learn this in uni!!!! :(((
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