I've always got a kick out of "anti-church" cats who like to call themselves"spiritual ... but not religious". You know. They're often ready to repeat some pop culture canard about "organized religion causing all the evil in the world".
It never occurs to these grown men, when they slip on Football Jersey's, sit in front of the TV alter, and watch sports highlights with the mind numbing repetitive zeal of a guilt ridden Catholic counting rosary beads ... that they too are practicing a religion.
Once a year they gather in fellowship and communion with millions of other Americans in the virtual Mecca of HD TV for the annual Super Bowl pilgrimage. More than just a football game, the Super Bowl is a chance for the masses to participate in a titanic struggle between Good and Evil.
To participate in Super Bowl activities is to affirm one's Americaness ... just as participating in Ramadan is an affirmation of being a Muslim. Caring about the outcome, cheering for a team and having an opinion about the value of the 'nickel defense vs. the west coast offense' is perceived as a path to secular salvation just as particpating in the Easter rituals of resurrection is a path to salvation for Christians.
Cadeveo said...
Anyone who can't see that the Super Bowl is secular religious pageantry
and spectacle, has no knowledge of religious history, the history of
State-sanctioned rituals from imperial Roman times on down to the
It never occurs to these grown men, when they slip on Football Jersey's, sit in front of the TV alter, and watch sports highlights with the mind numbing repetitive zeal of a guilt ridden Catholic counting rosary beads ... that they too are practicing a religion.
Once a year they gather in fellowship and communion with millions of other Americans in the virtual Mecca of HD TV for the annual Super Bowl pilgrimage. More than just a football game, the Super Bowl is a chance for the masses to participate in a titanic struggle between Good and Evil.
To participate in Super Bowl activities is to affirm one's Americaness ... just as participating in Ramadan is an affirmation of being a Muslim. Caring about the outcome, cheering for a team and having an opinion about the value of the 'nickel defense vs. the west coast offense' is perceived as a path to secular salvation just as particpating in the Easter rituals of resurrection is a path to salvation for Christians.
Cadeveo said...

That was worthy of Cirque de Soleil how you twisted and turned to make that non-point.
Make a better one.
Sorry, I don't do absurdities.
Actually you can't think your way out of a wet paper bag.
You are a heckler.
You don't have an opinion.
You choose sides.
Share with us your thoughts on the spiritual implications of 130 million Americans participating in a national ritual called ... "The Super Bowl".
Never mind.
You aint even interested in your own thoughts.
Why would anyone else?
No, that would imply you have something worth heckling.
I can't figure out of you are brilliant (and this is total satire), or just fucking retarded.
Somedays, your over the top antics make me think that you are the former, and I wait for some sign, a wink or nod.
But you always disappoint, and have to conclude you are just as dumb as a bag of Pink Paki salt encrusted shovels.
I hear ya Doc.
You've been saying that for a couple of years now.
... Everyday.
You see.
Your Actions.
Speak Louder.
Than Your Words.
lol ...
you see?
Your daily ... sometimes hourly ... attendance at DenmarkVesey.net ... is testament to how much you value Denmark Vesey.
Denmark Vesey is the most relevant and compelling intellectual force in your life.
You've been attending class for years.
Your life will never be the same.
Nothing to be ashamed of.
Actually where you choose to spend your time is evidence of your good taste.
So you can continue with your little "contrarian" routine if you must.
You aint foolin' nobody.
You love Denmark Vesey.
You can't reconcile them feelings so you come around picking little playfights.
Justify your presence ... without having to be grateful.
I understand.
Not 100% your fault. The Plantation teaches Negros to be haters.
Keeps them divided and conquered.
But you've got to man up.
If you got love for me man ... don't feel compelled to convert it into hate.
Would DV be able to exist without the constant banter from his two dick jockey's?
I used to think that they were figments of his imagination, alter-egos created to act as the antithesis of his arguments, the typical cynical counterpoints to the posts he was making - and in this it was almost operatic. But as they continued I quickly ruled this out, there was a certain intimacy that was carried with the comments, I think that DV has spurts of brilliance, but this was ambitious for one man to carry on. Then they noticeably turned elitist, who's blog regurgitated more content, and thusly was ranked higher by an imperfect to the say the least system? Who was an accredited MD of modern medicine and who was just a conspiracy theorist? Certainly these weren't elements created by one man, or ambitious blogger.
Then I think I realized what was happening, I was witnessing a bromance, a love triangle. Now I ask, do you guys think its cute for two or more semi-grown men to openly bitch at each other for everyone to witness? Should I be scared to comment in support of DV in the case that his two disgruntled employees come to diss me up ahem CNU/DMG aka bitch clique duo.
Sure, press DV for clarification, breed an intellectual brevity to this content, put the black hats on, lend your expertise in the given SM, but for the sake of everyone else enjoying the content and comments on here, don't sleep with the balaclava on, and please don't continue to publicly masturbate with the sound of your intellectual insolence.
ahem Solo.., fuck you.
Anyone who can't see that the Super Bowl is secular religious pageantry and spectacle, has no knowledge of religious history, the history of State-sanctioned rituals from imperial Roman times on down to the present.
Just as imperial Rome organized gladiator fights to allow the masses to fully express their aggressions and release through the mass catharsis of communal voyeurism, so do the Powers That Be promote the Super Bowl. It is a safety valve...entrain the masses to the same frequency, get them to vent in the same innocuous way. You ain't likely to have an Egypt situation when you've got all the millions of discontents and exploited folks expressing their rage, lust and hope at one of two opposing football teams rather than through actual *communication* with each other and the kind of actions that would improve their lot and undermine the Plantation.
DMG has nothing to offer but ad hominem attacks. The "totally brilliant or fucking retarded" comment shows your dearth of wit. Seriously, bruh...that's the kind of petty negativity that passes for humor among ACTUAL LaRouchers. How's that for irony?
Do you even KNOW what ad hominem means? You too fall easily into that second category.
You aren't even worth a fuck you. Maybe you should sit back down in the bleachers.
Thanks bruh.
That's lame.
Cats addressed you directly and to the point. Like men.
You respond like a bitch.
I'm disappointed in you.
You mean how you respond to my direct questions? Hell, I've got two outstanding challenges, not a week old that you have avoided...like a bitch. So, maybe you should have left that alone, huh?
Don't think the first part of Cadeveo's statement is showing up on the other end.
"Anyone who can't see that the Super Bowl is secular religious pageantry and spectacle, has no knowledge of religious history, the history of State-sanctioned rituals from imperial Roman times on down to the present.
Just as imperial Rome organized gladiator fights to allow the masses to fully express their aggressions and release through the mass catharsis of communal voyeurism, so do the Powers That Be promote the Super Bowl. It is a safety valve...entrain the masses to the same frequency, get them to vent in the same innocuous way. You ain't likely to have an Egypt situation when you've got all the millions of discontents and exploited folks expressing their rage, lust and hope at one of two opposing football teams rather than through actual *communication* with each other and the kind of actions that would improve their lot and undermine the Plantation."
You ain't likely to have an Egypt situation when you've got all the millions of discontents and exploited folks expressing their rage, lust and hope at one of two opposing football teams rather than through actual *communication* with each other and the kind of actions that would improve their lot and undermine the Plantation."
Long overdue time for the Plantation to cull the masses of unproductive dumb asses...,
"Long overdue time for the Plantation to cull the masses of unproductive dumb asses...," CNu
Can't argue that.
Their primary means of culling seems to be Diabetes and Man-boobs.
Them cats are in the HOV / VIP lane to the "Great Culling!"
Even if there was no tv, the reality of the situation is people are stupid, a person is smart.
People want to be entertained, people want to be distracted. Some are leaders...most are followers.
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