Monday, February 07, 2011


blacotaku1 said...

Thank you for this post. I have young twin girls and I have always wondered about Gardasil. I might even donate to the documentary. Are your really interested in watching this? You have been warning us about "vaccines" and how they harm and not help. It's baffling that this post has had no comments. There are a couple of trolls in your spot that is always claiming you need proof....Well my gracious host, I think this documentary will provide just the proof that is needed.

Thank you for the intellectual commentary you provide and stay righteous.

Denmark Vesey said...

Thank you my brother thank you. Glad you took a moment to think about this issue. Vaccines are one of those issues that make black men reevaluate their relationship with the Plantation.

To refuse vaccines is to refuse the patronage of the nanny state.

It is to take responsibility for your own health and the health of your children.

To refuse mandatory mass vaccinations is to be free.

Deep down inside, Plantation Negros want to be slaves.

It's easier.

Much respect.

Anonymous said...

Why not just opt out completely? Maybe you all could just pledge right now to never see a doctor again, or allow your family to see one...for ANY REASON, check-ups, high school sports physicals, trauma after car accidents.

It's no use treating people who don't want to be treated. If you draw up a card, maybe something similar to what the Jehovah's Witnesses carry, I'll honor it. Just let me know.