Friday, February 18, 2011

Laurent Gbagbo Is The Blackest Man On The Planet • President of Ivory Coast Seizes Citibank & Declares War On International Bankers • Does President Obama Have The Moral Courage To Do The Same?

Ivory Coast's leader,  in an effort to pay civil servants during a deepening liquidity crisis, read a decree on state TV late Thursday saying the banks closed without giving the three months notice required by Ivorian law.

Ahoua Don Mello said the government would take over the offices for Britain's Standard Chartered, France's BNP-Paribas and Societe Generale along with U. S. bank Citibank.

Banks began shutting down earlier this week, including Nigeria's Access bank and Ecobank. France's Societe Generale, the country's largest financial institution, announced it was shuting all 47 branches of its subsidiary serving 230,000 clients.

The banks' closure "is part of the will of the international community to suffocate Ivory Coast," Minister of Communications Gnonzie Ouattara told the press Friday. "The government felt obliged to take this measure to alleviate the suffering of Ivorians."


Anonymous said...

Gbagbo lost the election in November but refuses to give up power, and now he wants LEGAL action?


Looks like Citibank said "What you gonne do now? You done dropped your ATM card when you jumped through the window! Peace nigga!" and bounced.

Bottom line is niggas want to get paid, when they don't, he's gonna join the rest of the leaders that got kicked our or he's not going to wake up one morning.

Denmark Vesey said...

Anonymous said...

"Gbagbo lost the election in November "


According to whom?



Thought so.

According to the very same international bankers via their hos at the UN. There is not an election in Africa George Soros couldn't tip either way.

Gbaggo not going to wake up?

So what?

We all aint going to wake up one day.

My man going out swinging.

Big Ups to him.

Later for conformist ass haters cheering another brother's demise.

Anonymous said...

Swinging? Throwing combinations is alot different than flailing your arms around wildly, like he's doing. Dude lost according to everybody who counted the votes EXCEPT him. The Ivory Coast election commission, African Union, and yes international observers.

He basically nullified the vote of most of the Muslim population in Ivory Coast.

You always seem to cheer for the shadiest of people.

Denmark Vesey said...


Maybe you are right.

Maybe all resistance to neocolonialism is futile and foolish.

Why resist huh?

"You always seem to cheer for the shadiest of people."


you always cheer for the Plantation.

Who is shadier than that?

Anonymous said...

Western MAFIA at it again..... must control at any cost.... if these little nigger countries try to play their own game, we thw ALMIGHTY WEST will deal with them one time!!! Nah Wah ooo !

Sharif Ali ☪ ✡ said...

This sounds very interesting!
I'm going to have to do some research on Gbagbo.

I will be sharing your post!
Keep telling the truth.

Anonymous said...

Who is talking about resistance to neocolonialism? And what leads you to believe that he's resisting neocolonialism rather than filling-your-pocket-ism?

Holding onto power against the will of the majority of the people sounds like a time honored tradition of neocolonialism!!

But hey, benefit of doubt right? Maybe he's got a good reason for wanting to hold onto power. For all we know the person who won could be the Ivory Coast equivalent to Sarah Palin. But if you are going nullify the votes of an entire segment of your can't go around demanding the "rule of law".

The "west" didn't do shit but say, I'll be taking my toys and going the fuck home. You can't blame everything on the UN or the West.

Constructive Feedback said...


I need to tell YOU TOO - Go get a Roku box and subscribe to "African Info Media" (pay $12.95 for 2 months and then cancel if you choose)

You will see what happened to Kwame Nkrumah when he did as you suggest.

They need to learn how to DRIVE A GOOD BARGAIN for the people - NOT "Nationalize" certain resources.

This is where Amin Dada messed up.
The PEOPLE suffered in the long run despite being happy initially.

makheru bradley said...

Dude lost according to everybody who counted the votes EXCEPT him. The Ivory Coast election commission, African Union, and yes international observers.—DMG

Everybody—LOL, ah the pitfalls of running off half-cocked with MSM propaganda.

[The situation in (Cote D’Ivoire) is definitely embarrassing to Africa, but equally worrying is the fact that a lot has been left unreported by the international media. Reports by some of the major election observers condemning the conduct of the elections in several parts of the country have been totally ignored by the international media.

Some regions recorded votes higher than the total list of registered voters with one area have 159,788 “valid” votes from a list of 48,400 registered voters. These, plus the fact that in certain areas electoral commission staff and some party polling agents were not allowed to manage the process, requires that a proper investigation should be urgently instituted.]-- Jerry Rawlings

That’s not that much different from Florida in 2000—another stolen election.

However, the crisis in Cote D’Ivoire was easily predictable since the critical component of the Ouagadougou Political Accord (OPA)--the demobilization and disarmament of the rebel faction was never executed.

In Cote D’Ivoire you have an armed faction controlling half of the country which refuses to disarm, and they are allowed to participate in a “democratic” election. Jefferson Davis must be turning over in his grave.

And of course the imperialist propaganda of the MSM fails to mention the extraordinary steps towards reconciliation taken by Dr. Laurent Gbagbo.

[Gbagbo has allowed power sharing with rebel leader Guillaume Soro, he has accepted that Ouattarra run as a candidate even though many Ivorians question his citizenship. Gbagbo has made more concessions and more compromises than anyone before the election. Imagine that in the U.S. or France, a rebel leader gets to become prime minister or vice president.]

Can’t we just see Ol’ Honest Abe choosing Alexander Stephens or Judah Benjamin to be his VP in a power-sharing agreement with the CSA.

Furthermore, one can imagine, if during the American Civil War the states in rebellion had been allowed to participate in the 1864 presidential election without disarming; there was questionable validation of the eligible voters in the South, and Jefferson Davis won the election. Would Lincoln have exited the White House? Hell to the No!

For all we know the person who won could be the Ivory Coast equivalent to Sarah Palin.—DMG

I doubt that Palin could ever be a deputy director of the IMF, but more importantly when the United States and France support one party in a disputed Afrikan election, you know that there is some bovine excrement in the game. When the person being backed is a former Deputy Director of the IMF, as is the case with Dr. Alassane D. Ouattara in Cote D’Ivoire, alarms start going off. Dr. Laurent Gbagbo, the former history professor and challenger of the neo-colonial puppet Félix Houphouët-Boigny, is this month’s Robert Mugabe. And like Mugabe, Dr. Gbagbo probably has his faults. Whatever his faults may be, the issues in Cote D’Ivoire are for Afrikans to settle. But as we all know imperialists are addicted to meddling in Afrikan affairs worse than any junkie on crack.

The good news is the world appears to be spinning out of imperialist control. As Paul Robeson said, "the battlefront is everywhere," and they are being assaulted on so many critical fronts (Bahrain, and now Djibouti--two critical US military outposts--for the Fifth Fleet and AFRICOM) where do they focus their assets?

makheru bradley said...

George Curry recently traveled to Cote D'Ivoire and wrote a series of articles which can be found at his website.

Anonymous said...


"When the person being backed is a former Deputy Director of the IMF, as is the case with Dr. Alassane D. Ouattara in Cote D’Ivoire, alarms start going off." the heads of people who believe in all the NWO stuff. That's like saying alarms go off in the heads of people who look at your US Passport and determine that you are Bush confident and warmonger. Come on Makheru, guilt by association?

"Dr. Laurent Gbagbo, the former history professor and challenger of the neo-colonial puppet Félix Houphouët-Boigny, is this month’s Robert Mugabe."

Yes, he challenged a so called neo-colonial puppet. Does this mean he is honest and ethical? Of course not. My point is demanding "rule of law" while he's flouting it.

Your own source says that the constitutional council was made up of his friends, but THAT doesn't set off alarm bells?

Denmark Vesey said...

" the heads of people who believe in all the NWO stuff." DMG

what's in the heads of people who don't believe in "all that NWO stuff."?



... ?

Never mind.

DMG. You are really dragging down the discourse.

Your input on this thread is the intellectual equivalent of a parking break.

Let grown folks talk.

Excellent insight Makheru.

Anonymous said...

...grown folks were talking until you showed up. Now, kindly go back to the kids table...I hear your mommy is whipping up some Maca Smoothies...with, you guessed it EXTRA pond scum. Yummy. Go on now.

It's sad that you REALLY think you are adding anything interesting to the conversation. You only want people to agree with your take on a situation. Get a couple of "yeah's", a smattering of "that's right", maybe a taste of "brothers gonna work it out", some assorted platitudes then on to the next topic.

Dissenting opinions are your enemy. That's why I'm here.

sakredkow said...

IM unasked-for O, both DV and DMG (and additionally CNu, UBJ, MB, HW, even TD) are capable of making this a fascinating blog for me to read and get ideas. Which is all I selfishly want.

You seem intent on destroying it by making it personal. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe you can keep this level of vitriol up and still keep it interesting for others to visit.

But at the risk of giving you a reason to hate on my ass, you all are capable of being so much more creative.


Anonymous said...


That Genie (or Jinni if you like) was let out of the bottle a long time ago, and there's probably no way to force it back in. I don't believe our host is interested in opinions other than his own, so I'm happy to poke him with a stick rather than waste typing time engaging him in meaningful conversation.

See if you can find my first few months of posts.

There are better reasons to hate on someone than a call for civil reasonable conversation. Nothing wrong with that phx.

makheru bradley said... the heads of people who believe in all the NWO stuff.—DMG

NWO, Illuminati, etc. are not part of my lexicon. If I had evidence of or theories about clandestine activities I would refer to the actual entity, e.g. Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Club of Rome, Bohemian Grove, etc. But imperialism as it operates through Obama, Cameron, Sarkozy, etc. is real enough.

Come on Makheru, guilt by association?—DMG

You damn straight: association with Houphouet-Boigny as his Prime Minister; association with the rebels who attempted to overthrow Gbagbo, plunging the country into civil war; association with the IMF and its ravaging of Afrika through Structural Adjustment Programs. How much association do you need to establish guilt?

Your own source says that the constitutional council was made up of his friends, but THAT doesn't set off alarm bells?—DMG

The Constitutional Council is Cote D’Ivoire’s supreme court.

[In a signed appeal to voters, dated November 27, 2010, Gbagbo and Ouattara agreed, “We solemnly pledge to accept the election results as declared at the close of polls by the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) and the Constitutional Council.”

Article 98 of the constitution proclaims, “The decisions of the Constitutional Council are not susceptible to any recourse…”

The Constitutional Council is composed of six counselors and a president. Under the constitution, the president of the National Assembly appoints three of the jurists and the president of the country picks three, plus the president of the Constitutional Council.]—George Curry

For the record, the president of the Electoral Commission as well as its permanent secretary, spokesman, and several other members were pro-Ouattara.” As for entities like the Constitutional Council or the Supreme Court, presidents or whoever has the authority most often nominate or appoint justices whom they believe will reflect their political interest. By no means am I justifying this process, but this is how we wind up with “justices” like Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia who voted against a recount in Florida in 2000.

As I said, with half of the country in rebellion and the meddling of France in Cote D’Ivoire affairs, this chaos was predictable.

makheru bradley said...

Al Jazeera and several other outlets are reporting that Colonel Qaadafi has recruited Afrikan mercenaries, presumably from Chad, to massacre his own people in order to maintain his 42-year regime. All of this rhetoric from Qaadafi over the past two years about Pan-Afrikan unity and he pulls this gutless, lowdown and dirty move to save his ass.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Al Jazeera and several other outlets are reporting that Colonel Qaadafi has recruited Afrikan mercenaries, presumably from Chad, to massacre his own people in order to maintain his 42-year regime. All of this rhetoric from Qaadafi over the past two years about Pan-Afrikan unity and he pulls this gutless, lowdown and dirty move to save his ass." MB

Doesn't sound like the move of a cat shrewd enough to survive 42 years of Mossad / CIA plots.

Nah ...

Aint buying it.

You can tell that meme is fake because it's too convenient for the anti-Qaadafi interests.

They aint been happy with that man since he threw Standard Oil out of the country.

Nah ...

Nearly every nation on this planet has a population primed to uprise / protest ... including the US (Wisconscin)

The timing and similarity behind the Arab color revolutions is obviously choreographed.

"Qaadafi recruiting African mercenaries" is propaganda.


The US Army has Spanish speaking natives of Central America fighting in Afghanistan in exchange for US Citizenship.

Has Obama recruited "Latin American mercenaries" to fight in the middle east?




Hey. Support The Troops.

Hustle Hard.