Tuesday, February 08, 2011

"Global Warming" Puts Midwest In Deep Freeze • So Much For Scientific Consensus

No serious climate researcher—including the ones I disagree with believes global warming can cause colder weather unless they have become delusional as a result of some sort of mental illness.” NASA meteorologist, Dr. Roy W. Spencer, January 31, 2011


Cash Rulz said...

Global warming does not mean it will never be cold or that the seasons are negated.

That it all.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Global warming does not mean it will never be cold" Cash Rulz



Brother Cash, does "Global warming" also mean one of the coldest winters on record?

Cash Rulz said...

It means warmer averages over the year. And sharp temperature increases when compared to pre-industrial averages.

sakredkow said...

But DV, January through June last year was the warmest first half of a year on record.

Is there any reason to believe that passing weather patterns confirm or refute climate change? Isn't the science located elsewhere?

A lot of us have hearts and minds to be won or lost on this still, but we'll need more than an argument that's straight from the Drudge Report.

Big Mark 243 said...

I am joining the choir... warmer temperatures mean more moisture in the air as water evaporates... then when winter comes it exacerbates the weather patterens... and I KNOW a smart guy like knows this, man..!

SoloInto said...

What if there was global warming? The question is what is causing it? The predominant people that are on the carbon emission side of the argument want cap and trade. Where does the money go from the literal taxation of carbon emission? Probably into the same mofo's pocket that is saying global warming is directly caused by carbon emissions! You know where this is going right?

Have you been to Salt Lake City lately? I am not contending that emissions are negligible. I am saying that the warming reform is lead for reasons that have nothing to do with saving the earth. If it was they would start with agricultural reform.

Maurice Strong anyone?

nicki nicki tembo said...

I'm a Kansan, not too far from Salina. Warmer global temps simply are not congruent with the cold, snow or not, that we've been experiencing over the last 30+ years. I'm leaning more toward another ice age.

Anonymous said...

Your inability to grasp the scientific concept, does not make the evidence any less compelling.

I'm pointing you to a NASA website that helps explain the concept. I doubt you'll go, because you aren't interested in science or evidence.

nicki nicki tembo said...

I visit the site often thank you doctor. It is a bookmark in my and my children's internet browser. It is of particular interest to my 14 y/o who aspires to be an astrophysicist.

Opinions on what is compelling are subjective.

Cash Rulz said...

The point of the taxation is actually to motivate companies to find alternative energy sources. In the meantime, if you're gonna pollute, you're gonna pay.

They're seems to be plenty of funding and incentives for companies trying to create sustainable energy. That doesn't seem greedy to me.

Power & Energy is one of the top lobbying groups in the US. It doesn't help them to have taxes on their destructive by-products. Let's see what happens when more companies go to alternative sources. If the powers-that-be start taxing the hydrogen used for hydrogen powered generators, then I'll by in to the theories.

Anonymous said...

Nikki, that wasn't directed to you in particular, but to our host. Sorry for the confusion, however I stand by my post.

nicki nicki tembo said...

Likewise dear sir

HotmfWax said...

DV, This is all so transparent that I am shock that people can't see the con. If this was school , the aforementioned discussion is like being in a calculus class and having the first topic subject matter on the opening day be the theory of 1+1 = 2.

Really folks? Really? you really don't see it?

Check this: While you are reading and analyzing all that fantastic plantation scientific data, did you take the time to research this?


"NEW YORK - (Business Wire) E.L. Rothschild LLC, a private investment company led by Chairman Sir Evelyn de Rothschild and CEO Lynn Forester de Rothschild, today announced the signing of a definitive agreement to acquire a 70% interest in Weather Central, LP (www.wxc.com). The world's leading provider of interactive weather graphics and data services for television, web, and mobile, Weather Central's highly accurate and personalized forecasting offers businesses and consumers a truly unique suite of science-driven weather information products. The company will continue to operate under CEO and founder, Terry Kelly, as well as current management. Financial terms of the acquisition were not disclosed."

Damm, one of the major player in the carbonizing global warming (carbon credits) scheme is now in a position to distort weather information being sent out to the public?

Chess not Checkers.

Anonymous said...

Subject: Wax, aka HotWax,

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We are close.

Cash Rulz said...

HotWax: Serious????

Did you hear about this?



HotmfWax said...

From the Head Techno himself.

"On January 31st, noted NASA meteorologist, Dr. Roy W. Spencer, blogged that “No serious climate researcher—including the ones I disagree with believes global warming can cause colder weather unless they have become delusional as a result of some sort of mental illness.”


Maybe most climate scientists think they are engaged in a noble endeavour. They definitely know that their personal expertise does not extend to the physics of how the CO2 blanket keeps us warmer than we would be if the CO2 concentration was lower by a specific amount. These climate scientists must actually believe that some of the other 2500 members of the IPCC are authorities on radiation physics and thermodynamics.

Come on Bra, the public has been misled on this issue by an unholy alliances of environmental scaremongers, funds-seeking academics, sensation-seeking media, vote-seeking politicians and profit-seeking vested special interests.

Yep. Keep on arguing- Carbon emissions is the root cause.

The sun, with it solar flares and spots have no bearing on temerature.

Humans are to blame. yada, yada, yada.

Tax me and I will get motivated? Wow.

Motivated and warmed up in Mexico Bra.




Anonymous said...

You mean Roy Spencer, PhD "intelligent design" proponent? I wouldn't call him the "Head Techno".

Whatever Wax. How about I just phone this one in? Let's just assume we had one of our average exchanges: I'll present some scientific evidence from a credible source, and you'll submit copy and paste stuff from whatever sites you frequent (maybe they are the same people who are buying up all the aluminum foil Cash Rulz mentioned?). Can we agree to not bother with the usual?

HotmfWax said...


"Cognitive infiltration" may just be a fancy way to describe what chat room trolls do every day, but it's downright Orwellian in its implications, summoning visions of disinformation campaigns, agents provocateurs, and J. Edgar Hoover's COINTELPRO."


The" gig" is up. You have lost all credibility as a doctor. You have become a parody of yourself and don't even know it.

Everyone who has been on this site for about a year could or should have figured it out by now that you are a" paid troll." Get out of the basement.

You have no wife, no life, no kids, no patients.


DV.net is a 24/7 event for you.

You are the official SITE Guardian.

Even Solo peeped your game last week. Bra, don't you find it strange that people could imitate and predict your response to a tee?

I know that you and and a couple fellas "trolling" here work must for Mr. Sunstein because if you go to various other sites , you guys are all following and using the same predictable formula.

Homey, If you don't work for Cass the only other thing it could be is that you are lost in fantasy.

Pull the records DV(hell just check this week) , you comment around the clock 24/7( yet you hate it). That leaves no time for anything else Bra. II called you on this a few months ago and you disappeared for a couple days and then came back as Anon's and different aliases.

Addiction-look it up.

Homey , I am not interested in "battling".-got it.

Not a good look mange.

It is so "last year".

-go in peace.

Anonymous said...

It's always fun to hear from Waxy. For some real fun, you should dig through the archives. It may not be apparent, at first glance, but he has SO many conspiracy theories that they often directly contradict each other. The real fun is watching him squirm after a nice set up.

For the new folks, Wax periodically attempts to tell me that "I've lost credibility as a physician" --as though the proclamations of a man who probably has some serious mental health issues (and this probably isn't something to laugh at) really hurt my feelings. At the very least I can take solace that he hasn't gone off the deepend a la "Tucson", just yet.

Next he talks about "trolls". Now, maybe I don't know much about blog etiquette, etc., but I've never really understood the concept of "troll", on a free and open access forum....especially since I believe I've been commenting before Waxy. Is it that any voice of dissent on the forum is considered a "troll"? Is it the person who consistently pokes large gaping holes into the poorly constructed arguments of the resident morons and dullards is considered a troll? What exactly is a "troll"?

By the way, I'm happy that someone can imitate my response (although not the content), because it means I'm consistent.

I like to argue with F.E.A.R. Facts. Evidence. And. Reason.

Wax continues to believe the world thinks as he does, namely that there's some all knowing cabal of men in dark Brooks Brothers tailored suits and wingtips, sitting behind dark walnut desks manipulating everyone and everything. He believes himself to be of such importance that someone would be paid to refute the inane (and sometimes insane) scribbles he passes off as commentary. That's comedy. Sorry to disappoint Waxy, but I do this for free. My only enjoyment is watching people like you squirm and foam at the mouth at a reasonable, easily verified argument.

Now, I timed myself. It took me just over 2 and a half minutes to type to this point. It will take another 45 seconds or so to hit preview so I can give a quick proofread and send. This isn't an all day thing. That's what happens when you don't have to scour the internet for random musings to fit whatever magical thinking happens to pop into your cluttered mind.

Good to see you back Wax. I thought the men in black had finally tracked your signal and knocked on your door.

signalman said...

I really can’t decide whether I should hate Al Gore… or thank him for giving me something to write about.

He has caused the spread of more pseudo-scientific incompetence on the subject of global warming (I’m sorry — climate change) than any climate scientist could possibly have ever accomplished. Who else but a politician could spin so much certainty out of a theory?

As someone who has lived and breathed meteorology and climate for 40 years now, I can assure you that this winter’s storminess in the little 2% patch of the Earth we like to call the ‘United States of America’ has nothing to do with your SUV.

Natural climate variability? Maybe.

But I would more likely chalk it up to something we used to call “WEATHER”.

Let me give you a few factoids:

1) No serious climate researcher — including the ones I disagree with — believes global warming can cause colder weather. Unless they have become delusional as a result of some sort of mental illness. One of the hallmarks of global warming theory is LESS extratropical cyclone activity — not more.

2) If some small region of the Earth is experiencing unusually persistent storminess, you can bet some other region is experiencing unusually quiet weather. You see, in the winter we get these things called ’storm tracks’….

3) Evidence for point #2 is that we now have many years of global satellite measurements of precipitation which shows that the annual amount of precipitation that falls on the Earth stays remarkably constant from year to year. The AREAS where it occurs just happen to move around a whole lot. Again, we used to call that “weather”.

4) Global average temperature anomalies (departures from seasonal norms) have been falling precipitously for about 12 months now. Gee, maybe these snowstorms are from global cooling! Someone should look into that! (I know…cold and snow from global cooling sounds crazy….I’m just sayin’….)

I could go on and on.

Now, I know I’m not going to change the minds of any of the True Believers…those who read all of Reverend Al’s sermons, and say things like, “You know, global warming can mean warmer OR colder, wetter OR drier, cloudier OR sunnier, windier OR calmer, …”. Can I get an ‘amen’??

But I hope I can still save a few of those out there who are still capable of independent reasoning and thought.

NOW can I go to bed?

Anonymous said...

Not to steal any thunder from your first post Signal...but didn't Wax pretty much post that almost word for word above? At least he attributed it to Dr. Spencer...

Anyway, bring some evidence and it will be a conversation, or is this a hit and run?

Cash Rulz said...

The problem I have when people address those who believe in global warming/climate change (keywords) is that they talk to us like we're all tree-hugging lunatics who live our lives trying to save the planet because its going to be "Day After Tomorrow" next week. Sorry y'all.

While I can agree that volcanoes and natural processes can effect global temperatures, there is no way that anyone can tell me that the pollution put into the air by man does not have an effect. If just the gases from gas alone can actually cause individual cities to issue "smog alerts" then how can the global effect not be recognized?

I don't think in our lifetime we will see the true effects of climate change. But our grandchildren will. I don't believe that great-great-grandchildren will know what polar bears are in the wild. And for all the "eating natural" shit that gets talked here I'm suprised and shocked that living in a way that is more conducive to producing a healthier planet as well is not advocated. Cause I'd be hard-pressed to know what kind of food grows from polluted earth and polluted water?

Cash Rulz said...

If just the gases from gas alone can actually cause individual cities to issue "smog alerts" then how can the global effect not be recognized?

Instead of gas, I meant to say cars.

Smile said...

News flash, 'global warming aka 'change' is a theory. Therefor, not to confuse by being reasonable, we have choices of theories.

Maybe all the angst comes from investing so heavily in green stock.

Denmark Vesey said...

"While I can agree that volcanoes and natural processes can effect global temperatures, there is no way that anyone can tell me that the pollution put into the air by man does not have an effect." Cash Rulz

I hear ya Cash.

But let's walk through that.

"an effect"?


A good fart can have "an effect" on global temperatures.

But not enough for us to start paying a global "fart tax" to an unelected, global environmental government, to arrest people for violating flatulence ordinances.

We all agree 'pollution is bad'.

That's 1 thing.



excuse me bruh.

You know me.

Can a bit carried away.

But yeah.

Nah man.

The "Global Warming / Change / Disruption / Insert-Fear-Of-The-Day" meme is a Tax and Power grab scam.

A set up.

"those who believe in global warming/climate change" CR

Is that something to be "believed in"?

Is it a matter of faith ...

or a matter of science?

Anonymous said...


Yes, Climate Change is a Theory (capital T), as in scientific theory. Theory does not mean guess. A Theory is a scientific model backed up by evidence, and is testable.


Whoa, whoa, whoa!! STOP RIGHT THERE. Since when do YOU care about anything holding up to SCIENTIFIC scrutiny??? The VAST majority of things you write on a daily basis doesn't hold up to scientific scrutiny!

And about the just computer modeling stuff. Man GTFOH! There's plenty of data that backs it up, from Infrared measurements made by satellites to direct measurements of CO2. I can't believe you are even attempting this level of bullshit.