Monday, February 07, 2011

While Plantation Negros & Crackas In The US Were Watching The Super Bowl ... This Is What Cats Were Talking About In Egypt

Gee Chee Vision said...
Dudes eat'n the off-brand Doritos. The American public is deeply disturbed by abused dogs, a celebrity cheats on his wife in secret. I can turn off the tv and be unaffected by these events. I can't turn off innocents being bombed into oblivion because of a lie with high ratings. You can't even spoon feed Negroes the truth. I don't feel truth is defeated though. Just delayed. When you see'm hit that kill switch on the internet you know more people are resisting than they would have us believe.


Anonymous said...

You do realize that this is 2011. DVR, Broadband internet, iPhones, iPods, Blackberry, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

You don't seriously believe that folks watch ONE show at a time anymore.

Do you?

Constructive Feedback said...


Which is it?

Was Bush sitting in the school down South, reading books to the kids?


Was he on Air Force One talking with Cheney?

Those damned Israelis sure are crafty, aren't they? Or did this guy just finish watching the movie "Salt" in which Russians were used as clandestine agents instead of Israelis? Since so many Jews come from Russia one could reasonable argue that this is the same population of people.


Denmark Vesey said...

You don't seriously believe that folks watch ONE show at a time anymore" DMG


I know you just want to talk to me bruh.

But even a Plantation educated fool can see the term "while" is being used figuratively.

Now if you have something to add about the content of the post cool.

Other than let grown folks do the thinking and talking.

I'll come fuck with you later on one of them other threads.

Anonymous said...

I'm saying, even YOU realize that people watch more than one thing at a time...even if all of the content is bullshit.

And, by the way, which Super Bowl were you talking about? I believe when this aired it was Pre-season. FIVE years ago! You are taking the NOI sports distraction theme too far. I believe the idea was to not be completely distracted by sports and trivial matters.

I doubt cats in Egypt were consumed by a 5 year old talk show with conspiracy theorists talking about a "new world order" two nights ago.

I'm here commenting because there are no grown folks anywhere to be seen.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Which is it? Was Bush sitting in the school down South, reading books to the kids?
Was he on Air Force One talking with Cheney?" CF


... um

um ...


One after the other?


What you think?

Anonymous said...

He obviously got his info twisted on the part about Bush being on Air Force One.

However an amateur pilot cannot pull off what would be nearly impossible for a veteran pilot to execute. Even if we say one pilot was super nigga, but both?

Denmark Vesey said...


I'll slow it down for you.

The suggestion of the post is not that Egyptians were literally watching this show or literally talking about this show.

The suggestion of the post is that the there exists a pervasive geopolitical narrative in the middle east quite different from the narrative spoon fed the masses in America by the Plantation.

That narrative characterizes the massive destabilization in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Jordan, Yemen, Somalia and now Egypt, as an extension of a plan that was launched with the false flag attacks of 911.

This video is an example of that narrative.

The 911 attacks were about distraction.

The Super Bowl is about distraction.

Anonymous said...

Russ Wittenburg (U.S. Air Force – Former U.S. Air Force fighter pilot with over 100 combat missions) said,

Denmark Vesey said...

Think ya'll cats heard that wrong.

Bush did fly on Air Force One after he was notified of the attacks in the Florida classroom.

He doesn't say Cheney was the first to inform him of the attack.

He said Cheney when Cheney did reach him via coded phone, he indicated forces within the White House were involved.

Anonymous said...


Your post suggested that the Super Bowl was distracting the masses from something important occurring in a distant locale at the same time, as you stated " the US were Watching the Super Bowl...". The key word is 'while'.

The "you didn't understand my meaning because I'm on a deeper level" stuff has gotten old.

Try again.

Denmark Vesey said...

Apparently other cats understood the meaning DMG.

What's wrong with you?

Denmark Vesey said...

Saw that piece Gee Chee?

What you make of it?

Apparently there are scores of pilots who say the same thing?

Why the peasants still munching on Doritos lie its all good?

Anonymous said...

Dudes eat'n the off-brand Doritos. The American public is deeply disturbed by abused dogs, a celebrity cheats on his wife in secret. I can turn off the tv and be unaffected by these events. I can't turn off innocents being bombed into oblivion because of a lie with high ratings.

You can't even spoon feed Negroes the truth. I don't feel truth is defeated though. Just delayed. When you see'm hit that kill switch on the internet you know more people are resisting than they would have us believe.

Anonymous said...

Other cats don't pay attention to detail, as is evident by the ease of which they are fooled by your numerous threads.