CNu said...
"Unless black managerial and professional workers move back into the hood
in droves, and, reinstall a stabilizing guardian syndrome within our
social collective that provides moral, legal, educational and commercial
impetus for the whole - the hood is for all intents and purposes, a
collective lost cause incapable of bootstrapping itself out of its
present plight."
Stupid. Technocratic nonsense.
You took one too many social science courses Jigaboo.
LOL. All that shit you've been talking for all these years ... and this is what you have to offer? "Black workers need to RETURN to the Hood"?
You've got the nerve to scoff at the Moors while you champion a backwards ass NON-EVENT like "Black Workers Returning To The Hood"?
You must have eaten some FDA approved pork and bumped your head.
LOL. You spose to be so damn "smart" too. All them wolf tickets you selling and you turn out to be about as creative a thinker as DMG.
Look. CNu. On the real.
Go back to Heckling.
I'll do the thinking. The narrating. The strategizing. Let DV create the memes.
Hell. If Black people ate fresh natural food 1 Day Per Week.
It would have more of a positive impact on the lives of the entire nation of black people than all that Technocratic social engineering voodoo nonevent shit about "black workers returning to the hood in droves" you poppin' could do in 1,000 years.
Hustle Hard.

Denmark Vesey said...

Stupid. Technocratic nonsense.
You took one too many social science courses Jigaboo.
LOL. All that shit you've been talking for all these years ... and this is what you have to offer? "Black workers need to RETURN to the Hood"?
You've got the nerve to scoff at the Moors while you champion a backwards ass NON-EVENT like "Black Workers Returning To The Hood"?
You must have eaten some FDA approved pork and bumped your head.
LOL. You spose to be so damn "smart" too. All them wolf tickets you selling and you turn out to be about as creative a thinker as DMG.
Look. CNu. On the real.
Go back to Heckling.
I'll do the thinking. The narrating. The strategizing. Let DV create the memes.
Hell. If Black people ate fresh natural food 1 Day Per Week.
It would have more of a positive impact on the lives of the entire nation of black people than all that Technocratic social engineering voodoo nonevent shit about "black workers returning to the hood in droves" you poppin' could do in 1,000 years.
Hustle Hard.
you comprehension challenged like a muhphuggah...,
I take for granted that the hood is for all intents and purposes, a collective lost cause incapable of bootstrapping itself out of its present plight.
commence the systematic roundups and/or firebombing at your leisure...,
Un huh.
nice try Jigaboo.
Your ideas are still lame.
All that shit you talk ... and you on some back "to the hood" shit?
That's the best you can do?
LOL. Wow. No wonder you on my Johnson.
I make you feel irrelevant.
"Black managerial class"!
What's next? The "Black auto-workers need to move back to Detroit"?
That's your plan?
That's how to save Detroit huh?
You are a Heckler CNu.
Stick to Heckling.
The social engineering fantasies of a free-lance bureaucrat.
... and ALL that shit you were talking.
I thought you were going to drop something ... clever and innovative on us.
You took some old Plantation Negro ... Affirmative Action ... mixed in some Margaret Sanger pro abortion eugenics ... and topped it off with some socialist Negro Bolshevik faggotry.
Threw in a bunch of unnecessary psycho-babble and gratuitous references to technology.
and tried to pass that shit off as on point.
You a lame.
Man. I might even fire you as my full time heckler after this bullshit here.
You aint worthy.
"Return to the hood".
There cannot be any bigger impact of change than people using their own creativity and artistic spirit to lift up themselves from the hole they live in.
Cés said...
"There cannot be any bigger impact of change than people using their own creativity and artistic spirit to lift up themselves from the hole they live in."
So true Ces.
That's why these proponents of state sponsored salvation are so ineffective, out of touch and irrelevant.
A nation of obese people dying of diseases ... sitting around talking about "the systemic overhaul" of bureaucracies ... when all they need to do is change their damn diets.
Changing the diets of the people "in da hood" ... would do more for them in 10 months than 50 years of the "Civil Rights" movement.
"Hell. If Black people ate fresh natural food 1 Day Per Week."
Then perhaps you should quit talking and do something, like open a restaurant in the hood with all your natural recipes. Your boys can run a Maca Smoothie bar outside on the corner (entrepreneurs right?). If you have a good product you should be able to make quite a bit of profit. You'll have a captive audience for your Moorish pseudoscience and other philosophies. You could play Weezy on the PA system, etc.
Enough talk, do something. Then let us know if your actions bear the fruit you've proclaimed it will.
"Enough talk, do something" DMG
do something?
I am.
I'm giving back to the hood right now.
I'm educating your Plantation Negro ass.
A few problems with that KAM...
1. The topic YOU brought up was Black people eating fresh "natural" food once per week.
2. The only thing you've educated me about is that my estimates on how many morons were in this country were far, far too low.
3. I don't live in the "hood".
So, I'm challenging you. Bring your Maca smoothies, Kale chips, coconut samosa's, etc. to the hood. Who knows, maybe you'll actually make an impact. Are you interested in seeing if your claims actually work or not?
[What's next? The "Black auto-workers need to move back to Detroit]
maybe your IQ 75 ass could move back to africa?
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