The below is from Ben Bernanke's speech today:
* Initial claims for unemployment insurance have generally been trending down, and indicators of job openings and firms' hiring plans have improved
* QE 'Effective at easing financial conditions'
* Recovery likely to be 'more rapid' in 2011 than 2010---------
“Overall inflation remains quite low”----------
* Recovery in consumer, business spending may be solid
* Economy seems to have strengthened in recent months
Bernardo doesn't see inflation and the Plantation wants it to stay that way so he continues to print money.
They are starving people now to save their precious banks and bonuses.
Egyptians are deeply religious people. I think that gives them a sense of righteousness. Americans, not so much.
Pretty interesting that the Plantation doesnt really want us to make the connection between rising food prices ( which is what ultimately set off the riots) and the riots in Egypt/Tunisia.
The below is from Ben Bernanke's speech today:
* Initial claims for unemployment insurance have generally been trending down, and indicators of job openings and firms' hiring plans have improved
* QE 'Effective at easing financial conditions'
* Recovery likely to be 'more rapid' in 2011 than 2010---------
“Overall inflation remains quite low”----------
* Recovery in consumer, business spending may be solid
* Economy seems to have strengthened in recent months
Bernardo doesnt see inflation and the Plantation wants it to stay that way so he continues to print money.
They are starving people now to save their precious banks and bonuses.
The Plantation Media now just has to divert attention from rising food prices and inflation to " the Muslim Brotherhood" hating on Israel for example which could easily turn into a War... And profits and more control for the Plantation.
So Yaron, as I noted to Bacon-Bey ben Jiggaboo a little while ago, the root cause of all of this is commodity food price spikes occurring because of the huge volume of investment dollars going into commodities and tripling or quadrupling the price of staples over the past 6 months.
But surely you don't mean to suggest that the hedge funds and other futures traders seeking profits are to be allowed to hand over the bulk of the non oil having Gulf to fall into the Hezbollah sphere?
That makes no geostrategic sense.
I dont blame the hedge funds or investors for inflation. I blame the Federal Reserve, and especially Bernanke, for devaluing the dollar which forces investors into real assets such as food, oil, and metals causing prices to move higher.
The Federal Reserve is the reason why we have inflation. The Fed doesnt care about anything except for profits for the banks. They are reason why the dollar has lost so much of its value which is also the major reason why our society is crumbling in front of our eyes.
And dont forget, Bernanke was just reappointed by our hero President last year.
Hezbollah doesnt have anything to do with whats happening in Egypt. What's happening in Egypt is the US thinks it can support/impose a new government in Egypt with greater representation for all Egyptians. The US thinks that if Egypt becomes a "democracy", the Egyptian people will take more responsibility for their country and weed out the "radical Islamists".
Its a big gamble, but what does Obama care.. he will be out of office in 2-6 years and by then Egypt can break into a million pieces and he wont care. The next President will just blame everything on Obama the same way Obama did with Bush.
I dont blame the hedge funds or investors for inflation. I blame the Federal Reserve, and especially Bernanke, for devaluing the dollar which forces investors into real assets such as food, oil, and metals causing prices to move higher.
the mere assumption that profits are more to be valued than the suffering of people who can no longer afford to buy staple foods suggests that your mindset is intensely Malthusian - just discriminating wrt where you prefer to affix blame.
bottomline, the power elite at Davos knew full well what was pending in MENA and took no steps to assist or to curb what has now ensued.
that something along these lines was an inevitability was well and widely known - in the public domain - as early as three years ago (earlier if you take into consideration esoteric public sources like my man Hypertiger)
According to Aljazeera just now, Sayyid Ali Khamenei has praised what is unfolding in Egypt as an Islamic uprising...,
The Power Elite at Davos can suck my balls. All you have to do is have an extra $70k and you too can be part of those orgies.
What I am saying is that the Power Elite Globalists not only knew what was happening in MENA, they caused it.
Check out the connection to your hero Presidents major backer, George Soros, and that Bryzenski guy to what is happening in Egypt.
You'll never be satisfied. Your type will always find a bogeyman to rally around and hate. I suppose it's part of human nature to blame all of your problems on the easiest but really untouchable targets. If you blame all of your problems on the super-rich and powerful, you are rendered powerless and thereby blameless for your plight.
This is 8th grade woulda-coulda-shoulda-if-only-the-teacher-didn't-like-me bullshit thinking.
So, have you been to a Davos meeting? Do you know for certain what goes on there? Or are you just passing along hearsay like on all the other threads?
Great skiing at Davos. Nightlife is a bit boring though.
What I am saying is that the Power Elite Globalists not only knew what was happening in MENA, they caused it.
Check out the connection to your hero Presidents major backer, George Soros, and that Bryzenski guy to what is happening in Egypt.
Wait a second Yaron. Now you've got me confused.
Walk me through this slowly please.
Is it major traders like Soros who've precipitated the current MENA instability - and all that that portends - or - is it the Federal Reserve with it's devaluation of U.S. currency?
How does all this work, and who principally stands to gain from the collapse of MENA governments and how principally will they profit by the same? Thanks.
What do you mean untouchable targets and bogeyman? I am talking about the Federal Reserve propping up failed banks with trillions of taxpayer dollars which caused the inflation we are starting to see now.
If enough people actually understood how the Federal Reserve and fractional reserve lending works by robbing savers and the middle class then maybe we can shut that mother F'er down. Incidentally, this is the 3rd Federal Reserve in US history. The other 2 blew up just like this one is going to.
I have never been to a Davos meeting and will never go because those Jew hating Europeans make me sick. I cant wait to see when these uprisings happen in Europe. This is just like WWII, you have major new political movement spreading across the ME. Since you know Davos and Europe so well, i guess i dont have to tell you that there are many unemployed " Arab Youths" in Paris, London, etc who are just waiting for their Twitter boards to light up with the word JIHAD.
Bounjour f*ggot,
I think you are confusing your conspiracies. Keeping track of half-truths and rumors can be difficult. I suggest jotting them all down into an Excel file.
I think the Europeans would find far more and better reasons to hate you in particular than Jewish ancestry.
I said I've been to Davos, not an World Economic Forum. You see Davos is home to a great ski resort.
Now, let's not be racist Yaron. You are trying to use the term Jihad as a euphemism to engage in terrorism, and you are equating unemployed French youth of Arab ancestry as terrorists-in-waiting, all that needs to be done is to flip a switch (text message). I think it's these kind of dehumanizing rumors that allowed regular German citizens to sleep at night while your ancestors got sent to "resorts" with names like Aushwitz. Maybe you want to reconsider your words?
We've been down this road in history before. It's the banks/Rockerfellers/Rothschilds/Bush/Jews/Niggers/light-skinned/dark-skinned/unemployed/wetbacks/white man/etc/etc/etc who are to blame for ALL the worlds problems.
When are you going to give it a rest?
The FED prints trillions of new dollars, thus the dollars we have in our bank account are worth less than what they were before the Fed added new money into the systems. ie, there is more supply of dollars so you and your European friends can continue to go to bath houses and talk about killing Jews while you are circle jerking each other. Where is the conspiracy in that?
I dont want to get angry on a Friday so I will just leave you with this:
Do you remember that warm fuzzy feeling you had when you saw all those cafes and buses blow up in Israel a few ago? Well, thats how i am going to feel when that happens to your favorite Parisian bakery.
And when it does, please think of me.
And yes, i am a sick f^ck.
Bathhouses?? I think you've watched one too many episodes of "Rome".
I don't get warm fuzzy feelings when people die especially senselessly, that's why I called you out on the description you gave about "Arab Youth".
If you get warm fuzzy feelings when people die, I suppose you belong in the same group as the people who killed and tortured Poles, Slavs, Romani, homosexuals, the disabled, Russian POW's, Mason's, Jehovah's Witnesses, American POW's, and Jews during World War II.
I know you want to be provocative, but I just find you sad.
MOTI, I think another one of your team just finally broke. Do you have a healthcare plan that covers mental health issues for your team of ho's?
Am I not allowed to use the term " Arab Youth" and terrorist in the same post or what? You see DMG, unlike you and your liberal college professor bath house friends, I am not afraid to call it like it is.
Any why does everything have to go back to the Holocaust with you? That was a long time ago, time to move on. There is an entirely new threat now ( although it has roots from the Nazis).
So you are going to try to play stupid and innocent now? Man GTFOH. You aren't fooling anyone. You can use whatever you want in whatever post you want. I will be there to check you, so you may as well come correct from the beginning.
To which holocaust are you referring? I'm just giving you an example of who you are emulating. You aren't a sick fucker...you are merely a small minded asshole who wants to be provocative. But I'll tuck this little exchange away for future reference the next time you start pounding your chest when something bad happens in Israel.
When you are truly "educated you tend to steer away from the "negative attacks" and the self absorption that comes with let me see who can I attack with my aggressive tactics to hide my own anger...disappointment...insecurity...or whatever is "hidden in that closet"..many educated brothers have so much to offer to us less fortunate undereducated individuals..but they keep gettin in their OWN WAY...Peace
many educated brothers have so much to offer to us less fortunate undereducated individuals..but they keep gettin in their OWN WAY
because it's sooooo CLEARLY in the interests of the educated brothers to have legions of dumbasses easily swayed by pure-dee-pure nonsense and deeply and reflexively disrespectful of our efforts, accomplishments, and hard-won knowledge.
if you watch closely, what happens next in the MENA will prove very instructive wrt what happens when/if the educated and operationally astute brothers turn their backs on the masses of suggestible asses....,
kind of like what happened to the formerly viable and productive segregated urban neighborhoods and schools when the professional and managerial class brothers turned their backs on them.
Dr. Love,
Craig said:
"...the educated and operationally astute brothers turn their backs on the masses of suggestible asses....,
kind of like what happened to the formerly viable and productive segregated urban neighborhoods and schools when the professional and managerial class brothers turned their backs on them."
I agree with him, because if the discussions were anything like what happens here on a daily basis, I completely understand why.
I come here on my own time, sometimes to just to knock a few heads together for fun...because I can, and other times to offer you in depth information that you probably won't get without a co-pay. And what do I get in return? People talking about how we run on electricity, glucose is a waste product, and all disease is based on acidic blood pH. Many of you are too willfully stupid to understand. Others think there's some sort of democracy involved and they can vote on what is factual.
There's nothing insecure about providing evidence, facts, and reasoned analysis to counter absolute perfectly stewed to perfection ignorance.
I agree with him, because if the discussions were anything like what happens here on a daily basis, I completely understand why.
The hood got to keep the crips, bloods, and folk, the NOI, Revrun Al, MLM nutriceutical peddlers (Tahitian Noni?!?!), NBPP, Moorish Science program guys always and steady begging (for the youth), pimps, hookers, fiddypage book men, oil and incense men, afrocentric bookstores, liquor stores, fast food, payday loans (not us) funeral parlors, barbershops, bodegas (nah pakis got them), nailshops (nah, vietwimmin got them), weave and beauty supply(nah koreans got them), etc, etc, etc...,
oh yeah, and hat tip to Ronald CF/CS - local patronage politicians whose cronies haven't shown themselves capable of successfully running a single governance institution or establishment yet...,
""...the educated and operationally astute brothers turn their backs on the masses of suggestible asses....," CNu
... turned out to be a bunch of pussy ass Plantation Negro glorified employees with college degrees ... who couldn't do shit.
Bunch of faggots who think acquiring a degree bestowed upon them some "special knowledge" that could "save the hood".
Turns out these fat sick know-it-alls can barely save themselves.
The "Talented Tenth" is Freemasonry for Negros.
Truly talented black people were never produced by institutions.
Hustle Hard.
Do you live in the hood?
C'mon magne.
Bacon-Bey ben Jiggaboo is as bouzhie a kneegrow as it's humanly possible to be.
Why you think he fantasizes SOOOO hard about rhyming and posing riff-raff and is more affectatious than the thinnest richest old becky you've ever even imagined?
the most wannabe man on the Internet...,
"the hood"?
Nah Jigaboos.
I live on the beach.
whatever you say malibu becky...,
It is what I say you pork eatin' Jigaboo.
"Yes, it is what I say"
sit your simple-ass down before you get hurt.
So since you don't live in the hood, can you tell me where you come by all of your "hood knowledge"?
@Yaron inflation/FED is one slice of the issue, the truth is that according to the IMF average consumer prices decreased in 2010 by 27.95% from 2009. While it remained at 11 plus percent for 2010, the hurt was growing less than that of the year before. Maybe CNU or someone else here can break it down a little further, here is a link to the data on inflation for Egypt - http://www.indexmundi.com/egypt/inflation_rate_(consumer_prices).html but the U.S FED is not the primary reason for Egypt's inflation, maybe a contributor to it on a world scale, however your assessment on that issue is not Egyptian in nature, but U.S centric first, i.e. the problem with the FED's role here in the U.S precedes it's role in the world, as the U.S empowers the FED, the role of the FED is empowered by congress, and the congress is empowered by the people. The devaluation of the dollar is not caused by the FED, it is caused by the devaluation of our common fundamental values, you may ask what I am referring to, and in this I will have proven my point.
Secondly, don't you think you should stop complaining about the news? New agencies? Fox, MSNBC, etc? Don't you know by now those are sitcoms? The truth is that the news that we the people get on the mainstream, is exactly what we deserve. You have a shitty gov, you deserve it, you have a shitty wife, you deserve her, you have a shitty job, you deserve it. You get what you deserve. Does this sound like I am preaching? Sorry.
Yaron - I think you have been looking into the rabit hole a little too much buddy, watch a comedy, take a walk, sex a woman you love. @DMG he is right on this, you are trying make a quarter of a statement, with half the truth.
@CNU, with respect, the root cause of this is not money rushing to commodity prices/GSB that's a symptom, sure if Egypt, the world for that matter was drowning and if Goldman and crew could profit from tying anchors to the heels of these countries they would/have, but Egypt is not rioting because of inflation, obviously it can't be because that is a symptom of the market strategies enacted by money men to protect and capitalize on something else, we have to go deeper.
"...the educated and operationally astute brothers turn their backs on the masses of suggestible asses....," - CNU
I think that comment summarizes the fact that you don't know many educated, or operationally astute brothers personally, because this generalization without qualification is quite naive. There are plenty of educated and operationally astute people on both sides of the isle, the evil and good isle. I think what you meant to say is that the learned and principled don't have time to convince the masses, their too busy being Sovereign - Spiritually and Physically.
The problem with these arguments is that essentially we are being shitty technicians, fascinated in espousing our erroneous theories on the HOW of something, and less with the true goal, understanding and affecting the WHY.
I think that comment summarizes the fact that you don't know many educated, or operationally astute brothers personally, because this generalization without qualification is quite naive.
I had a very specific class of functionary in mind, my boy Cobb calls it the Slice.
I think what you meant to say is that the learned and principled don't have time to convince the masses, their too busy being Sovereign - Spiritually and Physically.
uh..., no.
The problem with these arguments is that essentially we are being shitty technicians, fascinated in espousing our erroneous theories on the HOW of something, and less with the true goal, understanding and affecting the WHY.
6 Billion or so of you no longer productive oxygen thieves gotta go.
Setting the stage for that to unfold and for the human species overshoot to be brought back to minimal regret population levels is the totality of the why. Everything else is merely conversation...,
"The problem with these arguments is that essentially we are being shitty technicians, fascinated in espousing our erroneous theories on the HOW of something, and less with the true goal, understanding and affecting the WHY.
I like this cat.
Brother bringing some style and flavor back to the discourse.
Thank God.
These nerds about to bore me to death.
""...the educated and operationally astute brothers turn their backs on the masses of suggestible asses....," - CNU
Too funny.
Arrogantly ignorant crypto-masonic clowns harboring fantasies of leveraging imagined yet 'exclusive knowledge' to lead the "unenlightened" to salvation.
70% of these supposedly "educated and operationally astute brothers" are obese and diabetic.
How in the fuck is a bunch of fat nerds with man-boobs and bad skin, moving back to the hood supposed to help black people?
The so-called "Black managerial class" is the most in need of saving.
It's them well-trained Plantation Negros most likely to get vaccinated, eat processed food, vote Democrat (like it makes a difference), take prescription drugs and still think Plantation schools have value.
The ludicrous notion of one set of better trained slaves rescuing a set of poorly trained slaves ... by "moving back to the hood" ... is so preposterous ... it could only have been conceived by someone who still eats pork.
I had a very specific class of functionary in mind, my boy Cobb calls it the Slice.
Ok you are the top echelon of middle class people, referring to yourselves as peasants, with money. Yawn.
6 Billion or so of you no longer productive oxygen thieves gotta go.
Technobrat nazi talk. Would you please take me with you into the age of singularity, or give me a seat in your spaceship with all the other "Slicers"
Arrogantly ignorant crypto-masonic clowns harboring fantasies of leveraging imagined yet 'exclusive knowledge' to lead the "unenlightened" to salvation.
Poetic Justice.
Technobrat nazi talk. Would you please take me with you into the age of singularity, or give me a seat in your spaceship with all the other "Slicers"
You and Bacon-Bey ben Wannabe can just go into the Moorish Science deep underground base at the Waushitaw mound....,
A DV shout out, and already CNu and DMG fucking with me. Good to be here fellas, hope you don't get diabetes before I get a chance to get it in.
jiggaboos steady startin some, then pretending they don't want it to be none....,
Brother Solo!
My Man.
I see you aint scared of the Jigaboo Haters either.
That's what I'm talking about.
Don't pay 'em no mind.
(Couple of corny negros aint get no punany in high school. Still mad)
Glad to see you've got the heart to confront black folks about the genocide the Plantation calls "diabetes".
If we could get black folks to value a natural diet of real food as much as they value plantation schools we could change history.
Hustle Hard
Um, young one? You got that a bit backwards. I probably would have ignored you completely if you hadn't jumped into a grown ups conversation, in your underoos insisting on doing a dance for your daddy's guests, well past your bedtime.
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