Thursday, February 03, 2011

If It Aint Hip Hop It Aint Relevant • Introduction To Memetic Cache & The Global System of Black Supremacy • DV University Spring 2011


CNu said...


"cachet" is the word you just overextended your meager vocabulary trying to reach.

Be careful Bacon-Bey ben Wannabe - don't hurt yourself playing like your wits will ever be able to keep up with your dietary and wardrobe pretensions...,

Denmark Vesey said...

Ahhhh ... lol


Jigaboo got my Johnson in a Heimlich.

No nerd.

The word is cache.

CNu said...

no douche..., (that's doosh, not do-shay, as in dooshbag, you f'ng douchebag)

ca·chet (k-sh) n.
1. A mark or quality, as of distinction, individuality, or authenticity:

cache (ksh) n.
a. A hiding place used especially for storing provisions.
b. A place for concealment and safekeeping, as of valuables.
c. A store of goods or valuables concealed in a hiding place: maintained a cache of food in case of emergencies.
2. Computer Science A fast storage buffer in the central processing unit of a computer. Also called cache memory.

Denmark Vesey said...

Nah lame.

It's "memetic cache".


I don't give a fuck what your little says.


Anonymous said...

Not that I want in on this tussle, but I realize people make unintended grammatical errors. You are saying that you've intentionally used cache instead of cachet.

Just so everyone is clear, could you please tell us what you mean by "memetic cache", rather than "memetic cachet".

Denmark Vesey said...

"please tell us what you mean by "memetic cache", rather than "memetic cachet"." DMG


"memetic cache" means: whatever I say you going to be on my Johnson.

Anonymous said...

In other words, CNu was correct, and you are too proud to admit your error.

That's fine.

I was actually interested in hearing what you had to say. Notice, I didn't jump into the fray, but rather politely asked for your clarification. But as usual you've proven yourself as deep as sidewalk spittle during a heat wave.

No surprises here.

SoloInto said...

The point is that hip hop has plenty of cachet that is used as cache to get cash.

If I may:

Cache can be the vessel, or means by which something is stored and retrieved, it can be a medium by which a transaction is facilitated between a party input and output.

Hip-Hop was the memetic cache that which Brisk utilized to store an impression, an idea, to become a placeholder in the mind.

Memetic Cachet:

Cachet can be a signal, symbol, or design conveying a message of authority, or warranty.

Hip Hop was used as a memetic cachet by brisk, imbuing hip hop's relevancy onto the product.

Anonymous said...

That's all nice and dandy, but I was interested in the hosts meaning, not one of his human shields coming to save day.