Don Findlay, Geologist said ...

Advocates will reply "Because it works'. Yet it is childishly simple to show that it doesn't. In fact it flounders on every one of its three key points - moving plates that don't move but grow, transform faults that don't transform but are simply growth fractures in the brittle growing mantle, and so-called subduction zones that plate tectonics itself acknowledges are primarily a "convenient assumption" and that do not 'subduct' (due to convection), but override (due to crust - mantle decoupling symmetrical with the Earth's spin).
And this does not take into account all the other points that it founders on consequent on ignoring the first order structure of the ocean floors) . There are no dissenting mainstream views. Why? How can this be? Is it not strange that so much of what is written in the Earth sciences is framed in the context of a model that is so manifestly deficient, and deficient on grounds that directly and patently derive from the crux of those "convenient assumptions"?
Is it not strange that these three simple points of deficit are not even acknowledged by a worldful of scientists, if not exactly focussed on? How is it possible that Earth scientists not only resolutely ignore them, but present plate tectonics ("the best model we have") as a "pinnacle of achievement"? Well, the answer is simple:-
From the Latin, consentire (to feel together), agree. 1a. Harmony co-operation or sympathy
1b. Group solidarity in sentiment and belief
2a. General agreement; unanimity accord.
2b. Collective opinion.
3. Formal statement of religious belief
3-1. To be in harmony or concord, especially in opinion, statement or sentiment.
3-2. To express a willingness (to accept a proposition or carry out a particular action); give assent or approval "
"♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ ... Let's get toge..e ..ther an' feel .. all right ...♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ "
Gerald Massey has shown the people of the South Pacific, Maori are linguistically related to the ancient people of Tah Meroe (Egypt or Kemet). Both words Maori and Meroe are pronounced Mar-eye. Often, we English speakers will most often say Mayro (Meroe) or Mayory (Maori).
IMO, it's important to come as close to the pronounciation of these people and places simply because it solidifies (on a certain level) the connection.
Great point E.
Here is what my man, the young Dr. Ali Muhammad says about that:
"In order to fully and substantively understand a word you must know and understand its history or etymology. In the Aboriginal Paradigm all words describe.
The etymology of a word will provide us with one major piece of the puzzle of understanding language and allow us to avoid a trap that many aboriginal people fall into very easily.
•Etymology will give the true meaning of words as they applied to the originators of the language and place words in their proper Culture, proving in truth that there is only ONE Language.
•Many Aboriginal People have been easily deceived by non-aboriginal peoples because one cannot explain Indigenous Black Phenomena with colonial white grafted definitions if their desire is the truth."
(Not that it matters much, but you seem to have two posts with the same title --except in this one you have Columbus spelled wrong. Makes it kind of difficult to follow, not sure you knew).
Do I? Can't tell. Careless with my spelling. Spoiled by spell check.
Thank you D.
It's over in the "lyrics" that it's spelled colombAs, which is the same title as the one below, that's all.
DMG: "DV, Let's be friends"
(They hold electronic hands)
DV: "Best friends"
Friends or enemies has nothing to do with being polite and common courtesy.
Breaking down our hosts arguments to tiny little pieces and callously pissing on them doesn't mean I have anything personal against him. Nor does politely pointing out a small housekeeping mistake that benefits the blog make him my best friend.
Trying to instigate an argument is kind of weak Anonymous...don't you think?
This is all very interesting except this concept was disproven a long time ago.
If you wanted to make the argument for long distance navigation by sea (although probably also highly implausible) I think you'd get better reception.
Why bother with this disproven idea? There's way too much hard evidence against you.
Oh, yeah that's right. You don't believe in facts or evidence. Silly me.
Oh really Doc?
Didn't realize that. Fascinating.
Thank you for clearing that up for us.
But if you don't mind ...
1) What concept was "disproven"?
2) "Disproven" by whom?
3) Can you point us to a concept which explains human origins that has been proven?
1) What concept was "disproven"?
The concept of Lemuria and Atlantis landmasses have been disproven with modern plate tectonics for one.
2) "Disproven" by whom?
You really do play this one a bit too much, you know. It's getting boring. People who know what they are talking about and have applied the Scientific Method providing evidence and reproducible methodology.
3) Can you point us to a concept which explains human origins that has been proven?
I can point you to concepts of human origins that have ALOT more hard evidence that what you are putting forth. Mitochondrial DNA provides quite a bit of evidence, not to mention physical anthropological and archaeological data.
But why should I bother. You've already made up your mind about this. Or what you are really doing is attempting to goad me into an argument. But really you brought up the subject--it's on YOU to prove your "theory" (quotes, small t as in uneducated guess).
Of course you are going to attempt to say that I have to prove the prevailing Theory (capital T as in how the word is used in the scientific community).
I don't.
DMG said...
1) What concept was "disproven"?
"The concept of Lemuria and Atlantis landmasses have been disproven with modern plate tectonics for one."
That's interesting Doc.
Didn't you know that the "modern plate tectonics" theory was "disproven"?
2) "Disproven" by whom?
"You really do play this one a bit too much, you know. It's getting boring. People who know what they are talking about and have applied the Scientific Method providing evidence and reproducible methodology." DMG
My apologies Doc.
Didn't intend to offend your sensibilities by considering the possible fallibility of the Knowledge Authorities who are in the business of "disproving" things.
I forgot they were all powerful and ... right ... all the time.
Why ... it is even heresy to doubt them.
My apologies. I was obviously out of line.
3) Can you point us to a concept which explains human origins that has been proven?
"I can point you to concepts of human origins that have ALOT more hard evidence that what you are putting forth." DMG
I'd like to know. I want to learn more about this and I'm open to any line of reasoning that makes sense.
Please share them:
"Mitochondrial DNA provides quite a bit of evidence, not to mention physical anthropological and archaeological data." DMG
If I may.
"Mitochondrial DNA provides quite a bit of evidence" ... of what?
What theory does Mitochondrial DNA evidence support?
Thanks man.
I'm looking forward to your answers.
You are opening entirely new doors for me.
This new learning amazes me. Explain again how sheep bladders may be employed to prevent earthquakes?
Yeah, see you would have known that if you had paid attention in junior high school science class. It's not Earth shattering information anymore, you know.
And no. Modern plate tectonics hasn't been "disproven" no matter how many wild eyed naysayers with blogs you try so feebly to prop up. But all I need to say is:
And you won't. Because you can't. You'll just continue to gesticulate wildy, while talking about what I was "trained to think". When are you going to stop with these slow pitch softball "challenges". It really does get boring whooping your ass. Aren't you embarrassed at least a little bit, that there's an electronic record of these conversations?
mtDNA is inherited exclusively from the mother, and is a way to track migration patterns. There are somethings that may be done to track male lineages too. Physical anthropology is an interesting subject, as is genetic inheritance...you know genetic is the first letter of that abbreviation you toss around so loosely. GMO.
Absolutely Doc.
I'm very embarrassed.
Honestly don't know if I can take anymore of these "ass whoopings".
I should have listened to you from the beginning.
Lemuria and Atlantis have been "Disproven".
Asking by "whom" is ridiculous.
And Plate Tectonics has NOT been "disproven" because the geologist who disproves it is not the same as the geologist who "disproved" Atlantis and Lemuria.
Got it.
Thank you for "whooping my ass" and straightening everything out for us.
Man you're smart.
DMG said...
"mtDNA is inherited exclusively from the mother, and is a way to track migration patterns."
Great Doc. Thank you for that.
So please. Tell us. What does this mtDNA evidence tell us about human migration patterns?
Admitting your failures is half the battle. Congratulations.
I'm very sure the same search engine you use to dig up that sewage you call information will provide volumes of well researched information on the use of mtDNA on human migration patterns.
I don't know if I can take another one of DMG's "ass whoopin's".
DMG just "proved" to us that Black people are not indigenous to all areas of the planet.
White people "brought" all black people to America.
Plate Tectonics "disproves" the possible existence of antediluvian lands Lemuria and Atlantis.
DMG made an EXCELLENT point when he dismissed the argument geologist Don Findlay, with 30 years experience, who says the "Theory of Plate Tectonics" "founders on every one of its three key points - moving plates that don't move but grow, transform faults that don't transform but are simply growth fractures in the brittle growing mantle, and so-called subduction zones that plate tectonics itself acknowledges are primarily a "convenient assumption" and that do not 'subduct' (due to convection), but override (due to crust - mantle decoupling symmetrical with the Earth's spin)."
That can't be true DMG says.
Because "Don Findlay has a blog".
Can't argue with that Doc.
Guess you got me.
The ... geologist ... has ... a ... blog.
End of discussion.
Nothing left to say after that revelation.
You a deep cat Doc.
You can yap all you want. The evidence is available for anyone interested in understanding human migration...which of course does not only include the multitude of slave trades throughout history.
As always, I try to provide interesting information. Our host only wants to provide...
A show.
Please note our host used 188 words, 961 characters, but was not able to refute one word. So, you have to ask yourself--what motivates our resident clown? It's certainly not truth, or any real interest in this subject matter. Time and again he defecates some of the weakest ideas with the worst "scholarship" (if it can even be called such) onto your computer screen and expects you not only to smell, chew, and swallow that fetid garbage, but expects you to gleefully request more.
He thinks his readers are stupid.
"You can yap all you want. The evidence is available for anyone interested in understanding human migration..." DMG
Evidence that what ___________ about human migration?
You are arguing just to be arguing.
You don't even have a point ... an assertion ... a position.
You are just opposing the opponent of your master.
Like a loyal dog.
Please, enough with the silly blog tricks.
1. You brought up the subject
2. You failed to prove your point.
3. I reminded you that there's much data to the contrary.
4. You attempt to shift the onus probandi to me to prove the prevailing Theory (capital T) which is clearly available for anyone to see.
5. You gesticulate wildly in an attempt to continue on with your clown show to draw attention away from your glaring failure to prove your assertion.
I think I covered your modus operandi fairly well.
Now, please sit your clown ass down...you are boring the class with your antics.
Denmark did you notice that the good doctor still has failed to answer your question?
"Evidence that what ___________ about human migration?"
Have you noticed our good host has not proven his original assertion?
The burden of proof isn't on me, it's on him.
Maybe you should re-read my above post.
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