Sunday, January 30, 2011

Same People Behind "Rock The Vote" In US ... Behind "Twitter Revolution" / Destabilization Campaign In Egypt?

Egypt protests: America's secret backing for rebel leaders behind uprising
The American government secretly backed leading figures behind the Egyptian uprising who have been planning “regime change” for the past three years, The Daily Telegraph has learned.  - By Tim Ross, Matthew Moore and Steven Swinford

Denmark Vesey said ...

The Telegraph, with supporting documentation, is claiming US controlled sources are behind Egypt's little Social Media Revolution playing on every Plantation Media outlet near you.

Apparently the protest leader, Mohamed ElBaradei is on the Board of Trustees of the "International Crisis Group" ... a George Soros front.

Guess who is the ICG's closest advisor?  Yup.  Super gobalist Zbigniew Brzezinski.

That's like finding out David Duke is on the Board of Trustees of the United Negro College Fund.

The Plantation is engineering this whole thing.  ElBaradei was in and out of Egypt as early as February 2010, organizing his National Front for Change. 

Google “ElBaradei”.

You will find the Plantation media has just about annointed this globalist shill the next "President of Egypt".

Peep Time Magazine’s little foray into political porn: “Will ElBaradei Run for President of Egypt?”

Why is the Plantation doing this?  Disruption is a weapon.  Destroying the governments and the economies of Arab nations fulfills the neocon quest to convert the entire Arab world into one big Gaza Strip. 

Soon after the Israelization of the US was complete, US Foreign Policy began to resemble a Likudist fantasy.
Can DV call 'em,
or can DV call 'em?


makheru bradley said...

The “Wikileaks” line makes sense in Iran because the Zionist lobby supported those protests. It does not make sense in Egypt b/c there is no way the Zionist support a fluid situation wrought with uncertainty--which includes the threat of the Muslim Brotherhood gaining power. All one needs to do is scan some of the headlines in Israel.

"Egypt crisis be worst disaster since Iran’s revolution"

"The Egyptian masses won't play ally to Israel"

"Without Egypt, Israel will be left with no friends in Mideast"

"Obama's betrayal / As goes Mubarak, so goes U.S. might"

"Obama will go down in history as the president who lost Egypt"

You can bet your bottom dollar that the Zionist lobby is pressuring Obama to secure an outcome that benefits Israel, democracy and human rights be damned.

Denmark Vesey said...

"You can bet your bottom dollar that the Zionist lobby is pressuring Obama to secure an outcome that benefits Israel, democracy and human rights be damned." MB

On the surface Brother Makheru ... yes. But I think you've missed this one.

Look at it again:

What "benefits Israel" is subjective.


Many Israelis think Israel would benefit from peace and healthy relations with its neighbors.

A minority of Israelis think Israel benefits from continuous strife with their neighbors.

(How much "Aid / Loan Guarantees" would Israel receive if there was peace in the region?)

That minority of warmongers is in control in Israel (and some say they are in control in the US as well)

Reducing the Zionist's oil rich Arab enemies to isolated collapsed nations of radicalized mobs ... weakens its enemies and provides the globalists with endless excuses for intervention and preemptive attacks.


All of this was laid out nicely by PNAC in it's 1996 manifesto "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm"

This is all part of the script.

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote] fulfills the neocon quest to convert the entire Arab world into one big Gaza Strip. [/quote]

Brother DV:

Your "Neo-Con" reference only makes sense IF the present "Obama Administration" is accepted as a CONTINUATION of American policy and not an abrupt shift.

There is a progressive-fundamentalist author named Chris Hedges who I saw yesterday. He calls them out as such.

Another point of irony is that those who are pushing for "Net Neutrality" in THIS nation where the GOVERNMENT will play a stronger hand in regulating the Internet can't see that in Egypt, Algeria and Tunisia - the GOVERNMENT enacted its hand in their Internet - shutting it down in an attempt to take away an important channel of communication.

Unless people believe that "The US Government would never do this to us" - their demands for MORE government regulation of the Internet is puzzling.