Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Real Housewives of DenmarkVesey.Net

CNu said ... How am I doing Doc? 
DMG said ... Not too good CNu. Blood pressure up.  I'm going to increase your dosage of Lopressor.  You've got to take it easy.  What's eatin' you.
CNu said ... It's that damn Denmark Vesey Doc ... I ... I just hate his guts. I   
DMG said ... Oh God. Are we going there again today?  I thought we were going to monitor your pressure, prescribe a few drugs, take a dozen x-rays, give you a flu shot, take a CAT scan, check your prostate and look at these man-boobs. Routine. Don't get yourself worked up.
CNu said ... I, I, I know Doc.  But this guy gets to me. He, he calls himself "The Blackest Man On The Internet!".  I checked the Technocrati rankings!! I'm higher than his!!  But he says I'm irrelevant!  But nooooo it's Brioni this and Raw Samosas that and and and light skinned pretty bitches all over the place!!
DMG said ... Tell me about it.  Next thing you know he busts out with a rhyme 'It took a thousand year bloodline, and a million stars to align, to develop a jawline,this divine.' I hate that shit! Like. You know. Like. He can't make a point without rhyming. Like. Like that's supposed to make him Blacker than me or something.
CNu said ... Only reason I've been coming to this blog 8 to 12 times a day for the past 4 years is to make fun of him and to make sure nobody takes what he says seriously.  I consider it like.  My job. You know like, if I don't tell people, they might start believing all of this Moorish Indigenous, Private Education, Black Black Blackety Black Vegetarian, GetAChick  ying yang he's peddling.  It's up to me to stop Denmark Vesey.  I've.  I've ... dedicated my life to stopping DV.
DMG said ... Wow. Everyday for 4 years CNu?  That is a bit much.
CNu said ...   What?!  What?!  Are you trying to say I'm on his Johnson?  Fuck you Doc. You here everyday too!  How many times you threaten to leave and come back huh?!  You no better than me!
DMG said ... You've got some nerve!  At least I win all of my arguments with him!  He makes you look ridiculous!  Jigaboo!!  Get out!  Get out!


Anonymous said...

Forgot about this dodge...you know I'm still waiting.

CNu said...


Elvira fixed his plate full of kale chips and brought him another pond-scum smoothie while they watch Bravo together...,

Anonymous said...

What?! What?! Are you trying to say I'm on his Johnson? Fuck you Doc. You here everyday too!

;-] rofhilarious!

Anonymous said...

It's always those dull cats, who don't know how to throw down....

What is wrong with motherfuckers who try to get in a cheap, limp wristed shot, from the back of the crowd?

There's a word for that you know...

Constructive Feedback said...

Brother DV:

I love that picture of KC Nulan.

The top 4 pix on your site:

1) That slim young thang that is at the top of your blog

2) Beverly Johnson

3) KC Nulan leaning up against the pole

4) KC Nulan at the physician

I needed a good laugh after a stressful week. What better way to laugh than at KC Nulan's expense.

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

Anonymous said...

Ronald A. Barr aka Conservative Feedback got his ass outed by CNu a few years ago.

Been cryin like a little bitch and stalking the brother ever since.

Look up dick-riding faggot and you'll see this motherfucker's picture.

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]Been cryin like a little bitch and stalking the brother ever since.
Look up dick-riding faggot and you'll see this motherfucker's picture.[/quote]

Stalking KC Nulan?

Clearly this is a matter of YOU having a weak stomach where you can't bear to see someone pushing back on a bully. For some reason your ideological bigotry based BLINDNESS causes you to not see BOTH SIDES of the exchange between KC Nulan and I.

Unlike what you clearly display - it appears that KC Nulan is able to take a confrontational exchange without the type of "itis" that YOU display.

I guess it wasn't a problem to you when you saw KC Nulan threatening to "drop a dime" to my employer - thus getting a BLACK FAMILY tossed out on the street per my threatened job loss? DID YOU?

Funny how on "Fight The Power" radio show all last week the Atlanta school system probation as rendered by an external accrediting agency was framed as a Black board member calling in "The White Massa" to stop a fight between BLACK FOLKS on the school board. I have little doubt that YOU are too biased and bigoted to see that the THREAT registered by KC Nulan to BOTH tell my employer AND publish my personal contact information on the Internet was crossing the line - putting MY FAMILY AT RISK!!! "Calling MASSA" to get a Black man fired was DUE PUNISHMENT for me. Wasn't it? That will teach ME!!


What type of body part should I call YOU?
One associated with digestive system who's job is to discharge solid waste OR one that is used to expel the byproducts from the renal system?

Step off - Punk

CNu said...


You remember our shit-and-shoe moment like it was just yesterday.

Guess you're still struggling with personal responsibility and taking ownership of what you write online.

Never fear, if somebody tells massa that you're out of pocket with what you say, Bacon-Bey Ben Israel is here to save the day.

Why I'm sure he'll welcome you and your little snaggle-tooth crew into his home with open arms until he can put you on with Marcus Counts (Dr. Ali Muhammad) or the Washitaw Moorish Science Temple.

Of course, you can always go back to being one of Bishop Eddie Longs special disciples....,

Anonymous said...

Anonymous you are a


I am not, and I hope no one else is interested in following up on your little bitch snitch shyt. That's tread'n on a man's honor.

Nigga either comment on something relevant or go to youtube and bitch-snitch the latest gossip on Justin Bieber or someth'n.

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]Guess you're still struggling with personal responsibility and taking ownership of what you write online. [/quote]

KC Nulan:

I would love for you to take your notion of "Personal Responsibility" and apply it to your friends:

* DeVega
* Thrasher
* Large Swaths Of "Ideological Machine Mates" that have taken over the HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTIONS within our community

The FACTS show that more Black people have been "Put Out Of Their Homes" (see Camden, East St Louis, Detroit and Flint) from THE POLICIES and IDEOLOGY that they support than any "Drop The Dime To Massa" mission that you can think of.

When will YOU ask them to "take responsibility" for the damage that has been perpetuated by what you have supported? When will you tell of the CONSEQUENCES?

Worst of all - when will you go back and play the VIDEO TAPES of the promises made just prior to YOU doing your part of the transaction? You yielded your COMMUNITY CONSCIOUSNESS first and then transacted your VOTE for their benefit. Now is the time for the show of INTEGRITY - by daring to ask your ideological friends to PROVE that what they have promised has come true. Where is the EARNEST MONEY that you have asked that they pay before you continue any further?

WHERE is the proof of the ORGANIC COMPETENCIES that have been DEVELOPED among our people as this force has grown?


CNu said...

I would love for you to take your notion of "Personal Responsibility" and apply it to your friends:

These are no more my "friends" than you are Ronald. What they share in common is the God-given good sense to have never ever attempted to go in on me.

When will YOU ask them to "take responsibility" for the damage that has been perpetuated by what you have supported? When will you tell of the CONSEQUENCES?

Jiggaboo please.

Here's exactly where you stop making sense.

"what I have supported?"

You have no idea what I support or what I have supported politically or culturally.

All you know is that I don't support neoconservatism, warsocialism, teabaggery, and the white-identity politics forming the backdrop of the GOP.

On that basis alone, you decided that I was an ideological enemy that you would caricature and attempt confront and caricature at every available opportunity, and, in every available blogospheric context.

Going in on me like that can only end one way, as you now know, and that's very, very badly.

The truth of the matter is that your pedantic antics have evolved over the past couple years to the point where they've begun to make a little sense. You've figured out a thing or two and actually found a unique voice. You are not wholly without value.

Formerly it was just so much disorganized and extremist attack noise, disinformation, GOP jiggaboology, and faux anonymous bravado.

Worst of all - when will you go back and play the VIDEO TAPES of the promises made just prior to YOU doing your part of the transaction?

I won't.

If you were on fire Ronald, and I REALLY had to pee, you'd still be out of luck because you are wholly without value to me.

Now is the time for the show of INTEGRITY - by daring to ask your ideological friends to PROVE that what they have promised has come true. Where is the EARNEST MONEY that you have asked that they pay before you continue any further?

YOU want me to rewind and cut YOU some slack? Then YOU show INTEGRITY Ronald and own up to the prior error of your ways. Man up and apologize for playing the fool with me. It's as simple as that.

Until then, we can continue our zero-sum spiral until the cows come home and I will gleefully pee on your ashes....,

Constructive Feedback said...

(I just deleted my rebuttal. Its not worth it).


* Safe streets to allow our community fabric to be strengthened via congregational interactions - absent the fear violence

* Quality Education Expressed Via The INSTITUTIONS that are now under our community's control to allow our key HUMAN RESOURCES to be sculpted into the Professional Service Agents that will lift our community up to the desired standard of living

* Thriving Local Economies - where EQUAL HUMAN BEINGS are able to trade their goods and services in a marketplace AND develop their skills in the process of service delivery

* Healthy Lifestyles and Relationship Outcomes to ensure our people live a long and healthy life with fulfilling relationships along the way

* SOLUTIONS that are ENDURING and COMPREHENSIVE - propagated into the future via INCULCATION

* SOLUTIONS that leverage our own HUMAN RESOURCES as the primary vehicle for the community's TRANSFORMATION. The development of ORGANIC COMPETENCIES within will dictate the heights that are reached.

The first 4 have been extracted from THE MASSES - ideology be damned.

The last 2 are NECESSARY CONSTRAINTS to prevent certain people to mistake a FISH HANDOUT for FISHING SKILLS.

There is no surprise to ME that YOU view "my views" as "whack". There is a bit of a vested interest in doing so - no different than the guilty verdict of the "All White Jury" of the past against their adversary.

It is quite interesting that you don't appear to be bothered by (SUPPOSED) Black community activists that can ONLY be called "Progressive" and "Democratic Party" SELLOUTS.

No matter how much they sound like a ventriloquist dummy for these forces. NO MATTER how much THEIR ENEMIES LIST appear to be 100% LIKE their ideological and partisan brothers - I SEE NO REPUDIATION FROM YOU.

HOWEVER - WHEN I call out SOLD OUT NEGROES who see ENEMY RESULTS seen in the Black community TO-DAMNED-DAY and note the SILENCE - then, sir.................My views are "Whack" per your jaundiced vision.

I have learned along the way to - ONLY accept the measurements of those who's yard stick is to spec.

CNu said...

There is no surprise to ME that YOU view "my views" as "whack". There is a bit of a vested interest in doing so - no different than the guilty verdict of the "All White Jury" of the past against their adversary.


you're your very own worst enemy moron.

oh well...your ashes make as a good a piss target as any...,

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]oh well...your ashes make as a good a piss target as any...,

I would be more impressed with you if you:

* Went to the heart of the hood in KC and found a brother who FELT LIKE "piss" due to the inferior position that he has assumed per the community's failure to prepare him for the real world outside of their closed off section. IF YOU could build him up, not making him "piss worthy" this would be grand

* Failing that - It would be great if you RESPONDED to DV's script where he read you.

You figure that you can get away from that azz kicking by focusing on the azz kicking you are due from me?

Your ego is like a black hole - self-serving, consuming of all light that dares to come near you.

Go The Phuck Back IN THE BASEMENT!!

CNu said...


Ronald, did you notice how even your presumptive "natural ally" (the enemy of my enemy is my friend) Bacon-Bey Ben Israel left you to your own paltry and pathetic devices on this thread?