Thursday, January 20, 2011

Love Your Kids? Don't Vaccinate ... The Amish Anomaly

The autism rate for Plantation children is 1 in 166, according to the federal government.
The autism rate for the Amish around Middlefield, Ohio, is 1 in 15,000.

What's the difference?  The Amish don't vaccinate.

 DMG, The Plantation Negro MD accuses Dr. Andrew Wakefield of being a "fraud".  In fact he says he has been "proven" fraudulent.  Listen to Dr. Wakefield ... then read DMG.  Listen to Dr. Wakefield ... then read DMG. Who really sounds like a fraud?  

When so many millions of black people are sick and getting sicker everyday,  why do so many Negro MD's lend credibility to a medical industrial paradigm that profits from treating sickness and considers prevention the anti-thesis to profit?
DMG said...
Um, this is an old and untrue statement (I'm sure you already know that) that the Amish don't vaccinate....and that autism rates are somehow related. "The idea that the Amish do not vaccinate their children is untrue,” says Dr. Kevin Strauss, MD, a pediatrician at the CSC. “We run a weekly vaccination clinic and it’s very busy.” He says Amish vaccinations rates are lower than the general population’s, but younger Amish are more likely to be vaccinated than older generations. Strauss also sees plenty of Amish children showing symptoms of autism. “Autism isn’t a diagnosis - it’s a description of behavior. We see autistic behaviors along with seizure disorders or mental retardation or a genetic disorder, where the autism is part of a more complicated clinical spectrum.” Fragile X syndrome and Retts is also common among the clinic’s patients."

That's from 2008. You are running kind of late with this one. Link You DID get the message that the "researcher" who did the vaccine-autism study was proven FRAUDULENT right? Come on man. That's kind of week, but hey it's a Thursday, so all is forgiven. How about something else?

"I worked in a PA hospital that treated a lot of Amish. And I witnessed them being lied to and bullied into vaccines. And you can bet those babies are not vaccinated on the CDC's insane schedule --most were vaccinated when they were brought into the ER when sick.
YEAH, you read that right. The babies would be sick enough that they sought the ER and they would leave with a round of vaccines."
Denmark Vesey said ...
DMG,  you're a nice guy and I'm sure deep down inside you mean well.  But you are a Plantation Negro, and alas, you think like a Plantation Negro.

You've been trained in Plantation schools.  You've been programed to reflexively defend Plantation institutions. Like an obedient pet, you defend the memes of the Plantation as if they were your own.

You are in such a rush to side with the Plantation that you attempt to defend the indefensible.  The Pharmaceutical lobby is the largest and most wealthy political lobby in America.  To protect their billions in profits they spend millions on disinformation and blatant propaganda to keep the peasants from discovering the truth about the dangers of mass vaccinations for profit.

Predictably, DMG The Plantation Negro MD regurgitates the Amish disinformation myths of the Pharmaceutical companies without checking.

DMG ... at least try ... to address the CONTENT of Dr. Wakefield's points before you revert to your Pavlovian impulse to attack the messenger.  Try bruh.


Anonymous said...

hey dv:

what books would you recommend to learn more about vaccines and children?

Denmark Vesey said...

I wouldn't recommend a book.

Outdated by the time they are printed and shipped.

This is 2011.

If I wanted to learn more about vaccines I'd go to the archives of ... and take it from there.

DMG said...

Um, this is an old and untrue statement (I'm sure you already know that) that the Amish don't vaccinate....and that autism rates are somehow related.

"The idea that the Amish do not vaccinate their children is untrue,” says Dr. Kevin Strauss, MD, a pediatrician at the CSC. “We run a weekly vaccination clinic and it’s very busy.” He says Amish vaccinations rates are lower than the general population’s, but younger Amish are more likely to be vaccinated than older generations.
Strauss also sees plenty of Amish children showing symptoms of autism. “Autism isn’t a diagnosis - it’s a description of behavior. We see autistic behaviors along with seizure disorders or mental retardation or a genetic disorder, where the autism is part of a more complicated clinical spectrum.” Fragile X syndrome and Retts is also common among the clinic’s patients." That's from 2008. You are running kind of late with this one. Link

You DID get the message that the "researcher" who did the vaccine-autism study was proven FRAUDULENT right?

Come on man. That's kind of week, but hey it's a Thursday, so all is forgiven. How about something else?

Intellectual Insurgent said...

what books would you recommend to learn more about vaccines and children?

The absolute best book on the subject is The Vaccine Safety Manual by Neil Z. Miller. I've ready so many others, including Dr. Sears' empty, waste-of-paper, The Vaccine Book, and nothing comes close to Miller's compilation of relevant information on the subject.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

You DID get the message that the "researcher" who did the vaccine-autism study was proven FRAUDULENT right?

Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't the UK Medical Board go after him for allegedly failing to disclose financial ties of some sort? They never said that the data that was published was fraudulent. They nitpicked the CONCLUSIONS, but not the DATA. The DATA speaks for itself.

If all other so-called "researchers" (like the guy who got busted faking 28 studies) were held to the same standard, most so-called prestigious medical journals wouldn't have anything to publish. LOL!!

Anonymous said...

Good info, going to express it to the universe and tell'm DV sent it.

Denmark Vesey said...



What up soldiers?!

uglyblackjohn said...

IDK DeeVee - The Amish live such different lives that vaccinations might be the last thing that determines their Autism rates.
Diet might have more of an influence.
Radiation from eletrical devices...
Toxins from plastics...
Doing physical labor...

CNu said...

Correct me if I am wrong,

Gladly, how the case against MMR vaccine was fixed. From the Lancet.

CNu said...

Wakefield was working on a lawsuit,7 for which he sought a bowel-brain “syndrome” as its centrepiece. Claiming an undisclosed £150 (€180, $230) an hour through a Norfolk solicitor named Richard Barr, he had been confidentially 8 put on the payroll two years before the paper was published, eventually grossing him £435 643, plus expenses.

Curiously, however, Wakefield had already identified such a syndrome before the project which would reputedly discover it. “Children with enteritis/disintegrative disorder [an expression he used for bowel inflammation and regressive autism] form part of a new syndrome,” he and Barr explained in a confidential grant application to the UK government’s Legal Aid Board before any of the children were investigated. “Nonetheless the evidence is undeniably in favour of a specific vaccine induced pathology.”

The two men also aimed to show a sudden-onset “temporal association”—strong evidence in product liability. “Dr Wakefield feels that if we can show a clear time link between the vaccination and onset of symptoms,” Barr told the legal board, “we should be able to dispose of the suggestion that it’s simply a chance encounter.”

What follows is a detailed break down of how Dr. Wakefield carefully manufactured these temporal associations, in order to bolster the bogus lawsuits he and others were planning to profit from. You must read this article. At the end is a summary of the fraud at the center of the MMR -> Autism bullshit that continues today

Denmark Vesey said... "helping doctors make better decisions"


The Plantation Negro appetite for pharmaceutical company sponsored disinformation knows no bounds.

DMG said...

Why would I address FRAUD? The dude LIED about his results. There is no content.

But, carry on with your fantasy.

DMG said...


I will correct you. You are wrong. Period. I falsified his data.

What more do you want?

CNu said...

One wonders at the motivation for a LaRouchian front operation (infowars) to peddle such obvious nonsense.

DMG - do you believe that it's simply for the page views, click-throughs, and advertising revenues that Alex Jones, Phil Collins, and all the other LaRouche front monkeys ceaselessly peddle lies and disinformation to the suggestible, ignorant, and stupid?

Do you believe this constitutes a clique, an in-group to which the credulous and fearful can belong, and in that belonging, derive some sense of grip, meaning, identity?

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Interesting article Craig. Having worked with "expert" witnesses, nothing in the accusations is out of the realm of what happens in lawsuits. Our clients have paid guys who DMG worships as Gods to reach conclusions that were convenient for our case. And cut them from the payroll when they didn't.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the recommendations insurgent!

DMG said...

Oh, II, seriously--do you NEED to always come with the "worship" and "gods" bullshit?

For someone who uses "intelligent" in her moniker, you sure do disappoint...ALOT.

The dude fucking LIED. HE FALSIFIED DATA. His "research" hasn't been duplicated. His collaborators have disavowed him. But you want to come in with some weak-sauce "argument" about how you've "worked with expert witnesses". Give it a rest if you don't have anything to offer on the topic. The case has been closed in the scientific community for YEARS. Just because you want to cling to falsehoods is not my problem.

And this "payroll" nonsense. You actually believe there is a great big medical conspiracy, and we are all getting a financial cut. Pathetic.

DMG said...


I have NO clue why these supposedly intelligent people (one who was trained as a lawyer) find it so very, very hard to verify, fact check, and vet the information they so carelessly toss on the internet.

Getting fooled by something that's not in your field is understandable. Perpetuating absolute garbage again, and again is criminal.

Our host does it to be provocative. I get it--get people talking, discussing (maybe get some blog revenue--how does that work?) fine. But the resident lawyer in the bunch (whose own sister is a pediatrician), there's really no excuse. II, you've been told that you are wrong. It's been explained to you in nauseating detail. The original research with annotations has been presented right to you...but still you persist.

It's called denial. Deal with it.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

DMG, you obviously didn't do so well with reading comprehension.

Your terrets outburst in no way addresses or relates to my comment to Craig, which acknowledges the correction to my prior misconception about Wakefield. But you're still arguing as if I am putting Wakefield on a pedestal?

Go get some rest and get a grip Doc.

DMG said...


My dear, when you are going to accuse me of having a disease, at least spell it correctly. But that's not just a simple spelling error, now is it?

This is my point about you.


Thank you for the perfectly timed illustration.

By the way it's Tourette Syndrome or disorder named for Gilles de la Tourette. A simple Google search would have helped.

Anonymous said...

Conspiracy DMG?

Accruing wealth at the risk of harming others is an ancient formula…especially if it’s up in digits that nobody counts to.

Manufacturers are not liable…no regulatory control behind vaccines? Parker Bros. need to update their board game with the real word.

Once you get vaccinated you can't undo it. Something that is “undoable” is a concern for any person of sound mind.

If somewhere down the line it’s decided that certain vaccines are faulty, by government standards, what do people do? Looks like the safe amount of fluoridation in water is faulty. So what do people do with that, time travel to undo the harmful effects on children’s teeth (make-believing that’s the only issue with fluoridation)?

Either the government needs get vaccine’s threats of permanent disabilities and/or death down to 0% or take the four words of advice Black Bush gave to the UN.

DMG said...

"Either the government needs get vaccine’s threats of permanent disabilities and/or death down to 0%..."

GeeChee...just what do you mean by "threats of permanent disabilities and/or death"? Do you even know what the rates of adverse reactions ACTUALLY and demonstrably attributable to a vaccines?

Absolute 0 is an unattainable number, and is rarely used for anything in medicine and quite frankly is ridiculous. Look, I have no intention of wasting much time on this, because it's all been said before. The benefit of vaccination FAR OUTWEIGHS any potential risks. BILLIONS of vaccines have been given and adverse events (including minor events) have been small. There are volumes of data-look it up. It's not hidden.

As far as I'm concerned everyone has the right to be an ignorant jackass and NOT get vaccinated, just like everyone has the right to be chased by a pack of hungry wolves...and NOT duck into the safety of a nearby cabin because there might be a small kitten inside who could possibly scratch you.

No matter what I say, the volumes of evidence I produce, or details I explain somebody is going to throw out some ignorant ass unsubstantiated nonsense, they got off a blog or overheard from cousin Pookies baby mama's neighbors hairdresser about somebody who got sick from something the "doctor did" (because surely it couldn't be the pot of crisco they were drinking or the crack they were smoking).

Now about this accruing wealth thing. Insinuating that physicians are making a buck at the expense of someones health is just insulting, and played the fuck out. It demonstrates your ignorance of the medical profession, the pharmaceutical industry, and is just a weak argument. If you want to buy into some sort of "Matrix" evil mass medical conspiracy--then knock yourself out. Talk amongst yourself. I just don't want to hear that nonsense anymore.

DMG said...

By the the "Black Bush" skit--he got called out to PROVE IT. Or did you not watch the whole thing?

Anonymous said...

"Absolute 0 is an unattainable number"-DMG

Very good DMG, you worked out the math. Yes, it is unattainable. So that leaves only option two.

"Do you even know what the rates of adverse reactions ACTUALLY and demonstrably attributable to a vaccines?"DMG

The National Vaccine Information Center says in a 1994 survey that 18% of 159 doctors' offices make a report when there are adverse reactions to vaccinations.

Those rates can only be accurately obtained through the participation of humane doctors. Obviously since children erupting into violent fits AFTER vaccinations is pure coincidence or conspiracy to you, I take it you would not have been in that 18%.

"everyone has the right to be an ignorant jackass and NOT get vaccinated"

Please don't sit up here and suggest the vaccinated public are some informed educated community.

Your, "Pookies baby mama's neighbors," are the very ones in the vaccine lines. They aren't reading the books II suggested and weighing evidence.

They do not know how the tongue bone is connected to the cheek bone like that hambone argument you always tossing out.

These are the educated parents (receiving paychecks for putting their children on drugs for A.D.D) you speak of. Really? This is your idea of "informed" parenthood?

In your world, parents that are the opposite of these are ignorant jackasses?

Shut up.

...and your analogies suck.

DMG said...

For an artist you sure aren't as creative as I would have hoped.

No dumbass it does not leave "only one option". Do you even know what an adverse reaction is? Reportable adverse reactions aren't always attributable to the intervention. And who the fuck cares about nausea and slight headache when the flip side is a debilitating illness.

Well at least I know you've run out of gas since you are going with the "shut up" gambit.

Go paint me something.

Anonymous said...

"Reportable adverse reactions aren't always attributable to the intervention."DMG

Good deduction Hambone. Anti-Vaccine parents are not turning over tables because of "slight headaches."

No, it does leave YOU and western science with option two because eugenics is not an option three.

But coming from someone bitch'n 'bout "gang members" (in a Huxtable sweater wear'n accent) wanting to buy grenades off of soldiers, as if grenades are currently in the right hands, I don't expect you to see beyond crayola renderings.

You're not ready for a painting. Get pass Picture Page first.

DMG said...


Well, having actually been approached with a potential purchase order for fragmentation grenades and a 81mm mortar tube and projectiles...

And where do you get this accent thing? Because I can actually spell, and don't use online affectations of bad grammar? Please.