Thursday, January 20, 2011

Communism Isn't Cute Anymore. It Has Become Fascism. It Has Become Corporatism. It Has Become The Government of The United States

"The appellation of “communism” comes from the Latin root communis, which means “group” living. Fascism is a derivation of the Italian word fascio, which is translated as “bundle” or “group. ” Both fascism and communism are forms of coercive group living, or more succinctly, collectivism. The only substantial difference between the two is fascism’s limited observance of private property rights, which is ostensible at best given its susceptibility to rigid government regulation. Recall Adolf Hitler’s confession that “the whole of National Socialism is based on Marx” (Martin, p. 239, 1990). Nazism (a variant of fascism) is derivative of Marxism. The historical conflicts between communism and fascism were merely feuds between two socialist totalitarian camps, not two dichotomously related forces." Phillip D. Collins The Scientific Dictatorship

DMG & CNu said ...

No, it's a discussion of government political systems of which you have NO grasp.I Let's be real. You wouldn't know a Fascist if she were sleeping in your own bed. I thought he was making a funny on the Larooshiferian Jew obsession and simultaneously illustrating the gulf separating a dedicated alpha from the two-legged livestock celebrated hereabouts...., Negro, you are still playing the "make up my own definition game" like we haven't peeped your dirty drawers yet. You are as played out as your lap dog Thordaddy and his perseveration about the same thing on ANY subject posted. Do you REALLY think you are fooling anybody?
Denmark Vesey said ...
The lion kills a gazelle.

And here come a couple of hyenas.

If it aint some Plantation MD with Monkey Virus Juice dripping out his nose it's some sci-fi Negro know-it-all technocrat wannabe with man-boobs.

All up in the spot. Rolling their eyes. Sucking their teeth.

(Negros hate on DV like it's their job)

What's the matter? Ya'll miss Daddy huh? Cool.

I understand.

Hell. I would miss me too.


What you two Plantation Negro Thought Police want? Why you pulling me over for doing 56 in a 55? Quit beating around the bush. Why you got your lips poked out?

Do either of you squares actually have a comment about communism?

Or did you just have a meeting of the Negros Against DV Coalition?

No. Let me guess.

"Communism was invented by bacteria or ... Communism in moderation is OK and there are no scientific studies which say collectivism is not good for people".

If you have a comment. Please make it. I'd love to compare and contrast different ideas. Different perspectives. Hell, I may learn something new.


But quit sitting around ... LIKE A COUPLE OF BITCHES ... talking about why Why DV is wrong. What DV don't know. Who DV gets his ideas from. What DV said 6 months ago. Why not to agree with DV. How DV is boring. How there is nothing new here. How DV broke the "don't mention Jews Rule". How DV doesn't have any 'studies' to prove the health benefits of sunlight and natural food. How DV is wrong about cloned factory meat. How DV was wrong when he called the H1N1 Pandemic a hoax and declared the vaccine toxic and dangerous. And the Super Bowl of Bitchiness How you are never coming back to
Why not just get off DV's dick and share with us YOUR thoughts on communism and fascism and how they relate to the system of government that we have in this country today?


What up CNu.

How you been?


Thordaddy said...

Communism and fascism are mere labels thrown about by radical liberals attempting to COERCE us all into an all-inclusive ideology THAT DEMANDS we live indiscriminately and ever so tolerantly.

This isn't just group living, but the path to self-annihilation.

The trade off for the masses is sexual license for economic obstacle. An increase in petty crime and cheating for financial ignorance. A super sized meal for a dead legacy.

The "default elite."

They JUST TELL YOU to live an all-accepting indiscriminate existence AND YOU DO.

Anonymous said...

Interesting, since Nazism was very anti-communist, and anti-Marxist. This whole communism=fascism seems to have come into fashion when Obama was elected.

Whatever. You are going to apply your own definitions (and change them when someone challenges you) anyway.

Denmark Vesey said...

D ...

This is a discussion about communism and fascism that may be a little beyond your NPRish reach.

A conversation beyond your crippled understanding and Plantation School definition is not a "change" of definition.

It is actually evidence of an expansion of your understanding.

So get over your little insecurities and give a brother dap for providing a forum that actually edifies.

Last year I introduced you to the concept of the Hegelian Head Fake.

Thesis. Anti-Thesis. Synthesis.

Nazism and Marxism are two sides of the same coin.

Read what Hitler said regarding the two.

(Let me guess. He's "changing" the definition too.)

Plantation Negros crack me up with this Tyranny of The Mediocre.

Notice how they try to bully everyone down the lowest common denominator.

Anonymous said...

No, it's a discussion of government political systems of which you have NO grasp.

Let's be real. You wouldn't know a Fascist if she were sleeping in your own bed.

Negro, you are still playing the "make up my own definition game" like we haven't peeped your dirty drawers yet. You are as played out as your lap dog Thordaddy and his perseveration about the same thing on ANY subject posted.

You don't want to discuss the differences and similarities between Fascism or Communism or Socialism or Marxism or Corporatism. You want a forum where you can tell people "they missed it" or applaud some simpleton sidewalk spittle deep "analysis" based on conspiracy websites.

Do you REALLY think you are fooling anybody?

For real. You really think anybody is falling for your hustle? Three card Monty is more complex.

Carry on.

hans kammler said...

schvartses are exhibit number one proving the rightness and the righteousness of my life's work

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...I always thought that was spelled Schwartze. Or perhaps you are writing Yiddish?

hans kammler said...

Sehr kluger und auffassungsfähiger Herr Doktor, war es etwas für den Wirt ein kleines!

Michael Fisher said...

"Black" is spelled "schwarz" (without a "t")in German, DMG. And this "Hans Kammler" guy's supposed German makes no sense whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike..

typo. the other dude spelled it in the Yiddish way...not German.

Anonymous said...

Probably using Babelfish or Google translate. That's cool, at least he's putting in a little effort.

CNu said...

I thought he was making a funny on the Larooshiferian Jew obsession and simultaneously illustrating the gulf separating a dedicated alpha from the two-legged livestock celebrated hereabouts....,

Michael Fisher said...

Yiddish isn't it's own language, DMG. It is German, that is, a German dialect. Most every German can understand Yiddish.

Thordaddy said...

If u anti-Supremacy
Then u anti-exclusivity

Commies beat on fascists
Like liberals beat on commies
Don't make uh bit uh difference


N the liberal's winnin'
U accept "equality" in indiscriminancy...
We ALL live indiscriminately n tolerantly
May the most liberated die first
In uh state of radical autonomy
Itza ode tuh the status quo
The "default elite" n duh mass public lobotomy... 

Anonymous said...

Yiddish isn't it's own language, DMG. It is German, that is, a German dialect. Most every German can understand Yiddish.

no moron. it's a Hebrew dialet.

Thordaddy said...

Speaking of Germans, who would have thought 70 years after the homosexual anti-Supremacist wrecked Europe and set it on a course towards "equality," that these same Germans would so embrace Hitler's Supremacy "equals" white degeneracy meme.

Anonymous said...


I know what Yiddish is, and where it came from. Although, some would argue (and I'd probably disagree) that it is it's own language. I'm no linguist.

Anonymous is OBVIOUSLY an idiot if he thinks Yiddish is a Hebrew dialect.

So we've gone off on a tangent. MOTI tell me that you want to actually discuss Fascism vs. Communism...(without the usual "you missed it" BS), and I'm down.

Thordaddy said...


What is there to talk about?

Both are different variants of the same ALL-INCLUSIVE mindset.

It's like US Marine down with mandated "vaccine."

Get it?


No exclusivity, no particularity and certainly NO Supremacy.

Michael Fisher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Thordaddy said...

Fascism (government/corporate synthesis), communism (government as daddy) and Liberalism (equality in indiscriminancy equals "default elite") is just a continuum. The various factions throw around these LABELS in order to minimize the autonomy of the ALL-INCLUSIVE competitor.

It's like three brothers who cooperate UNTIL THEIR PARTICULAR FREEDOM is in question and then they revert to their particular form of COERCIVE INTEGRATION.

The suit, the hippie and the self-annihilator.

CNu said...

Mr. Fisher if you would be so kind - according to German-language history whatever happened to Kammler?

Also, whatever became of the corporate proprietors who financed, organized, and profited from the Nazi regime?

Did the highest echelons of the Nazi party, overtake and subdue the hand(s) that cultivated them, or, were they expendable minions to the bitter end?

Thanks in advance for any knowledge and information you might share.

HotmfWax said...


You cannot understand communism without knowing the History and timeline of how the Bankers(Elite) created it as a tool to bring in their one world government.


Their goal is to rule the world. The doctrine of this group is not democracy or communism, but is a form of fascism. The doctrine is totalitarian socialism. You must begin to think correctly. The Illuminati are not Communists, but some Communists are Illuminati. (1) Monarchism (thesis) faced democracy (antithesis) in WWI, which resulted in the formation of communism and the League of Nations (synthesis). (2) Democracy and communism (thesis) faced fascism (antithesis) in WWII and resulted in a more powerful United Nations (synthesis). (3) Capitalism (thesis) now faces communism (antithesis) and the result will be the New World Order, totalitarian socialism (synthesis).

The following are the most important dates and agenda items in regard to setting up this world government using "Communism" TOOL.

You will see the manipulation of everyone by using the pros and cons of the "tool" in getting it done.

The Bankers started out like this:

In 1829 - British Illuminist Frances "Fanny" Wright gives a series of lectures in the United States. She announces that various subversives and revolutionaries are to be united in a movement that will be called "Communism." She explains that the movement is to be made more acceptable to the public by professing to support "equal opportunity" and "equal rights."

1848 - Moses Mordecai Marx Levy, alias Karl Marx, writes "The Communist Manifesto." Marx is a member of an Illuminati front organization called the League of the Just. He not only advocates economic and political changes; he advocates moral and spiritual changes as well. He believes the family should be abolished and that all children should be raised by a central authority. He expresses his attitude toward God by saying:

"We must war against all prevailing ideas of religion, of the state, of country, of patriotism. The idea of God is the keynote of a perverted civilization. It must be destroyed."

Feb. 3, 1913 - The 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, making it possible for the Federal government to impose a progressive income tax, is ratified. Plank #2 of "The Communist Manifesto" had called for a progressive income tax.

[In 1948, the median American family paid 2% of its annual income in Federal income tax; now it’s almost 25%.]

Dec. 23, 1913 - The Federal Reserve [neither federal nor a reserve - it’s a privately owned institution] is created. It was planned at a secret meeting in 1910 on Jekyl Island, Georgia, by a group of bankers and politicians, including Col. House. This transfers the power to create money from the American government to a private group of bankers. The Federal Reserve Act is hastily passed just before the Christmas break. Plank #5 of "The Communist Manifesto" had called for just such a central bank. [It is probably the largest generator of debt in the world.] Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh Sr. (father of the famed aviator) warns:

"This act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President signs this act the invisible government by the money power, proven to exist by the Money Trust investigation, will be legalized. The money power overawes the legislative and executive forces of the Nation and of the States. I have seen these forces exerted during the different stages of this bill."

HotmfWax said...


1917 - With aid from financiers in New York City and London, V. I. Lenin is able to overthrow the government of Russia. Lenin later comments on the apparent contradiction of the links between prominent capitalists and Communism:

"There also exists another alliance - at first glance a strange one, a surprising one - but if you think about it, in fact, one which is well grounded and easy to understand. This is the alliance between our Communist leaders and your capitalists."

[Remember the Hegelian dialectic?]

1928 - "The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution" by H. G. Wells is published. A former Fabian socialist, Wells writes:

"The political world of the Open Conspiracy must weaken, efface, incorporate and supersede existing governments. The Open Conspiracy is the natural inheritor of socialist and communist enthusiasms; it may be in control of Moscow before it is in control of New York. The character of the Open Conspiracy will now be plainly displayed. It will be a world religion."

1932 - New books are published urging world order:

"Toward Soviet America," by William Z. Foster. Head of the Communist Party USA, Foster indicates that a National Department of Education would be one of the means used to develop a new socialist society in the U.S.

1959 - Nikita Khrushchev, ruthless dictator of the Soviet Union, states:

"We can’t expect the American people to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism until they awaken one day to find they have Communism."

Nov. 25, 1959 - Council on Foreign Relations Study Number 7 calls for a,

" international order which must be responsive to world aspirations for peace, for social and economic international order...including states labeling themselves as ’socialist’ [communist]."

1962 - A study entitled "A World Effectively Controlled by the United Nations" is published, in which CFR member Lincoln Bloomfield states:

"...if the Communist dynamic was greatly abated, the West might lose whatever incentive it has for world government."

HotmfWax said...


1966 - Professor Carroll Quigley, Bill Clinton’s mentor at Georgetown University, authors a massive volume entitled "Tragedy and Hope" in which he states:

"There does exist and has existed for a generation, an international network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies, but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known."

1970 - Zbigniew Brzezinski [who later became President Jimmy Carter’s National Security Advisor] writes a book entitled "Between Two Ages." He has nothing but praise for Marxism:

"Marxism represents a further vital and creative stage in the maturing of man’s universal vision... Marxism is simultaneously a victory of the external, active man over the inner, passive man and a victory of reason over belief... Marxism, disseminated on the popular level in the form of communism, represents a major advance in man’s ability to conceptualize his relationship to the world."

He also describes how war can be waged against a nation without its citizens even realizing they are under attack:

"Technology will make available to the leaders of major nations a variety of techniques for conducting secret warfare, of which only a bare minimum of security forces need be appraised. One nation may attack a competitor covertly... techniques of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm, thereby weakening a nation’s capacity and forcing it to accept the demands of the competitor."

Aug. 10, 1973 - David Rockefeller writes an article for the "New York Times" describing his recent visit to Red China:

"Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community purpose."

[Apparently, it matters very little to Mr. Rockefeller that the government of Communist China has slaughtered 64 million human beings in the process of consolidating its power and that it continues to brutally suppress all dissent.]

1977 - The Trilateral Commission publishes official paper #13 entitled "Collaboration with Communist Countries in Mankind’s Global Problems." The report recommends "Trilateral/Communist cooperation in nine areas of global concern" including "weather modification."

1979 - Congress passes and President Jimmy Carter signs into law legislation establishing a Federal Department of Education - just as William Z. Foster, top leader of the Communist Party USA for 40 years, had called for.

Nov. 2, 1987 - Mikhail Gorbachev addresses the Soviet Politburo:

"In October 1917, we parted with the old world, rejecting it once and for all. We are moving toward a new world, the world of Communism. We shall never turn off that road!"

He further reassures his Communist colleagues:

"Comrades, do not be concerned about all that you hear about glasnost and perestroika and democracy in the coming years. These are primarily for outward consumption. There will be no significant internal change within the Soviet Union other than for cosmetic purposes. Our purpose is to disarm the Americans and let them fall asleep."

HotmfWax said...

Aug. 1991 - We are told that hard-liners in the Soviet Union have mounted a coup and that Mikhail Gorbachev has been arrested. The coup attempt fails, and this results in the apparent demise of the Soviet system and the installation of Boris Yeltsin.

[It has since been learned that the "coup" was a sham designed to convince the West that Communism had fallen when in reality it had not. Mikhail Gorbachev had actually planned the staged coup three weeks before it happened. All the leaders of the coup have been pardoned and released.]


Oct. 29, 1991 - David Funderburk, former U.S. Ambassador to Romania, tells a North Carolina audience:

"George Bush has been surrounding himself with people who believe in one-world government. They believe that the Soviet system and the American system are converging."

July 17, 1998 - Gathered for a conference in Rome, 120 nations approve an International Criminal Court (ICC). The U.S. is one of only seven nations voting against the statute. The ICC is to become binding upon every individual on earth, once it is ratified by only 60 nations!

[Under the ICC treaty, Americans would be faced with judges from totalitarian regimes, an unrestrained global prosecutor, no right to confront accusers, no protection against double jeopardy, no presumption of innocence until proven guilty and prosecution for vaguely defined "crimes." The definition of "genocide" includes "causing mental harm." An individual could be hauled before an international tribunal, convicted of genocide and imprisoned for years in a foreign land for merely expressing criticism of a lifestyle which he finds morally reprehensible!]

Nov. 1998 - Congress discovers that President Clinton has buried seed money for a U.N. standing army in a huge State Department funding bill.

[If this U.N. standing army is created, American troops could be subject to:

1) Taking an oath to uphold the U.N. Charter, not the U.S. Constitution

2) Serving under incompetent foreign commanders

3) Fighting and dying in some far-away land in a U.N. war which does nothing to protect American security.


Anonymous said...

Dude. Can you know leave a link, since you are cutting and pasting?

Anonymous said...

Hot Wax illustrates why this isn't a serious discussion. It's the same old shit. Illuminati this, fat rich white men in dark boardrooms deciding that. Whatever. I'll be honest, I stopped reading after I read Elitist Bankers designed Communism for their one world government to rule the world. Funny because there's alot of money to be made from a fractious world, and conflict.


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael Fisher said...

Craig. I'd be happy to discuss this somewhere else. Anywhere else. Posting anything of serious historical value on this blog is a colossal waste of time. I check in here once or twice a week. Its like looking through a porn video hoping something enticing will happen and finding again and again the same old masturbation scenes. Literally. DV is masturbating all over Farst and his other sycophants, which sycophants eat up the bukakke. Yuk.

HotmfWax said...


As I told you before -I link to a lot of sites that you need a password to get in, second -I cut and paste from various sites in one post in order to get the message across, third some of these are section of old emails that I have that don't have a link.

DMG, you are not really interesting in content or subject matter anyway, so just ignore it.

Last week, you mentioned HFCS at me in a question , I gave you the facts with a link-video. Instead of coming back with challenging content, you came back with something not related and then a insult.

DOC, YOU ARE MOSTLY "INTERESTED" IN BATTLING. You said it yourself. I am a little beyond that (older), even though sometimes it is fun and we can get our EGO fed. It is still not me.

Dude my "vibe" is not into insulting others or being a "hateful person". -therefore help a brother out.


HotmfWax said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
HotmfWax said...


Avoid the content of this:

When I gave you a link (about a month ago) about a little KID dying in Australia and that it was getting a little "shaky" with the shots you called me names and crap all over me for using a one in a million reaction to prove my point and ignored the content.

Now in the news:):

"Seasonal flu vaccinations have been suspended in Australia for all children under the age of five. The suspension comes after 23 children in Western Australia were admitted to hospitals with convulsions after receiving flu injections.

More than 250 children may have had adverse reactions to the vaccine, with symptoms including fever, vomiting and convulsions.WA Today reports that:“Another 40 convulsion cases had been detected in the past month in children at other metropolitan hospitals ...

Doctors are now working to determine how many of those children received the flu vaccine.

When will this madness stop of trying to provide immunity by poisoning the blood and tissues with a highly acidic vaccine.

Enjoy the links:

Anonymous said...

" up the bukakke. Yuk."-Michael Fisher

If it's so yuck, then why you even mention some 'ol heterophobic sh!t like that?

Denmark Vesey said...

Great stuff Bra Wax.

The information you are sharing regarding vaccines could save lives.

The Plantion MD is embarrassed your advice regarding this extremely contentious issue is more sound than the medical industry nonsense he parrots.

He is struggling to maintain the facade of exaggerated disdain.

Plantation MD's wouldn't be able top earn a living if they couldn't maintain the charade that they have some sort of exclusive knowledge or understanding when it comes to medical issues.

The fact is doctors are not trained to think and understand. They are taught to test and prescribe.

What's the doc going to do? Admit the Plantation medical system which validates him is wrong?

Admit he's just a cog in a drug dispensing racket?


Keep fighting the good fight Bra Wax.

And keep laughing in the faces of these Plantation Coons who value their captivity.

Anonymous said...


You are the only person here who needs three maximum length posts to make a point. Condense.

Look man. Seriously. You have to quit reading that shit and open a book. A basic book. The stuff you are posting is like Wonder Bread for your mind.

I told you, that I won't waste thought here. You all post complete nonsense, and I walk around the joint with a flame thrower. If I'm not going to be enlightened, I should at least be entertained. And about your "HFCS". I've answered that question multiple times this year. You and our host have a penchant for resurrecting previously addressed topics.

And one last thing. Don't play the meek "peaceful warrior" crap with me. You are interested in ME not laying into YOU, while you are free to write what you like. By the way, this isn't a battle. That would imply there are two sides engaged in the fighting...and you all don't seem to be putting up much of a fight.

Whatever, man. I tried.

Anonymous said...

"I check in here once or twice a week. Its like looking through a porn video hoping something enticing will happen and finding again and again the same old masturbation scenes."-Michael Fisher

You don't see any weirdo sh!t in that? Keep your personal hoe'd out stories.

Anonymous said...


You won't mind if we skip the usual. It is Saturday evening, and I think I'll get out of the house.

I'll summarize:

MOTI: "Plantation MD, monkey juice, plantation, etc, etc."

DMG: "MOTI, You are a moron."

That about right?

CNu said...

Craig. I'd be happy to discuss this somewhere else. Anywhere else. Posting anything of serious historical value on this blog is a colossal waste of time.

You're right Mike.

I'll set the Schwarze Sonne to rise at midnight and if you feel inclined to hit it anytime tomorrow with credible links or a little historical exposition - I'd be much obliged.

After google-ing Hans Kammler this morning - I stumbled across this Black Sun site and this Peron connection site - and my curiosity and bullshit alert systems have been struggling with one another ever since.

If you scroll down to the bottom of the Black Sun site, you'll see the proprietors jump off into some Islamic Beauty pictures..., all very strange and intriguing.