Friday, January 14, 2011

How To Save Black Americans In 3 Easy Steps


HotmfWax said...

and then:

See 8:02-15:01

nicki nicki tembo said...


makheru bradley said...

You do all of that and along comes a group of negroes, displaying the "psychodynamics of Black self-annihilation in service of white domination," and your son is gone. My daughter went to TU with this brother.

But these things matter not to Devany, because the young brother was going to die early due to a bad diet anyway.

Denmark Vesey said...

"But these things matter not to Devany, because the young brother was going to die early due to a bad diet anyway." Makheru Bradley

Sorry to hear about this young brother Mak, and I know you are bending over backwards to be negative .... but come again?

What are you talking about and how is this shooting my fault?



anyway ...

I got $5,000 cash money that says not one of those murderers ate a vegetarian diet of natural food.

I've got another $5,000 says each of those murderers received all the "mandatory" Plantation "vaccines".

You try to protect young black people by preaching that its the fault of a "Global System of White Supremacy".

I'll get niggas to eat better.

We'll see how many lives are saved.

CNu said...

redbone veezey,

why dem ital-eatin jah-maican bumbleclots be killin each udder like it was going out of style?

Constructive Feedback said...

That's an easy answer KC Nulan -

They kill each other because they realize that nothing they do will ever motivate the Black Establishment and their White Progressive Snarling Fox friends to EXPLOIT the gun play of the Jamaicans for ideological purposes as they just did in Arizona.

One thing is for sure KC Nulan - there AIN'T gonna be no nationally televised memorial service for this STREET PIRATE slashing of this police officer in New Jersey:

Constructive Feedback said...

Yo DV Man

Help me out with this one.

Denmark Vesey said...


As usual your science is as denatured as your food.

Ital eating Jamaicans don't kill each other. Rastas live in peace.

It's the Pork and Popeye's eating Jamaicans that are killing each other.

Same as you Crisco grease guzzlin' jigaboos in the US.

Anonymous said...

I'm marry me a black sista. I always had a thing for African American female


Denmark Vesey said...

What up M?!

That's what I'm talking about.

Do your thing young brother.

Anonymous said...

Your message would be alot stronger if you could PROVE that your special diet reduced homicidal rage.

But of course you can't.

makheru bradley said...

What are you talking about and how is this shooting my fault?—DV

Where did I blame you for the murder of Kevan Dunlop? Your MO, as proven by several posts (Derrion Albert/Oscar Grant, e.g.), is to criticize people who express moral outrage for such senseless deaths.

We'll see how many lives are saved.—DV

Hopefully you mean all life is precious, and all of these deaths at an early age are preventable.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

All you have to do is Google studies linking diet and violence and you could spend the day reading interesting stuff -

In fact, the investigations in monkeys reveal that reductions in plasma cholesterol increase the tendency to engage in impulsive or violent behavior through a mechanism involving central serotonergic activity. It is speculated that the cholesterol-serotonin-behavior association represents a mechanism evolved to increase hunting or competitive foraging behavior in the face of nutritional threats signaled by a decline in total serum cholesterol (TC).