Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Global System of Black Vegetarian Supremacy

Pink said...
One of my American friends once asked me what the life expectancy is in "that third world country" that I'm from... in a purposefully derogatory way and I'm just looking at her and wondering, at 250 lbs what do you think your life expectancy is??? People in the islands tend to eat cleaner, fresher, foods that they grow themselves.


D.SMITH said...

Ital is vital!

Saw this cat perform here a couple of years ago...his energy is incredible.

Bunny Wailer, Leroy "Horsemouth" Wallace, Lee "Scratch" Perry, Big Youth, Barrington Levy and countless others, all have maintained their health and longevity with a strict vegetarian diet and a penchant for the "chalise herb" Kingston, JA.

...Meanwhile, in the most "developed" country on the Earth, brothers half their ages are dropping dead like flies off cigarettes and footlong ham sandwiches.

Fuck I need a "double peer reviewed study" to see the benefit of whole, natural food???

And IMO, Bunny looks better now (the naval suit photo...DV, I'm on that GQ as well...) Than he does in this older photo.

Pink said...

One of my American friends once asked me what the life expectancy is in "that third world country" that I'm from... in a purposefully derogatory way and I'm just looking at her and wondering, at 250 lbs what do you think your life expectancy is??? People in the islands tend to eat cleaner, fresher, foods that they grow themselves.

Denmark Vesey said...

Deeeee Smifffff!


I figured if anybody felt this one it would be you, Gee or KP.

Bunny Wailer is The Blackest Man In The Universe.

He rolled my first spliff 21 years ago at the Pegasus hotel in Kingston Jamaica.

He then proceeded to explain the roots of modern tyranny can be traced to ancient Babylon.

He introduced me to the concept of "Plantation Negros".

He introduced me to raw food and the way the black man is supposed to eat long before raw became the rage.

You've got to hear his treatise on the Vatican.

A muhfuggah.

lol. You saw the naval suit?

Killin' it aint he?

my man.

Anonymous said...

You know there's an interesting Google site

You can compare life expectancy rates of any countries in the world...and other data sets.

That way we don't have to argue. Life expectancy of Jamaica IS lower than the United States, by about 7 years.

CNu said...


with a click of the mouse,

another "cleaner", "fresher" food myth bites the dust?

cain't the pink salty nukkaz catch a break?

Denmark Vesey said...

"That way we don't have to argue. Life expectancy of Jamaica IS lower than the United States, by about 7 years."

Of course it is.

The life expectancy of niggas in Kansas City is less than the general life expectancy in the United States.

Who is talking about "Jamaica" anyway?

Shit. Jamaica has been invaded by McDonalds, Popeye's, processed salt, prescription drugs and Plantation medicine.

lol. You batty boys want to argue the unarguable.

Title of the post is not "The Global System of Jamaicans Supremacy".

Title of the post is "The Global System of Black Vegetarian Supremacy".

Cats who eat natural unprocessed food and avoid prescription drugs at all costs ... are the healthy, virile, beautiful, vibrant cats.

I've been telling ya'll peasants this for years.

Bet you even Undercover Black Man would give that up by now.

Why ya'll holding on to ignorance?

Thought you boys claimed to be "men of science".

Why you so unscientific?

HotmfWax said...

Nuts, Beans, fruits, and veggies.

Anonymous said...

"The life expectancy of niggas in Kansas City is less than the general life expectancy in the United States."

Why do you make statements like that? For comedic purposes? Because that's how I take most of your proclamations.

Actually, I've been asking you to PROVE IT for a long time. You haven't.

Again, in all seriousness I would have NO problem coming to your side on this issue if you could prove it. You haven't and you can't.

Science demands evidence. You provide none. Anecdote is not evidence. If you understood science you'd know that already.

CNu said...

The wackest joto is factually correct.

Average life expectancy in KC is 1.3 years lower than the U.S. average in general but .6 years higher than in his own homecourt of ATL.

It is also true that these averages cannot be correlated with natural foods consumption or prescription drugs avoidance, and are thus utterly meaningless in the context and for the purpose to which his congo-dandiness put them.

I'm sure you've noticed by now that his primary rhetorical device in these instances of faggotty play fighting is identical to the rhetorical device employed by the cheerleading avatar "Sarah Friedlander"?