Monday, January 31, 2011

Even Plantation MD Admits H1N1 Vaccine A Dangerous Hoax ...

D.SMITH said...
Here's 80 more Plantation MD's that are refuting vaccine safety and effectiveness: 
"Vaccines are the backbone of the medical system. Without vaccines, healthcare costs would go down because we would have a healthier overall society. We have exchanged chicken pox for autism, flu for asthma, ear infections for diabetes. The list goes on and on. In the zeal to eliminate a short list of relatively benign microbes, we have traded temporary illnesses for pervasive, life-long diseases, disorders, dysfunctions and disabilities."

There is a downloadable PDF that provides more info on the side effects of vaccines, Big Pharma's role, how to exempt your child, etc.

"I'm more interested in debating 
this guy one one one." 
Gee Chee Vision said... 
I can see that one.

Dr. Roby Mitchell: Facts/proofs, facts/proofs, package insert quotes
DMG: You're a conspiracy idiot getting your information from a blog.
Dr. Roby Mitchell: Facts/proofs, facts/proofs, package insert quotes
DMG: Look, you are not even worth my time. You get your facts from a Snapple bottle top. Dumb assess like you sit around and dream up alien abduction theories and Elvis sight seeings. All I ask is for you to PROVE IT!
Dr. Roby Mitchell: Facts/proofs, facts/proofs, package insert quotes
DMG: You are a hopeless nut job. When you stop listening to Rea-Rea's cousin's baby's moma's youtube comments for your evidence, and you are ready to have a real debate, I'll be more than happy to use my Marine tuck & roll bayonet jug'n/special ops training to wipe the floor with your butt in a REAL intellectual debate. I'll leave you to your own ignorance. 


DMG said...

If you say so. I'll tell you what. Invite the good "doctor" onto your site.

This should be interesting...

Denmark Vesey said...


Can't help but notice that once again, the Plantation MD ignored the content of the message...

and like a good guard dog ... attacked the messenger.

Guess when a cat defending non-existent H1N1 "Pandemics" ... has got to attack whatever he can grasp.

Why don't you just give it up Doc?


No matter what your employer told you.

Anonymous said...

Not so fast there, DV. Many of these pharmaceuticals have very interesting (what the medical profession calls) "off-label" uses:

D.SMITH said...

Here's 80 more Plantation MD's that are refuting vaccine safety and effectiveness:

There is a downloadable PDF that provides more info on the side effects of vaccines, Big Pharma's role, how to exempt your child, etc.

D.SMITH said...

"Vaccines are the backbone of the medical system. Without vaccines, healthcare costs would go down because we would have a healthier overall society. We have exchanged chicken pox for autism, flu for asthma, ear infections for diabetes. The list goes on and on. In the zeal to eliminate a short list of relatively benign microbes, we have traded temporary illnesses for pervasive, life-long diseases, disorders, dysfunctions and disabilities."

-from the same report as posted on

RGBAnonymous...yes that's me said...

Well Hello. COMPLETELY distracted by D. Smith's pic.

Anonymous said...

DV I don't understand. Is that DMG in the video?

D. Smith is foinnnne! ;)

RGBAnonymous...yes that's me said...

i'm sayin. is he taken or what?

DV start this matchmaking thing...

(also, DV is fine too. that lens flare aint fooling anyone.)

DMG said...

Why should I care about content when there is none? I'm more interested in debating this guy one one one.

DMG said...

No, that certainly is NOT me in that video. And how did I "attack" the messenger. I simply disagreed and asked you to bring him on. If you are going to imagine things, give me a heads up first eh?

Anonymous said...

"I'm more interested in debating this guy one one one."_DMG

I can see that one.

Dr. Roby Mitchell: Facts/proofs, facts/proofs, package insert quotes
DMG: You're a conspiracy idiot getting your information from a blog.
Dr. Roby Mitchell: Facts/proofs, facts/proofs, package insert quotes
DMG: Look, you are not even worth my time. You get your facts from a Snapple bottle top. Dumb assess like you sit around and dream up alien abduction theories and Elvis sight seeings. All I ask is for you to PROVE IT!
Dr. Roby Mitchell: Facts/proofs, facts/proofs, package insert quotes
DMG: You are a hopeless nut job. When you stop listening to Rea-Rea's cousin's baby's moma's youtube comments for your evidence, and you are ready to have a real debate, I'll be more than happy to use my Marine tuck & roll bayonet jug'n/special ops training to wipe the floor with your butt in a REAL intellectual debate. I'll leave you to your own ignorance.

Denmark Vesey said...


LOL. Ahhhh. Feelin' my boy huh?

I don't know ladies.

I think my man may be spoken for.

But we can certainly get that Match Making thing popping.

You know my motto:
Get A Chick.

Denmark Vesey said...

DMG said...

"Why should I care about content when there is none?"



... Doc.

You are becoming a characterture.

Denmark Vesey said...

DMG said...

"No, that certainly is NOT me in that video. And how did I "attack" the messenger. "




"If you say so. I'll tell you what. Invite the good "doctor" onto your site." DMG



Come on Doc.

You place parenthesis around the word doctor to imply this gentleman is not qualified to be a doctor.

You consider him less than qualified not because he lacks credentials but because he fails to PARROT the contrived dogma of the medical industrial complex that sells these "vaccines".

You have yet to even pretend you disagree with him on any particular medical POINT.

You are not a ... scientist.

You are a member of a cult.

The medical industrial complex is a cult and you are a minion.

Anonymous said...

ha! I can see that geechee vision. That is so dmg!

DMG said...

Look if you two really want to pretend as though you, or anyone of your band of idiots has ever brought anything to the discussion other than blatant misinformation, fantasy, and outright lies you are deluding yourself.

Point the class to ONE INSTANCE where you have brought evidence to a discussion that was not easily refutable. Shit ANY evidence. The fact remains, and is easily confirmed by the archives of THIS very blog, that neither of you have ever done any such thing.

I challenge you again, to post LINK________________________________

If not, you'll probably want to shut your mouths now. It's simple.

Gee Chee, I have no clue why you of all people are talking all of this nonsense? It's not like you are actually intelligent. I mean you realize being an "artist" doesn't allow you to take artistic-license with everything you know.

D.SMITH said...

C'mon Doc. I posted a link, prior to your above request, where you didn't even bother with the subject at hand, but rather attempted to once again throw insults at DV and Gee Chee:

There goes the link again. Within the link, you will find information that has been supported by 80 medical professionals, all who are NOT cosigning on the safety and effectiveness of vaccines, as Big Pharma would like them and the general public to.

You are the doctor here. Please provide facts that prove all 80 of them wrong. Please show us the facts that indicate vaccininations do NOT in any way have a hand in the increase in autism. Please show us the proof that the H1N1 vaccine or even a regular flu shot is the only sure-fire way to prevent the swine flu or any other strain of influenza..

Feel free to question my man-hood as you have done recently (the apron reference was an attempt to appease your little sense of humor). Feel free to call us idiots and morons. And although it would be greatly appreciated if you could provide us facts and proof, please feel free to mention how you've already done it on a previous post...

...But for those of us who may not have been camped out on the refresh button all night and missed it, please, provide us the info again.

DMG said...

Calling you an idiot and a moron is me being nice. As far as the apron reference, you asked for it. If you can't take it don't start anything next time.

When are you going to get that "posting a link" to some random website that provides NO evidence, explanation or facts is not the same as providing evidence?

Are you you stupid? I'm asking you seriously? Are you stupid?

If the answer is no, then you should have no problem finding my quotes on this website. I don't repeat myself, and don't do other peoples homework. Also if you aren't stupid then you would have no problem REALLY researching the topic and reading about the most complete evidence available. But if you are stupid, you'll continue to be the lazy ass I've come to know who believes anything regurgitated from the clown who owns this blog, and all of the questionable hucksters and feebleminded nuts (Wax) he promotes. The burden of proof is ON YOU. YOU provide the facts that these twits are correct. Make sure you vet these doctors. Perhaps you should vet the "doctor" in the video. I have. Shit, I even know someone who knows this former physician. The mans dangerous. That's why he got his license in Texas yanked.

D.SMITH said...

LOL! Man. Lemme go collect my winnings on the bet I just made predicting what your response would be. Gee, jot some of this down for next time.

So lemme ask you sum'n, "Doc".

On your own blog, "Your Daily Bowel Prep", you mentioned that your own mother gravitates more to this "natural movement". Should she question anything you've been trained to do (or not do), would you be as compassionate and caring as you are here? Would you, the "professional", tell her to do her own homework, or call her stupid if she wasn't so quick to cop a seat next to you on the Big Pharma bandwagon?

No need to answer, cuz I know you really won't. But remember this from last week:

I'm still laughin' at ya, with a big hearty chuckle, sayin' "boy, this nigga here.". Should you ever retire from "practicing medicine", I know a cat that may be able to get you on Comic View with the rest of the dark-skinned honkies.

Later for you, the sun's out and it's a rather nice day, wife and kids are home too. You keep up the good work here though...wouldn't be the same without ya buddy.

Denmark Vesey said...

Deee Smifffff ...


I don't know bruh.

I mean.

Is dude for real?

I mean.


Anonymous said...

DMG, you know you respect the hell out of artists

If not for an artist slapping together a hokey commercial of a dark wizard fighting white nights on a chest board, cut & paste from some Krull reject stage props, you wouldn't have gone stumbling into the Marine recruitment office.

Denmark Vesey said...

If not for an artist slapping together a hokey commercial of a dark wizard fighting white nights on a chest board, cut & paste from some Krull reject stage props, you wouldn't have gone stumbling into the Marine recruitment office." GC

"hokey commercial of a dark wizard fighting white nights "

"gone stumbling into a marine recruitment office".

Oooohhhhhh ...

ouch. wow.

um. um. um.


devastatingly true.

DMG said...

I've got spotty wi-fi at the airport, so I hope you clowns make good use of the time I'm allowing you to get in all of those feeble jabs.

D.SMITH- You do realize that working in the back offices of some hospital in no way makes you qualified to do anything other than whatever data entry job you are slacking off from right now. But you keep on reading through medical records you don't understand and impressing your friends with big medical words you can't pronounce. Glad you are living the dream.

So, you are wondering what I told my own mother? I'll say this...I'm easier on you fools. Why? Because I don't give a fuck if you live, die or suffer. Period. Make the choices you want to make. Just don't try to get away with saying any of it is true. I do, however, care about my mother. If I have to ruin our relationship to keep her from killing herself by taking whatever herbal bullshit her so-called church friends prescribe, so be it. It's more important that my son has a grandmother.

So, D.SMITH, by the way, was that "later for you" your way of punking out, like the bitch I know you are deep, deep, down in your heart? Just wondering. If you don't want to box, don't step into the ring. Keep your girly ass on the sidelines with the rest of the cheerleaders. You hear me son? I'm serious. Do. You. Hear. Me?

Gee Chee, what can I say. If you think a commercial put me on the yellow footprints, then as usual you are wrong. If you want to know my reasons for enlisting in the Corps, you'll need to ask me straight out. When anything can be art, there is no art. When anyone can call themselves an artist there is no artist. When all is included the sublime is debased to the level of commonplace. So, what exactly are you? Is your art as sloppy and weak and useless as your commentary here? I'm really curious. I really don't give a fuck who says you are good or important. Impress me.

MOTI, are you calling these clowns in your call and response circle jerk your first team? Where's your bottom bitch Wax? Somebody jack your stable? You let them all off for Black History month? What's really going on?

DMG said...


Let me ask you something. Do you think ALL of your fantasies are true?

I'm truly curious. It would explain quite a bit.

D.SMITH said...

"You hear me son? I'm serious. Do. You. Hear. Me?" -DMG

Yes. I. Hear. You...
But. I. Don't. Listen...
Cuz. You. A. Plan. Ta. Tion. Negro...

Impress somebody that gives two f#cks with all that feelin' yourself, Sgt. Sambo. Nobody is actually scared of you and your little cyber-antics. You could be a very valuable resource here, but you are merely entertainment with all your tough-guy-Marine-600 years of school posturing, scared to admit any wrong because it would go against all that indoctrination you paid for with your hard earned money. We'll be here when you land, waiting for you to play spoons and huck-a-buck on some more dodging and ducking the issue.

As for "the living the dream" mess you're talking about, even if it was like what you're trying to make it seem...

It would be better than living that pseudo-science-vaccines-save-people fantasy you're sleepwalking in.

Bon voyage! Still laughin' at ya!!

D.SMITH said...

Oh! And the link was:

Seeing as though it's not a Sambo-sanctioned site like the CDC's, it ain't like ol' Doc MG would actually check it anyway...

DMG said...

Why would you think anybody cares who or what YOU are laughing at? You don't see yourself as some sort of taste maker or go to guy for medical information? Do you? It's kind of sad if you do...

Maybe where you live, you are the medical "expert" because you sit in some dark room doing data entry...but please, don't delude yourself.

Go on, step up to the challenge. Prove something. Provide some specific evidence. You've been challenged, but so far you have only continued to talk about everything BUT the subject.

So D.SMITH Medical Records guru extraordinaire. I'm still waiting.

If you want to concede, I promise not to bring it up again (much).

I'm going to assume that your lack of a response is the equivalent of uncle. If you prefer, I'll let you call me Uncle DMG. How's that?

Anonymous said...

You are extremely literal. That is why you are so extreme in your interpretation of the world around you. You are so absolute. That is why anything that breaks repetition is suspect or conspiracy to you. You are uncomfortable with anything unauthorized by the arrangements that you're accustomed to. You are disturbed and take it as a personal challenge to your person when an idea has origins outside of your basic training.

Yes anyone can call themselves an artist. The condition is the passion...which is the case for any discipline.

You consider yourself an ex-soldier or soldier. Monster Cody considers himself a soldier. Your school of thought labels him as nothing more than an ex-gang member. These are abstractions that your automatic push button thinking breaks down.

Anyway, I'm not going to sit up here and defend a discipline that has defined and documented human civilization on this planet. That is just silly. Tag on to some 6th grade field trip to an exhibition or something. Google Olmec heads or the anatomical illustrations of early physicians. Art informing science. I bet I have more books on health and medicine than you have on art. I bet art has expanded my vision beyond my immediate discipline than what your discipline has done for you.

Art doesn't need me to defend it, but the pharmaceutical industry needs defending and marketing to legitimize it's relevance to a consumer base. Sick half-dead people is not a prerequisite for art to exist. It is for the school of medicine you purport to practice.

DMG said...

Gee Chee,

OK, I'll bite. I have nothing better to do since I'm stuck in this airport until tomorrow morning.

How am I "extreme" in my interpretation of the world around me. There's nothing extreme about fact and reasoned analysis.

No, what is suspect or conspiracy to me (as I've repeated over and over) are ideas that have NO basis in reality, cannot be proven, cannot be experimentally reproduced, and are not supported by evidence. That's just about the antithesis of "extreme".

I find it strange that you and your minion are always telling me what I think. Maybe you should switch up your writing style?

Your first paragraph is regurgitated fallacious talking points, conspiracy theorists and unscientific (non) thinkers use when they can't talk about the topic at hand with any depth. You keep telling me how "uncomfortable" I am. I assure you despite this airport waiting room chair, I'm quite comfortable with my stance and depth of knowledge on the subject matter. It's amusing to me that you three continue with these silly attacks as though you think I'm somehow fazed. You seem stuck on caricature's you've created about what and who a scientist or doctor is. Would you be happy if I really did look, act and sound like "Smart Brother" from the Undercover Brother movie?

I assure you I don't take anything you or the other Flying Monkey crew says personally. How could I? You guys are idiots.

I do not consider myself an ex-soldier. I am, and always will be a Marine. It has less to do with the military than you think. Ask me about it and if I'm in a good mood I'll explain it to you. I have no idea who Monster Cody is, nor do I have the inclination to Google him/her. I don't have automatic push button thinking. That's another fantasy of yours.

You don't have to defend a discipline. You don't represent the discipline. I asked you if your art was anything like your commentary. Well? Is it?

I like Art (capital A) in it's many forms. I could not care any less than I do right now how many books you have. It's not the number, it's the quality of the books, and how much you've absorbed. From your commentary you haven't cracked any of quality. I hear alot of yapping, but not alot of substance. Go get emotional with someone who cares Gee Chee.

I'm not a pharmacist. I prescribe a very narrow number of medications, most for short term use, that are goal directed. But please do continue with your "Big Pharma Shill" gambit...I'm sure you can squeeze a few more miles out of that one.

Here's the thing. You aren't immortal. You will eventually become sick. Hopefully it's not until you are very old. Hopefully you'll die in your sleep without having to enter a hospital. But maybe not. Who knows if you have a genetic predisposition for colon, prostate, or lung cancer that will grow no matter what you eat or do. That's why I'm here. I really wish you and your types would quit trying to claim sensible diet and exercise as somehow "alternative" and anti-medicine. Whatever, I'm sure you need something to do to satisfy your contrarian fetish.

DMG said...


It just so happens, one of my favorite blogs does a pretty good job on the website you left with all of the "doctors".

I'll tell you what, I'll look at yours if you look at mine

DMG said...

This is longer but interesting too.

Anonymous said...

Because I spared mud slinging Bettle Bailey jokes at you, does not mean my tone is emotional, scribbling Buffalo Springfield lyrics. I do things to work out my own personal space. Every moment is not a cut'n-up moment. The most sentimental I'll get with a scalpel icon is a ups package if my keys aren't handy.

You aren't understanding extreme. You say you care about your mother and would ruin the relationship if it meant keeping her alive. I understand but that is still an extreme position. Your brain doesn't click and say what strategies can I employ that won't jeopardize a sacred parent/child relationship. To you it makes more sense for you to throw more coal into the fire and chug on straight across a crumbling bridge.

Be it a corporate take-over or whatever, Western medicine has failed people so they defect. People feel like powerless individuals against a machine. Naturally they apply power where they can, what is within their means. They start with their fortress of solitude. Themselves. A tv repairman told me the majority of his clients have tv's that are unplugged and don't know it. He still charges them. So he says if you have tv issues the first place to start is the energy source. Well, our culture stuck between "Obey your thirst" and the McDonalds Double Dutch is an obvious problem that people are identifying first.

Doctors should be the first ones putting fast food chains on blast. That is common sense. But they don't so when people arrive at these conclusions despite their doctors they don't get why people take it to the internet. The internet is a simulation of our communal nature and people find solace in others that share like experiences. Not only is it immediate, but its more comforting than sitting on wax paper with a physician dipp'n in and out of a freezing office.

Regardless, I was really curious how long would you rattle your saber with post after post without stating what is inaccurate or insincere about Dr. Roby Mitchell. Of coarse your position is somewhere tucked in the cranny of this abstract archive of this blog that you yourself can't locate.

Anonymous said...

What is it with you about me proving my art? I do art with or without the label or audience. It's like Rahzel said in an interview, that B-box'n for him is in his heart. Anything else like recognition or money is just cream on top.

CNu said...

Western medicine has failed people so they defect. People feel like powerless individuals against a machine. Naturally they apply power where they can, what is within their means.

Frustrated children tend to "act out" too.

The internet is a simulation of our communal nature and people find solace in others that share like experiences. Not only is it immediate, but its more comforting than...,

That's what happened in Lord of the Flies too.

The more credulous, ignorant, and impotent folk you can aggregate, the easier it'll be for the true Malthusian to put in work.

People get EXACTLY the assistance and leadership that they deserve....,

Denmark Vesey said...

"People get EXACTLY the assistance and leadership that they deserve...., " CNu

Apparently they get EXACTLY the man-boobs they deserve too.

just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

"Frustrated children tend to "act out" too."

A defection that's in the same vein as black soldiers in Korea & Nam. Unpatriotic or inevitable "act'n out"?

"The more credulous, ignorant, and impotent folk you can aggregate, the easier it'll be for the true Malthusian to put in work."

The Malthusian got Big Pharma doing that. And when that ain't pop lock'n at 100% efficiency they slap a Smart Choice label on a box of Fruit Loops and clock out.

Denmark Vesey said...

"The Malthusian got Big Pharma doing that." Gee Chee


Good point G.

People used to take their cars to shady mechanics who would fix their carburetor and unfix their transmissions.

Person comes back 3 weeks later to get more work done. Ensured future customers.

As soon as the medical industrial complex gets its hands on a child, the first thing it wants to do is tamper with its immune system.


It ensures future customers.

Big Pharma is killing Jigaboos.

Big Agriculture is killing Jigaboos.

Compulsory education is killing Jigaboos.

But you can't tell a Jigaboo.

They need to hear it from white folks first. Or a Mason.

So Gee, later for arguin' with Jigaboos.

Let them peanut head Negros go get vaccines.

Let them eat factory meat with EVERY meal.

Let them destroy their auto-immune systems with GMO.

Let them drink them big ol' 5 gallon plastic jugs of homogenized pasteurized cow's milk chock full a growth hormones.

Enough of them Negros drop dead, the smart brothers and sisters will be rewarded with a valuable lesson and an excellent blue print of what NOT to do.

So fuck all this arguing.

Don't even drop a link.

Let's just see who lives better. Who doesn't get sick. Who doesn't grow tits.

You know.

Actions. Results.

CNu said...

A defection that's in the same vein as black soldiers in Korea & Nam. Unpatriotic or inevitable "act'n out"?


Outside of the state legislature stipulating that you will get your children vaccinated or else not enjoy the privilege of free daycare at their accredited public schools, nobody gives a damn whether you and yourn avail yourselves of the products and services proffered by the medical industrial complex.

Matter fact, most of them angry teabaggers want you to know that it's a privilege and uninsured nappy heads don't make enough money to buy into the use of that uniquely american privilege.

This is a now-dominant meme in the American body politic. - the better.

Am I wrong?

DMG said...

MOTI...did you say something? I kind of zoned out from your mindless repetition at about..."good point G".

Anonymous said...

I don't know about all this vaccine stuff. I do know almost every big time plantation university in this country is studying this chemical called DHMO (dihydrogen monoxide). It's in everything! They putting it in baby foods, junk foods, pesticides. This stuff is colorless, odorless, tasteless and KILLS thousands of people every year. People become dependent on this stuff, and when they try to get off it they die!

You know anything about this? The government knows about it and I heard the military are conducting experiments to use it for warfare right now! You got to get the word out. This is one of the most dangerous substances around.

Anonymous said...

Look it up:

National Organization trying to get the word out

University website that's not afraid to talk about it

DMG said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DMG said...


Where's your evidence? Maybe you could walk us all through it?

CNu said...

Stop crowdin'em Doc!!!!

Let this anonymous get the word out and let's hear the free radical thinking from the 1st class dietary elite of Moorish Science on this subject!

Anonymous said...

"Outside of the state legislature stipulating that you will get your children vaccinated or else not enjoy the privilege of free daycare at their accredited public schools, nobody gives a damn whether you and yourn avail yourselves of the products and services proffered by the medical industrial complex."

If free baby sitting can deter a parent from their own convictions, they aren't parents. Anyway, a community of people involved in bootstrapping itself have never been left to their own beeswax'n. So I highly doubt they would care less if enough people found alternatives to public school & vaccines. They have never been without care when it comes to independence.

Medicine is being abused. Personal stories are surfacing on a level that questions the credentials of western medicine. People don't just wake up in some anarchy state. We don't just rush towards rebellion and hardships. Public school don't teach people to take health in their own hands so where does this idea come from? It comes from people getting burned.

The world needs professionals in medicine, astronomy, mineralogy, physics, blah blah etc etc. But people can understand some things to a certain extent. We do have that capacity. I don't believe every individual has genius level potential as the respected Gatto suggests.

But even the boy scouts teach a degree of astronomy, cardinal directions etc. At some point people can understand basic concepts. If an adult can't at least locate the North star or change their oil or refrain from eating Luther Vandross burgers, there's a problem.