Saturday, January 22, 2011

Dr. Leonard Horowitz vs. DMG The Plantation MD

If the medical industrial complex is a profit hungry monopoly that engineers illness to make money by selling drugs, radiation and surgery to perpetually sick people, why do so many good, well meaning men and women become doctors?  

"The answer is: MEDICAL EDUCATION. If you really study it as a behavioral scientist might, you realize it's virtually identical to any CULT HAZING PROCESS. Trauma-based education and learning under severe pressures, peer pressure, authority figures, lack of sleep, sleep deprivation and stress induction, that's literally traumatization, and that is CULT INDOCTRINATION. At the end of it, people trust you as a medical deity, and yet, you know virtually nothing about good nutrition, nothing about the whole bio-spiritual dynamics of what a human being really is." Leonard Horowitz, MD
Listen to this Harvard trained expert, a real medical doctor with courage to resist the mandates of the pharmaceutical industrial complex ... and compare him to the go-along to get-along nonsense of DMG.

Black Americans need some real Black Doctors to stand up and tell the truth.  2) 3)


Anonymous said...

I really like starting my weekend with laughter. You never disappoint. don't seem to vet your information. He's not a "medical doctor".

He's a dentist. Actually he's not even that anymore. And it's really cute how you use "Harvard trained" when it suits your purposes to obfuscate. Harvard trained in what? Expert in what? Teeth whitening? NEGRO PLEASE!!! You trying way to hard.

Please at least do a quick Google search before you post something. It's getting tiresome, and a bit boring.

Constructive Feedback said...

Brother DV:

How about some feedback and guidance on a "Hegelian Head Fake" diagram?

Denmark Vesey said...

Cat has a graduate degree in public health and behavioral science from Harvard University.

You peasants have been trained to tune out people not approved / accredited and licensed by your Plantation superiors.

I site his graduate degree from Harvard as a joke.

As a way to taunt you corporate Negros with information from corporate trained researchers.


That said.

I noticed your monkey ass STILL was limited to the usual "attack the messenger - ignore the message" nonsense.

Predictable, inarticulate, uncritical pharmaceutical company cheerleader.


Horowitz is right. You medical school survivors are members of a cult.

You are the Plantation Negro equivalent of a Jehovah's Witness.

Blind faith in corporate propaganda ... hostility to any person or idea not approved by your masters.

Horowitz is 10 times the doctor you will ever be.

License and sanction from the Plantation be damned.

Denmark Vesey said...

I peeped the link CF.

What you got in mind?

Anonymous said...

Attack the messenger? That's the only card you ever play. I don't have to "attack the messenger" when he is just dead fucking wrong.

Yeah...if you notice his degrees are directly related to pimping false information to low information idiots like you.

"Horowitz is 10 times the doctor you will ever be"

I suppose this is supposed to make me feel sad and defensive, because some silly negro online (who has NEVER posted ONE cogent argument on any topic) says so. You are seriously going to write that?


Denmark Vesey said...

Whatever Jigaboo,

You are a simpleton.

You don't have the courage to address the operative point regarding the opposition to mass corporate mandated vaccines.

Neither the medical industrial complex nor your flunky ass ... has any idea the long term auto-immune consequences of injecting millions of people with foreign genetic material and proteins from man-made viruses manufactured in a laboratory and adding to those injections a cocktail of chemical toxins like squalene, adjuvants, mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde ...


Injecting that into the bodies of infants?

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to appreciate how backwards ass and stupid an idea that is.

You claim to be a scientist.

Show us the science behind injecting children with toxins.

In this age of AIDS how can you be so ARROGANTLY IGNORANT to fuck with people's immune systems?

Anonymous said...

Funny you should mention Formaldehyde...I do recall doing a THOROUGH debunking of that one about a year and a half ago when I took you through the entire pathway....for a massive dose. However, the minuscule amount of formaldehyde someone would get from a subdermal injection doesn't make it into the bloodstream...and even if it DID make it to the blood stream, a normal functioning liver (even in infants) would have no problem metabolizing such a tiny amount. Shit, it has no problem metabolizing much larger amounts...but you wouldn't know that because you have no idea what a liver does in the first goddamn place

"...toxins like squalene, adjuvants, mercury, aluminum, and formaldehyde". Hey kids want to play "One of these things don't belong?" I'll give you three guesses which of the above words don't belong with the others...ready? Go.

Do YOU know how the immune system works?

No. You don't. So why are you writing about it so often?

"You don't have to be a rocket scientist..."
Of course you don't. You have to be a physician or at least someone who has studied the biological sciences. I believe I fit BOTH of those criteria. A rocket scientist wouldn't know his ethmoid sinus from his Columns of Morgagni.

Silly is for smart people. NYAUOT.

CNu said...


Silly is for smart people.

Silly is for smart people.

Silly is for smart people.




DMG is truth. Accept no substitutes!!!

Anonymous said...

"In this age of AIDS how can you be so ARROGANTLY IGNORANT to fuck with people's immune systems?"
How did I miss this little feculent nugget last night?

Aren't YOU the dude who denies AIDS is even real?

Also, physicians don't "fuck with people's immune systems", that's what idiots (like you) who don't understand the principles of immunity do when they offer "natural cure-alls" that are "good" for the immune system.

By the way...what's squalene? Is it a toxin? Do your homework.

CNu said...

feculent nugget


Science so far up in Bacon-Bey Ben Israel's body cavity this morning - there won't be nothing left for us poor pinata enthusiasts to swing a stick at....,