Tuesday, January 18, 2011



Dr. Love said...

Gorgeous...Beautiful.... Classy.. God was clearly showing off when he created the black woman pressed hair.. nappy hair.. no hair...whatever.. their aura...is unmatched...a DISTRACTION...ARE U SERIOUS...that's what keeps me coming to this website...it seems when a straight real man says something about you faggots u seem to get your panties in a bunch... a man with character and dignity uses tact with his expression of his or her sexuality not always looking for a "forum" to justify his/her preference...its really nobodys business..BUT FOR US MEN...KEEP POSTING THESE HONEYS UP!! DV FOR PRESIDENT!!!

D.SMITH said...

Something about the one in the top pic/on the left in the other...deliciousness.

On the style tip DV, you, or the Mrs., familiar with Curto Momolu? Young, black fashion designer; her publicist put me on to her over the weekend. She's got some nice stuff, some REAL shit that the ladies can actually wear.

So good to see young Black people doing THEIR thang, i.e. What the fuuggg THEY want to do...

D.SMITH said...

my bad...KORTO Momolu.

Seven Half Store said...

Yeah, Korto is the chick from Project Runway.

Love what she does with color.A breath of fresh air in a drab, grey edgy recession-y time. African influence shines.

Pink said...

I like Korto but what was the name of the black guy from her season??? I ADORED everything he did.

Seven Half Store said...


Like the girl on top. Never seen you put up this shade before DV, ;)..likes

Pink said...

Right Jerell!!! Do you know if he ever got a line?

Denmark Vesey said...

Dr. Love said...

"Gorgeous...Beautiful.... Classy.."

Be careful Dr. Love.

Plantation Negros hate those virtues.

Denmark Vesey said...

What up D!?

Kurto Momolu? Had heard the name. But wasn't really hip.

Like what I see though.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Like the girl on top. Never seen you put up this shade before DV, ;)..likes" O. Mahogany

What up O!



Never seen this "shade" before?

What you mean by that?

CNu said...

she mean you like'em somewhere between paperbag tan and lemony yalla redbone deezey....,

Seven Half Store said...

lmao....ohh nothing.

Denmark Vesey said...

CNu said...

"she mean you like'em somewhere between paperbag tan and lemony yalla redbone deezey....,"


I knew it wouldn't take long before the Jigaboo Bureau of Complexion Police to show up trying to start shit.

Denmark Vesey said...

O. Mahogany said...

"Like the girl on top. Never seen you put up this shade before DV, ;)..likes"

Before the complexion Jigaboos suck you in O ... the "girl on top" is the same girl ... as the girl on the side.

Look to your right.

Down a bit.


That's her.

Same chick.

Been here for years.

Same chick.

Different light.

95% of Negro skin color issues ... are imagined.

Mere projections.

It's not her complexion why Negros want to call her "light skindedededed ...".

It's something else that makes them want to discount her blackness.

CNu said...

ain't nobody discounting "her" anything redbone deezey, just noting the consistency of your own (ahem) aesthetic predilection for flesh that is light, bright, and damn near white....,

Denmark Vesey said...


Always some bumpy face vitamin D deficient Jigaboo sitting around calibrating complexion... projecting "white" when he sees nothing but black and beautiful.



Massa did a job on your monkey ass.

CNu said...


You need to be shot with hot pee Dean Big Brother Almighty...,

you know good and godayyum well you made that Gamma-Ray steeze a way of life years ago....,

Yet you the very first one to have the hypocritical nerve and audacity to try and go in on somebody's "white wife" - while all along you one of the main and last remaining perpetrators of colorism still out on the net.

Denmark Vesey said...


Hell knows no fury like a Jigaboo with too much time on his hands.



Ahhhh man.

You really desperate for an "issue" aint you CNu?


lol. Negro trying so hard.

Shit. I'll play.

Put it like this bruh.

I like pretty bitches.

& Pretty bitches like me.

Now if some fat funky Jigaboo sitting in a Kansas City basement wants to characterize that as "Colorisim".

Well. Kiss my "colorist" ass.


ahhhhhhhhhhhh .... Jigaboo said: "colorism".

CNu said...

You really desperate for an "issue" aint you CNu?


ain't no "issue" redbone deezey.

jes pointin the other chirrens in "school" on where to look and swing they pinata sticks when your candy-laden ass commences its clumsy and predictable bobbing, weaving, and ropa-doping.