Notice how much these memes about tobacco from the medical community in 1950 sound like the memes from the medical industrial complex about GMO, Vaccines and Cloned Meat today.

Although conducted by doctors of professional standing, these experiments are not regarded as conclusive in the field of cancer research. However, we do not believe that any serious medical research, even though its results are inconclusive should be disregarded or lightly dismissed.
At the same time, we feel it is in the public interest to call attention to the fact that eminent doctors and research scientists have publicly questioned the claimed significance of these experiments.
Distinguished authorities point out:
1. That medical research of recent years indicates many possible causes of lung cancer.
2. That there is no agreement among the authorities regarding what the cause is.
3. That there is no proof that cigarette smoking is one of the causes.
4. That statistics purporting to link cigarette smoking with the disease could apply with equal force to any one of many other aspects of modern life. Indeed the validity of the statistics themselves is questioned by numerous scientists.
Yeah, you did this one before. Is there a vacation or something coming up? You seem to be doing "summer re-runs" lately. Why do you so often put for these obviously fallacious arguments?
Did this one "before"?
Did I?
Well ... you would know better than me.
I will PayPal $1,000 to the charity of your choice if you can point out 1 "fallacious argument".
Come on Bra.
$1,000 to the National Association of Jigaboos ... or whatever cause is dear to your Plantation Negro heart.
How about $1,000 per fallacy....since you are "paid like that".
Stop stalling doc.
Point out 1 "fallacy":
___________________________ ?
Association Fallacy ("Guilt by association")
Doctors promoted unhealthy product in 1950, therefore doctors promote unhealthy products. "GMO" is an unhealthy product because doctors promote it.
Please make your check out to Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders).
You can send confirmation to globalmedops@yahoo.com
"Doctors promoted unhealthy product in 1950, therefore doctors promote unhealthy products"
1. Doctors promoted unhealthy products in exchange for money in 1950.
2. Doctors promote unhealthy products in exchange for money in 2010.
3. Doctors don't promote that which is the product of the scientific method. Doctors promote that whch makes them money.
"GMO" is an unhealthy product because doctors promote it."
Wrong Again.
1. Whether GMO is "healthy" or "unhealthy" has yet to be determined.
2. There exists no unbiased independent scientific peer reviewed report which proves it is "healthy" or even safe.
3. Medical doctors in 2010, just as they did in 1950 with tobacco, turn their heads at best and sing GMO's praises in the worst cases.
You know Doc.
Your intellectual bark ... is much worse than your intellectual bite.
The fact that I come to YOUR home field, and play with a REFEREE who happens to also be YOU, with fans in the STANDS who happen to be hand picked by you, and still consistently and daily whoop your monkey ass, like you stole something...is testament that my bite (and right cross) is something you fear.
Otherwise you wouldn't have to make shit up...or chime in as "Anonymous", or whatever other alter egos you seem to gin up.
I knew you were too much of a pussy to admit you were wrong.
Give me a holler after your shift tonight...I mean after you get your stomach pumped, of course.
Doc ... you are on drugs.
Not crack.
Plantation drugs.
You are stealing hallucinogens from your drug addict patients (customers)
You go the hospital.
Prescribe pills. Pinch a few for yourself.
Pop 'em.
Jump on DenmarkVesey.Net
Delude yourself into believing you are "winning" a debate about the efficacy of the H1N1 "Pandemic".
You? Whoop ass?
What blog are you reading?
How many medical doctors did 60 Minutes say were function drug addicts? 50,000?
Apparently so many Plantation MD's are addicted to drugs a cottage industry of rehab centers just for MD's has sprouted.
No. You are just deluded. Do you realize, that at no time have you ever refuted anything I've written? Sure you've tried to write some witty reply, or change the subject, or use some other form of misdirection. But the one constant is that you never, ever address the facts.
Not once. I dare you to provide an example of a point by point refutation. You can't.
You made the mistake of believing your own hype....because, really that's all you are.
A Hype man.
Flavor Flav of the internet--better dressed I'll admit, but still Flav just the same.
It's nice that you recycle, but this looks like a greatest-hits of "DVBMOTI" ass-whoopings.
I thought I told you to only put up the DMG-bat signal when you had something interesting to say?
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