jiggaboo puh-leeze.....,
anything beats falling victim to the unsustainable fashionista hobby enthusiasm of Mrs. Vesey and her hollyweird veegan/raw fad diet.
you leisure class ladies enjoy knocking yourselves out with those pond scum schmoovies and protein packed seeds bursting in your mouths - me and the homeys gonna keep enjoying that succulent rat/cat/dog slow roasted and smoked until the meat just falls off the bone, piled high on white bread, and liberally doused with a hot, spicy, vinegary sauce that makes your whole head sweat when you eat it....,

Denmark Vesey said ...
You know what? Aight.
I'm going to have to give you this one Pillsbury Negro Boy.
You might be right.
Maybe eating natural plant-based whole foods is silly. Maybe it is vain. A fad. Elitist. Pretentious. Maybe it isn't for everybody.
Hell. Who am I foolin'? I know good and damn well there aint enough organic, plant based, fresh, nutrient dense, natural food for us Good Looking Black Folks as it is.
Ya'll slave Negros should be able to eat whatever you please.
Hell. Why shouldn't you and your "homies" eat genetically modified laboratory animals? Why not eat cloned hogs? Why not eat eat pigeons, rats and dogs? Why shouldn't you fry up whatever is on sale at Walmart for the Nu family? Shiiiit. Throw some hot sauce on it. What difference does it make?
At this point.
Hell. Why even try to duck cancer? Why even run from heart disease? Why even TRY to avoid diabetes? It's already killing 60% of black people as it is.
Changing our diets is sooooooo silly!
"Massa Mayk Food Fo' Us Slayves N Sum Bah-dey Gotz Tuh Eat It!! Who you dink you iz Mistuh Denmawk Vesey!!"
Excuse me. I'm new here. I've never seen anything like this. Are these guys for real? Are they like friends behind the scenes? Someone explain this blog to me. OMFG!
why you put up a picture of that shriveled little Hass avocado jiggaboo? Haven't you ever sampled a real avocado?
Hell. Why even try to duck cancer? Why even run from heart disease? Why even TRY to avoid diabetes? It's already killing 60% of black people as it is.
God's work must be done.
There's no cancer, diabetes, heart disease, or autoimmune disorders in my family.
That the subject of diet and disease obsessively and compulsively preoccupies you - in precisely the way it preoccupies rich, elderly white women rotting inside and on death's doorstep - says more about where you are in your relationship to subjective, consensus, and objective reality than it does about anyone rejecting your cultish gas.
Personally, I think that type-a shit is an artifact of genetic inferiority and intrinsic weakness. Matter fact, to the extent that you indulge such concerns, your steez reeks of fearful untermenschen preoccupation DeeVee.
Blackest MAN?!?!?!
Every.single.day - you confirm to the world a "what you eat" and "what you wear" fetish that underscores your own insecurity and relative "nothingness" jiggaboo.
Love myself so damn much I could eat Haitian mud pies and thrive. Some of us so strong we can take the central preoccupations of your life purely for granted.
Weaklings succumbing to a lack of strength and discernment made manifest in something as basic as their relationship to food are beyond hope.
Tell you what, I'll be down to see my best-beloved in-laws in Atlanta sometime next year.
One afternoon, I'm going to appear as if out of nowhere and tap you on the shoulder. Don't be afraid, I'm not going to hold you to accounts for your arrested development and long-term serial nonsense. I think you're doing the very best you can with what little you have.
But honestly, I can't wait to see your crestfallen expression and body language when you finally come face-to-face with God's right hand man....,
"Are they like friends behind the scenes?"
Anon, I asked the same question many times, but then I learned to just sit back and enjoy the ride, cuz DV got the type of shit you need to know.
That picture of KC Nulan cracks me the hell up every time I see it. :-) :-)
Phuck KC Nulan the Anarcho-Capitalist who works In The Basement!!!
Hello Anon. Welcome to the spot.
For real?
You didn't know?
CNu is President of the DV Hater Club.
Dude has been here everyday for 3 years.
I think of him as more like a student who never graduates.
Just enrolls every year.
A heckler who buys a ticket to the same show ... night after night.
That's my dude.
I wouldn't blog without him.
"There's no cancer, diabetes, heart disease, or autoimmune disorders in my family." CNu
Of course not.
The cancer, diabetes, heart disease and automimmune disorders is in the animals you eat.
Right under all that 'hot spice'.
"in precisely the way it preoccupies rich, elderly white women rotting inside and on death's doorstep - says more about where you are in your relationship to subjective, consensus, and objective reality than it does about anyone rejecting your cultish gas." CNu
zzzz ...
Dietary disease is killing you fat pigeon eatin' eduMaCated Negros faster than the Holocaust killed Jews.
Diet is THE most important issue facing every black person in this country.
You go on over to your blog and talk that "200 Watt Per Negro Per Day" Green Technocratic scheme, forced austerity, Dooms Day, Peak Oil, Hyper Inflation, Malthusian Human Being Hating, Sci-Fi Fantasy corny shit with your "homies".
Over a bag of BBQ pork rinds.
(You can always tell the nerds who didn't get no Punany in high school.
They're still mad at 50.)
The cancer, diabetes, heart disease and automimmune disorders is in the animals you eat.
a whole rat/cat/dog from the rooter to the tooter...., aw man, cain't beat it!!!!!
Salute the swine - SISSY!!!!!
What up Jo!
That picture of KC Nulan cracks me the hell up every time I see it. :-) :-)
Con Feed! Man. That's him!
Diet is THE most important issue facing every black person in this country.
Diet is THE most important issue facing every black person in this country.
Diet is THE most important issue facing every black person in this country.
if you say so..,
"Why shouldn't you and your "homies" eat genetically modified laboratory animals? Why not eat cloned hogs? Why not eat eat pigeons, rats and dogs? Why shouldn't you fry up whatever is on sale at Walmart for the Nu family? Shiiiit. Throw some hot sauce on it. What difference does it make?"
Because when these fat ignorant gluttonous pigs all come down with Type II diabetes, cancer and heart attacks - the rest of us all will STILL have to pay for their healthcare thanks to OBUMACARE! Don't you love Democratic Socialism? Instant debt redistribution from the responsible to the irresponsible!
'irresponsible to the responsible'
Does pathophysiology mean anything to anyone of you? All this talk about diabetes, and nobody here seems to understand what it is?
Pork does not "give" you diabetes. How many times must this be said?
Pork does not "give" you diabetes.
Then why are all the pigs diabetics?
Diabetes is not a disease but rather a symptom of "over-acidity".
Most of the "common foods" in the everyday American diet is toxic and will make the body very acidic (pork included) instead of alkaline.
Stop calling out the symptoms(diabetes included) of our only disease; "Acidosis" and address the root cause.
Our body is a simple "fish tank". Don't balance the water in the tank right and allow it to get toxic (acidic), the fish will quickly die.
It is somewhat funny that every symptom and reaction to that "over acidity " is somehow classified as a new and unique disease.
However, the key to reversing Type I and Type II Diabetes and other "symptoms" is to hyper-alkalize the blood and tissue. Clean the damm tank.
End of story.
Like I said It ain't that complicated. Stop trying so hard.
Define quality of life? The enjoyment you get from being 65 and not have high blood pressure? Or the enjoyment you get from the taste of steak with a baked potatoe on the side smoothered in butter and sour cream?
Truth is, organic food doesn't increase life span. So the choice is do I place a higher value on health or personal satisfaction. That is where the issue lies.
"Define quality of life? The enjoyment you get from being 65 and not have high blood pressure? Or the enjoyment you get from the taste of steak with a baked potatoe on the side smoothered in butter and sour cream?"
RJ, I have a morbidly obese friend who used to talk like that. She eats like Yogi Bear preparing for a long winter and claims she's just treating herself all the while criticizing me about my vegetarian diet. Well, she put the brakes on that shit when her blood started flowing like high fructose corn syrup through her veins. Even with her health rapidly deteriorating, she still hoards food in her stomach and refuses to associate her diabetes with that waste disposal she calls a mouth. I'm 33, she's 36. Guess which one of us will be enjoying life more at 65?
Your friend is not morbidly obese because she's not a vegetarian. She's morbidly obese because she eats too much and probably doesn't exercise. Moderation is always the key with anything. However, its about what you value and what's important to you. How much "life" will you be enjoying at 65? I will admit that eating healthy will slow down aging, but it does not prevent it. There are plenty of healthy eaters with cancer and other diseases. Just saying, if I had a choice between enjoying certain foods now and being sick when I get old and can't do too much anyway vs depriving myself certain things for the sake of eating healthy and being healthy when I'm old and still can't do too much anyway, I choose the former.
ROFL, She just called me while I was reading your comment RJ. She was talking about a recipe for oreo cookie cheesecake truffles she's making. Yuck! If she ate in moderation and exercised she would still be unhealthy because of her food choices.
You said "There are plenty of healthy eaters with cancer and other diseases." Of course there are because diet alone will not create health. Lifestyle, attitude and environment are huge contributors as well. I believe a persons mental health has more of an effect on their physical health than anything else.
BTW, I've been craving a rib eye with horseradish since I read your post. Factory farming, growth hormones, disease and overall lack of quality in meat production is why I stopped eating meat. As for processed foods, that is a no brainer.
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