If You See Something,
Say Something
No matter where you look, from East Germany, to Communist Russia, to Nazi Germany, historically governments who encourage their own citizens to report on each other do so not for any genuine safety concerns or presumed benefits to security, but in order to create an authoritarian police state that coerces the people into policing each other’s behavior and thoughts.
Germans under Hitler denounced their neighbors and friends not because they genuinely believed them to be a security threat, but because they expected to selfishly benefit from doing so, both financially, socially and psychologically via a Pavlovian need to be rewarded by their masters for their obedience.
At the height of its influence around one in seven of the East German population was an informant for Nazi Germany. The creation of an informant system was wholly centered around identifying political dissidents and those with grievances against the state, and had little or nothing to do with genuine security concerns.
HotmfWax said...

"Dear Nazi-bitch,
In point of fact, I have said something whenever I saw anything suspicious and I have been doing it for 16 years.
I tried to report it when I realized Vincent Foster has not committed suicide, but been murdered.
I tried to report it when it became obvious that George W. Bush was lying about Saddam's 'nookular' bombs to trick us all into a war of conquest.
I tried to report it when it became obvious that Al Gore's carbon-tax grab was a fraud.
I tried to report it when TWA 800 was accidentally shot down by a military missile.
I tried to report it when the Secret Service did not act like the 9-11 attacks were a surprise at Booker Elementary and that the same FEMA that allowed the victims of Katrina to languish for days without aid had been in New York the night before 9-11, ready to go!
I tried to report it when our site broke new evidence that the gunshot that killed Dr. Martin Luther King did not come from the rooming house where James Earl Ray was supposedly shooting from.
I tried to report it when CIA was smuggling cocaine into the US to fund covert activities and political campaigns.
I tried to report it when our military started smuggling heroin out of the newly invaded Afghanistan.
Long before WikiLeaks became the darling of the corporate media, hundreds of blogs just like this one were blowing whistles and reporting on wrongdoing all across this nation and around the world.
You didn't listen.
Not once. So kindly shut the @#%$ up.
Unless and until you are ready to listen to the citizens report of wrongdoing, please do not waste precious oxygen flapping your yap about "See something, say something", because We The People do see!
We see everything you are doing. We have been speaking out. Yet you stand there fingers in ears, eyes tight shut, screaming "I can't hear you and I can't see you and you can't make me!" at the top of your lungs, trying to imagine terrorists under every bed and in every closet because you cannot bear to look in a mirror at what monster you, the government, has become."
Dam that Jewish closet case got sum chutzpah..
Almost as bad as Internet cop Lieberman!
Some people don't want to look at the comparisons in history. A lot of these people aren't content to live in their fantasy world, they want others to keep them company. That doesn't eliminate the facts. There have always been those who want absolute power. To the nth degree, even what we believe. For our own good of course (insert evil laugh).
Nope officer, I didn't see shit. I didn't see a red van with an old man carrying a puppy and candy trying to get 1st graders to go for a ride. Stop snitchin.
That's right officer, I didn't see shit. If I saw a red van with an old man carrying a puppy and candy trying to get 1st graders to go for a ride I WOULD DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT myself instead of being a bitch ass tattle-tale.
there's a difference when it's appropriate to report abuse or a crime and when it's just monitoring for the sake of control or perceived reward.
Right. Snitching is in the eye of the beholder so to speak.
Calling the police when dudes are selling meth to 1st graders is snitching?
Calling the police when a potential rapist is trying to entice them with candy is not?
Most people aren't trying to get involved no matter what the situation.
BEST Response on the WEB!
"Dear Nazi-bitch.
In point of fact, I have said something whenever I saw anything suspicious and I have been doing it for 16 years.
I tried to report it when I realized Vincent Foster has not committed suicide, but been murdered.
I tried to report it when it became obvious that George W. Bush was lying about Saddam's 'nookular' bombs to trick us all into a war of conquest.
I tried to report it when it became obvious that Al Gore's carbon-tax grab was a fraud.
I tried to report it when TWA 800 was accidentally shot down by a military missile.
I tried to report it when the Secret Service did not act like the 9-11 attacks were a surprise at Booker Elementary and that the same FEMA that allowed the victims of Katrina to languish for days without aid had been in New York the night before 9-11, ready to go!
I tried to report it when our site broke new evidence that the gunshot that killed Dr. Martin Luther King did not come from the rooming house where James Earl Ray was supposedly shooting from.
I tried to report it when CIA was smuggling cocaine into the US to fund covert activities and political campaigns.
I tried to report it when our military started smuggling heroin out of the newly invaded Afghanistan.
Long before WikiLeaks became the darling of the corporate media, hundreds of blogs just like this one were blowing whistles and reporting on wrongdoing all across this nation and around the world.
You didn't listen.
Not once.
So kindly shut the @#%$ up. Unless and until you are ready to listen to the citizens report of wrongdoing, please do not waste precious oxygen flapping your yap about "See something, say something", because We The People do see! We see everything you are doing. We have been speaking out. Yet you stand there fingers in ears, eyes tight shut, screaming "I can't hear you and I can't see you and you can't make me!" at the top of your lungs, trying to imagine terrorists under every bed and in every closet because you cannot bear to look in a mirror at what monster you, the government, has become." :)
I believe she was addressing the sane people of this Country...not the random crazies who roam the interwebs.
No worries, it's an easy mistake to make for the mentally ill...since they have been known to hear voices often.
Anonymous said "I believe she was addressing the sane people of this Country..."
You do realize this will be shown to Walmart shoppers.
Anonymous said "I believe she was addressing the sane people of this Country..."
You do realize this will be shown to Walmart shoppers." Cheir Harmonie
Ha! Brilliant.
OK, so she was addressing the 2 out of 100 who wander into the store by mistake.
BTW, you two would be in the majority...
Cheir ... obviously the above "Anonymous" ^^ is a product of Compulsory Schooling.
He / She / DMG has absolutely no historical context with which to assess the latest round of propaganda released by these insane technocrats who hi-jacked the government.
Anonymous. Get a book. Read up on civil liberties, fear, propaganda and the police state.
Then come back to the spot with something more intelligent than the suggestion that Janet Napolitano's little Walmart video was purposed to protect "children from old men cruising parking lots with candy".
perhaps it was there all along and i just missed it, but if not, thank you for adding the search function to your blog. you have volumes of information and while the entire site is worth reading, making it searchable is really helpful for those inclined to educate themselves on specific topics. thanks! --onelove
One Love
When's the doc comming back? Or is DV really DMG?
Come back?
Where the doc been?
Posting as "Anonymous" doesn't mean you went anywhere.
Just means it is easier to hide than it is for him to swallow his pride and admit that the training / conditioning / propaganda he was taught in Plantation School is fundamentally flawed, discredited and ultimately harmful.
Imagine how the health of millions of black people could be positively effected if Black MD's stopped parroting the profit-driven self-serving propaganda of the medical industrial complex which masquerades as "Science", and sought real long lasting holistic health solutions for all Americans.
History will remember these doctors not as men of science and health but as agents of a corporate fascist dictatorship engaged in genocide.
Slow Kill.
Plantation Food is GUARANTEED to cause disease.
Plantation Medicine treats the symptoms while it allows the disease to kill you.
DMG can run, change his name and post anonymous insults. But he can't hide from the observable truth.
It's amazing how three simple letters can turn a grown man on.
Nobody is hiding. Or did you just now realizing that so many of those "anonymous" posts over the last several months weren't just YOU hyping your own silly memes.
Remember, you are here for MY entertainment....so dance monkey. Dance.
"OK, so she was addressing the 2 out of 100 who wander into the store by mistake.
BTW, you two would be in the majority..."
Is that supposed to make sense? I don't shop at Walmart intentionally or by mistake.
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