The Divine Trust
Are "African Americans" actually more American than African?
Much of the so-called African Slave Trade was fabricated. There was no trade! An independent source showing that the so-called Indians on the Eastern Seaboard (also called Terra Nova), were Moors, is a book called; “Africans and Native Americans”, by Jack D. Forbes. He shows in the book how many so-called Native American Indians were sold into slavery in Africa and Europe. This is the opposite direction in which we were taught the slave trade went in.
These Native Americans or Indians were classified as Negroes and Blacks in the slaves books of Seville Spain and elsewhere. On page 29 he says; ” slaves from Terranova show up in the slave markets of Seville and Valencia very soon after 1500.
For example; in Valencia during the period to 1516, we find in 1503 Miguel, Manne, in 1505 Juan and Pedro, in 1507 Antonio and Juan Amarco, in 1515 Ali, now Melchor, in 1516 Catalina. … they were all classified as Negroes…”. if we were first brought to North America around 1619 or even 1555, for that matter, then how were they taking slaves from Newfoundland, to Europe? Keep in mind that one of the “Native Americans” even had the name “Ali” and all were classified as Negro once they reached Yalencia. How did a Native American in 1515 have the Moorish name “Ali”?
Are "African Americans" actually more American than African?

Ive been debating getting an Olmec head tattoo for about 5 years... I think I still might get it
The rubbish people write for attention smh.
The Native Americans were for the most part Asiatic.
The Olmec in particular had strong Chinese influence. As is evident in their artifacts.
somebody isn't up to speed on the jaguar stylizations characteristic of the mask they used as an example.
The back of the stone heads is most revealing. In addition to a typical nubian soldier's leather helmet, there is also the fact of the hairbraiding represented on the stone heads which is characteristic of the nubian footsoldier it depicts.
Runoko Rashidi can help fill in other gaps in anonymous knowledge of global african transit and presence, inclusive of the early african presence in China.
That type of detail is how one easily distinguishes between a jaguar stylization and an east asian facial configuration.
This is a "jaguar stylization?"
This is a jaguar mask. I don't see any resemblance whatsoever.
Funny, looks more like a "Chinese stylization" to me.
Anonymous said...
"The rubbish people write for attention smh."
You mean like the myth that the "Greeks were fathers of civilization"?
^ Tell 'em, DV. Aristotle wasn't shit!
Here we go again...
"Black people are the greatest!"
"No, it's the whiteys!"
Nah, UBM. Aristotle was a bad cat.
Consider him the Donny Osmond of philosophy.
But ...
Imhotep was James Brown.
Funny, looks more like a "Chinese stylization" to me.
It's a good thing that archeologists use more than untutored armchair evidence to bolster their accounts of human interaction.
Despite the fact that we're talking about Olmecs and not Mayans, and that the former predate the latter by more than a few centuries - the evidence marshaled in support of the African origins is drawn from eleven categories including,
language (loaner words)
diet (staple foods)
metallurgy (common alloy composition)
Absent these more extensive ties, we would be left to ignorant supposition and untutored guesswork leading to erroneous conclusions such as the one you've drawn anonymous.
Aristotle isn’t the subject, but since you raised him, he has to be regarded as perhaps the world’s greatest plagiarist. It’s amazing the number of books he suddenly “authored” after Alexander conquered Kemet, which gave Aristotle total access to the great library in the city which now bears the conqueror’s name.
Is this a Chinese or an Olmec? Or are they the same? Or you gonna tell me that's a Nubian brotha?
There's far more links besides jade burial masks too. Including linguistic, cultural and even phenotypical (Mongolian spots).
Who knows, maybe someone brought over a few bruthas as slaves. But it's obvious the vast majority were Asiatic.
Afro-Olmec confusion dispelled...., take notes anonymous.
In case your head is thick, your mind fuzzy, and you moves too slow - here's Dr. Ivan Van Sertima bringing it to you in even greater detail about La Venta, Ta-Seti - and the nature of Olmec civilization.
Of course now Byrdeye I mean anonymous has nothing to say
05 13 09
The thread has degenerated into name calling. Too bad. I think some of the Moorish science stuff is ridiculous. I strongly believe that any fool can look at a map and SEE that we were connected in antiquity. If you get on a boat and catch the right wind, Africa is simply a hop skip and jump away from many places in the world.
With that said, I think that the Moorish science people have taken knowledge with a shred of facts and have twisted it to support their own dogma.
I am not saying that Native Americans weren't influenced or didn't have ties with Africans; it is apparent that they did. But the details that the Moorish science people have come up with border on fabrication.
I get exceedingly incensed when they say that the transatlantic slave trade is a lie. NO IT IS NOT A LIE. My Great Grandmother was born in 1906 in Mississippi as a share cropper. Her Grandfather had been a slave and the sharecropping was on the same plantation where he was enslaved.
Furthermore, if one researches the historical record, the laws and codes that were adopted by the colonies were expressly written to KEEP Blacks, Mestizos, Mulattos and Indians subserviant.
Memories don't die so quickly.
I believe that these Moorish science people are opportunists who take a bit of information and twist it about so that it is almost unrecognizable. They give alternative researchers a bad name.
Good points Mahndisa.
I don't know much about Moorish science.
However the assertion that there was no 'Indian Holocaust', but the native population of the eastern seaboard was enslaved by European colonists and absorbed by the African population brought to this country as slaves does not strike me as far fetched.
Hell, there is more reason to believe 'African Americans' are native to this country than there is to believe European Jews are biological descendants of the ancient Israelites.
I've always contended that African people would have been better off had the Moors not invaded Spain in 711 AD.
How long would Europe have remained in the Dark (White) Age had the Moors not brought all of their knowledge to these barbaric people.
05 13 09
Let me be clear; I am not talking about all the Moors, but some of them. In particular, the Queen Valahra El Bey. I honestly think that she is somewhat of a charlatin not because her points lack merit, but because of how she applies her philosophy and this is all I can say for now...
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