"What exactly makes Nicki's 'Barbie meme' not "Black"?
RJohnson said...

Mattel. :D
And I don't disagree about her creative license. She is free to do whatever she pleases. However, I don't think she's "mocking" anything. I think she's "capitalizing" which I have no real problem with from a financial aspect. But let's be real. She is trying to appeal to white audiences. Is there anything wrong with that? No. But her "meme" is about as black as Derek Jeter. Sure its in there. But they ain't trying to highlight it too much.
Again, as a rapper, she can get pretty lyrical when she wants so I have some respect for her.
I must confess that I spent about an hour this weekend watching her reality show. She's interesting - a live wire for show. Talented, introspective, probably crazy like all artists.
I haven't peeped her show. But I've been feeling her from the beginning.
She defied the Tyranny of The Mediocre.
Expressed herself.
Defined herself.
Did her thing.
I'm proud of her.
Really? As a lyricists she can be quite good. As an artists/entertainer she's definitely up there. But I hate the barbie thing. Whatever happened to black girls trying to be black?
Yes. Many people are reticent to toss Nicki a 'thumbs up' because they can't quite get with the Barbie motif.
To me its a metaphor mocking the hypocrisy of the consumption class.
True. It's not for everybody.
But let's be careful declaring it something other than "black".
What exactly makes Nicki's 'Barbie meme' not "Black"?
I think we should give black artists just as much creative license as we give white artists.
If Bo Derrick could wear cornrows why shouldn't Nicki wear a pink wig?
I don't interpret her act to be anymore a denial of her blackness than Eminem's act is a denial of his whiteness.
That aint Robyn!
My fualt.
What Up Pro!?
"I think we should give black artists just as much creative license as we give white artists.
If Bo Derrick could wear cornrows why shouldn't Nicki wear a pink wig?
I don't interpret her act to be anymore a denial of her blackness than Eminem's act is a denial of his whiteness."
True indeed.
From another perspective. I see more anime/Asian influences than barbie. Look at her videos and performances she makes faces that a cartoon would make. very animated and talented.
I feel sorry for her. I see none of what you guys do.....save for a whole lot of money.
DV. WOW.Again, I say WOW. Love the site. You continually talk about De facto homos, not getting married because they just can't stop dipping their manhood into chicks here and chicks there. You talk about, 'If a million brothers married a million sisters......', you talk about the education system really being an indoctrination system, you talk about how the media fills us with the results of their engineered lies...Niki Minaj and the like artists are there to feed us the same 'fast life' lies, promotion of promiscuity, always seeing a brother or a sister as either a pimp/ceo pimp/athelete pimp or a some sort of variation on a ho. Are they talking about getting married...HELL NO. Would their labels be happy if they did HELL NO! BUt you want to praise them for dressing up the 'ruin a brother/sister desire to marry and be monogamous while resepcting oneself' act, just because she got herself a Barbie or some anime style visual delivery. Just like you said, THEY EXPORT IDENTITY. And kids, adults, music lovers lap it up, and think the world is gonna respect women as more than stripper pole dancers, or brothers as more than just rappers giving us a blow by blow account of their former/new/to come coke franchise . They are EDUMACATING the masses. According to them, winning in life has very little to do with being how God wants us to be, and everything to do with doing whatever we feel like. THey say confusion is a disinformation weapon......bro your packing a MacK 10 wit this one. And please let us not assume that the average listener who probably isn't looking for a philosophy lesson via a Niki Minaj album is going to suspect she is actually, giving us a high grade memetic exercise in Rebranding female rap....i believe she probably is, but that isn't the point, the point is they are killing us with this musical diet, just the same as the supermarket selling us diabetes causing food as if its Quinoa is killing us....just had to say.
" I see more anime/Asian influences than barbie. Look at her videos and performances she makes faces that a cartoon would make. very animated and talented." blacotuaku1
right right.
Now that you mention it.
Astute observation.
I like this cat.
Sista O!
I find it hard to believe that you aint feeling Nicki.
You couldn't possibly have heard her.
"I find it hard to believe that you aint feeling Nicki."
And why is that?!! lol
My luvie says he heard her from way back when in his Brooklyn days. He knows something I dont on that end so you may be right about me not "hearing" her.
I've only heard her latest. And maybe a cut or two from recent mixtapes. Perhaps you'll post some fire?
I love good hip-hop. And I really saw her as the death of the kind of female hip-hop that I love.
Beyond that, when she speaks, or performs she looks so sad. Like literally tormented and depressed.
Could be reading. But I pick up on a lot. Not by choice. And she just does not seem comfortable or happy.
Ya'll watched the Youtube of "Keys" the indie rapper who goes in on Nick, I'm sure.
If not:
This spoken word artist had some words for Nicki as well.
Nicki can spit a lil bit. I'm just not a fan of her animated style, nor the beef gimmicks.
That "How do you?" chorus is pretty damm terrible. I haven't heard the album.
What excites me is how the underground has made radio less relevant. Cats with no spins are commanding attention, moving units and staying independent.
OMG... listening to her music has been my secret guilty pleasure from when I first heard her. I never felt free to express it because all I ever saw online was how she was just the most terrible display of womanhood in the world... I don't know... I like her!
NIcki is a'ight but she's over-produced.
She probably has more skills than she is allowed to show.
But I have to go with those who favor Jean Grae or Nitty Scott - I liked MC Lyte and Monie Love more than I liked Lil' Kim.
Wuts good DV? (i shall address you by your alter ego, lol)
"What exactly makes Nicki's 'Barbie meme' not "Black"?"
Mattel. :D
And I don't disagree about her creative license. She is free to do whatever she pleases. However, I don't think she's "mocking" anything. I think she's "capitalizing" which I have no real problem with from a financial aspect. But let's be real. She is trying to appeal to white audiences. Is there anything wrong with that? No. But her "meme" is about as black as Derek Jeter. Sure its in there. But they ain't trying to highlight it too much.
Again, as a rapper, she can get pretty lyrical when she wants so I have some respect for her.
...that was dope.
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