Tuesday, February 08, 2011

23 Inches Of "Global Warming" Hits Midwest - Lord Christopher Monckton ... Was Right. "Climate Change" = NWO Trick For One World Government


nicki nicki tembo said...

I live in the midwest and have for years been noticing and stating how much colder the weather has been here over the last 20+ years.
When I was a child spring break was never cold and we never had snow during that week. April temps were consistently pleasant and warm, and by the end of May, when school let out, it was hot! This is no longer true. It's still windy and cool going into June these last 15 or so years. My ex-husband was born the first day of spring '62 and says he never remembered having a cold birthday growing up. In recent years it hasn't been uncommon for this area to receive snow on that week.
Additionally, wanted to say how much I appreciate the image change from that that had been accompanying my comments. It was warming and that is much needed with this snow - LOL

Denmark Vesey said...


Wow. Interesting Nicki. I get that.

Thank you.

Selecting an image to correspond with the complex online personas who do their thing at DenmarkVesey.net has always been a challenge.

I don't try so much to match the image with their offline physical reality as much as I try to select an image that corresponds to the energy and spirit of that persona.

I once picked an image of Cheikh Anta Diop for my man Hot Wax. You know. Cuz Wax is a scholar who operates outside the psychological book-ends that limits the average Plantation Negro's interpretation of history to the intellectual equivalent of Black History Month.

Wax hit me up and said "Man! Why you pick that old ass man for me?! I'm 50 years old and in great shape!"

I thought I was Biggin him up.

Wax sent me a flick. He looked like the black dude from the Ol' Spice commercials. "Look at your man! Now look at me!"

Handsome 50 year old cat looks he does 2,000 pushups a day.

lol. So I had to switch him up.

What I like about your observations regarding the weather ... is that you are relying upon your own observations and interactions with reality instead of adopting the interpretations of reality disseminated by the Plantation / Technocracy / Scientific Dictatorship.

The Plantation announces that 1) The world is warming and life as we know it is about to come to an end ... 2) Humans are the cause of the warming 3) We need a singular, unelected government with the power to tax and regulate commerce and industry to prevent the world from burning up.

When asked for a presentation of the science that proves this theory ... the Plantation responds that "A Consensus" of scientists believe man is causing the earth to heat.

Consensus does not = Science.

There are people all over America chipping their cars out of ice ... who call those of us who reject the pseudoscience of "Global Warming" - "Climate Change Deniers".


They are deniers of reality.

The Climate Change / Global Warming myth is an excellent teaching tool.

After people appreciate this manufactured lie, it is easier to help them understand the lies about diet, medicine and disease that they still buy into.

D.SMITH said...

Good observations. I'm here in VA, and have noticed the same thing; if anything, it's getting colder, not warmer. Last summer was rather comfortable as far as I'm concerned. Even on the hottest days it didn't seem nowhere near as punishing prior to. Last winter we got about a good four feet of snow over the course of the season, and I even heard people blame that on global warming! For real? Temperature's rising and it causes it to snow...more?!!

The past few weeks have been rather cold as well, colder than what I can recall for this time last year, and we haven't yet hit winter officially. There was ice and flurries on the cars this morning, and a winter weather advisory not too far from me as well...but I'm supposed to believe it's constantly getting warmer?!!

There were climate change summits going on in Cancun last week; as much as I tried to listen to Pacifica and follow what's going on, I just don't see it. And I think a lot of people that parrot this "global warming" phenomenon don't actually see it either; they only hear it. And if the source is "reliable" enough (oh, but these people are professionals!), the people will believe it.

Global warming is an interchangeable and illusionary phenomenon; you can start a discussion and a "need for concern" for something else in the same manner, and the folks will promptly fall in line to be told what they're supposed to do next.

Anonymous said...

Why is it so cold?

D.SMITH said...

Thanks for the link Anonymous...

But it's talking about eight out of the past ten years have seen in an increase in temperature out in the ocean somewhere. What is ten years in relation to how long we've estimated the planet Earth to have existed? Not even a whole drop in one big ass bucket.

This ain't enough to make me go trade in my SUV for a little ass, Duracell powered Prius and willingly fork over the cash for whatever "carbon tax" or other scheme the Al Gore Corps. come up with.

HotmfWax said...

Nicki, Smith, DV,anon:

Very astute observations. Sometimes things are so very simple and can be right in front of our eyes that we can't see it.

However, I am going to try to knock this out in a couple of minutes therefore, I am going to ask everyone to stay with me for a few and those of you that I lose, I will see you next year :).

The elite always knew and will continue to know that it is going to keep on getting colder (not as fast as in their hint movie:The Day after tomorrow, but we will go there eventually)even though it has been hidden from us in history.

I brought up the Expanding Earth Theory before.



If you follow the science you understand what a



It is responsible for the growth of everything we can observe.

If you get this , then you can understand that everything in the universe grows including the universe itself.

Nothing is static.

If you get that you understand the life cycle of a planet and understand how they actually finally expand to a gaseous state and then kaboom ; becomes a sun! and it starts its own little galaxy of planets and possible life around it again.

Follow the esoteric, astrotheology, bible, matrix III or metaphysics and walla-you have just gotten the son,sun, sol, soul meme relationship and why everything relates to the 19.5 tetrahedron side to these wonderful circular objects and their relationship to each other.


Sorry as I digressed :),

So what the hell does this have to do with why is it been getting so f-ing cold you may be asking?

Easy, It has been getting colder as the earth has been expanding forever. As the planet grows and continue to expand in what seems to be increments via Neal's video , It has been getting colder in those same tiny increments.

All planets go thru "this phase" as they expand. Our closest planetary relatives have kind of shown us the way.

HotmfWax said...


Look really hard.

It aint that hard to research.

Florida is where Georgia was maybe 50 years ago regarding cold temperature. Look at all the records being broken.

Fort Lauderdale breaks cold record for Dec.



35,000 Dead in Britain.


You dark folks will eventually will have to give up your equator. Just ask the reptiles :), I mean the elites.

Incremental changes Bra, however the magnitude intensify(almost doubles) each time with every cycle.

Every species that went extinct before died off because, of the "the expanding earth" issues however we don't want to believe that we too might or will have to give in to "Expanding earth" issues.

BTW, for those of you who have not heard of this before, it also gives us the answer to one land mass , and one connectivity of all things before the expansion and separation of land masses.

Finally Expanding Earth also gives us the introduction of unlimited abiotic oil.


Nothing new under the sun DV. Water on this planet was a result of expansion see Mercury, then Venus then check out the 3rd rock and so on and so on.

As it is above, so it will be below. Fibonacci sequence- if we can't stop our process of getting old and then eventually dying how can we then stop the planets, much yet , the universe.

Head-fakes, and Hijacking of the collective consciousness in order to wish for "Global Warming" in and attempt to reverse the process is and will be futile.

Life is a process on every level..bugs,us, planets,galaxies, universe. Understand the
- then you might understand God and then your unbreakable omnipotent connection to him(he,she is you).

In the mean time,

"Damm its cold!"

HotmfWax said...


Everyone says that I am (better looking )Herschel Walker look a like:), but I also get the spiritual essence of a person words. Thank you for the props, and that was very kind of you to post the "old guy" in my first profile. After my "ego" let go of the physical I was cool. LOL.

Denmark Vesey said...

Braaaa Wax!

My man.

Watching these flicks now.

You fuggin' me up dude.

Expanding. Earth.


Anonymous said...

Don't sniff to far up his ass...he brought that expanding Earth bullshit months ago...or did you forget?

dx said...

even we in the V.I. gettin record lows...

Record Lows Fri Dec 3 2010

St Croix, Virgin Islands 64F
St Thomas, VI 65F

google it for ya self....buuurrrr!!!

like the info HW...

Denmark Vesey said...

"Don't sniff to far up his ass...he brought that expanding Earth bullshit months ago...or did you forget?" DMG


^^ Ol' Geechy ass Negro slave catchers are incapable of appreciating any idea not spoon fed them by white folks first.

Notice the Plantation MD did not assert his objection to any particular idea within the piece ... he just did his Pavlovian duty to cast doubt on any idea not pre-approved by his master.

Then these nerds wonder why intelligent people are starting to avoid Plantation MD quacks as if their lives depend on it ...

they do.

Denmark Vesey said...

St Croix, Virgin Islands 64F


Come on D.

I've never seen it drop less than 70F in St. Croix.


dx said...


f--k around and it'll be snowing up in this beeeoottch!!

gonna need to move further south fo da winter soon enuff...lol

HotmfWax said...

Much love Dx,

I meant to hit you up in your last post. I wanted to send you some love because I too am a Cruzian at Heart! Lived in St. Croix from 1967 to 1976. Hung out at Cremos? Park. Sailed to Buck Island..Played golf at grove place and fished by the wharf at Fredericksted? and remembered hanging out at the fort in Christiansted. My pops used to work for Hess and Harvey.

LOL. I don't remember the spelling of any of those places as Babylon has been trying to calcify my brain with fluoride over the last 30 years.:) I have been telling my wife how much I want to go back, but the reports that the man has been scaring us with has been how dangerous it has gotten there and the usual crime scare tactic.

I still have family in Puerto Rico (use to go island hopping in the Sea Goose) and celebrated my 15th Wedding Anniversary there.

Dx, as I said before the man is coming back for the equator, he has no choice. Review 19.5 tetrahedon degrees latitude 19.5 degrees and Haiti(Bill Clinton) and/or latitude 19.5 degrees Hawaii(Obama) and you will start to understand the metaphysics behind the elites plan.

Start here:


Then you might have an idea of what the f@#k this has to do with pyramids.



Been down the rabbit hole Bra?

One loveDx. BTW, Born in 1962 in Jamaica and Rasta fari at heart.

HotmfWax said...

more 19.5 info Dx.


dx said...


aaahhhh shit!!

gotta local homie in da house...pleasantries my brotha!!

originally from st thomas but lived in st croix for 3 years 98 to 2001...been around the world and back 12 years now

Hess is now Hovensa a joint venture between Hess Corp and petroleos de Venezuela...

yeah boss crime a bit high in the hoods...gang wars

PD trying to tighten it down though...makin some head way

yo!! like the info on the expanding earth...

the rabbit hole...heard about it but havent had a chance to check into it...maybe its time

and well definitely follow up on the info...tks

peace brah

Anonymous said...

"Climate Change"

Anonymous said...

When in the history of the planet Earth ... has the Climate NOT Changed?

Anonymous said...

Responding to the document, Monckton said: "In a lengthy letter to Congress some months ago, in which I addressed questions from Congressmen about my testimony before the global warming committee, I had already refuted in detail the points now belatedly raised again by the scientists who have written to Congress. The scientists were unaware of my letter to Congress because they did not have the good sense or courtesy to contact me - or even to contact the vast majority of the scientists whose conclusions I had cited - before circulating to friendly news media their prolix, turgid, repetitive, erroneous and inadequate response to my testimony."

Anonymous said...

Depends on your definition of "change". The point is the Earth doesn't give a fuck about humans. If the climate changes to the point where we all freeze, burn, war or starve ourselves to death, life in some form will continue on...it just might not continue with humans.

Denmark Vesey said...



You give your money to a bunch of "Climate Scientists" and "Unelected Bureaucrats" to save your black ass from an "Earth that doesn't give a fuck about humans".

Let them tell you when you can and cannot build a home, farm food or make a baby.

(Plantation Negros want to be slaves so bad they will lay down and forfeit their autonomy to the first white man who calls himself "a scientist".)

Denmark Vesey said...

When in the history of the planet Earth ... has the Climate NOT Changed?

Ha! Exactly

Anonymous said...

I suppose you also go to the guy who changes your oil and lubricates your tires for legal advice too?

When being presented with a well reasoned and annotated argument, if a person STILL chooses the viewpoint of the ignorant then this person should be considered irretrievably stupid. There's nothing really more to say. You've been shown the data.

Anonymous said...

Funny again how you equate "white man" and "scientist". You often seem to invoke ethnicity when you find yourself cornered (calling out to the mob for back up), this is about the time when you choose to rhyme, dance, coon, and grin.

Choosing the ignorant, conspiratorial, unsubstantiated side of the argument is not "Blackness". It's just stupid.

Denmark Vesey said...

I'll listen to a lawyer.

Then I'll go read on my own.

Then I'll talk to another lawyer.

Then I will tell my lawyer what to do.

Just because some peasant manages to secure a law degree doesn't make what he says sacrosanct.

Just like some peasant whose main qualifications were that he did what he was told, and stayed out of trouble ... manages to obtain a Medical Degree doesn't make what he has to say about health sacrosanct.

Most doctors don't know shit about health.

Search the archives for "DMG" to experience evidence of that fact.

Same doctors trying to tell people what to do today were unnecessarily snatching tonsils out of the mouths of millions of children just yesterday.

Just because a handful of bureaucrats (all of whom are ultimately employed by the scientific establishment) tell us "Man is causing the planet to heat up" doesn't make it sacrosanct.

It makes it the opinion of 1 group of compromised scientists.

The DATA is faked.

It is all "MODELING".

You can make a Model demonstrate whatever you want to make it demonstrate.


If it anthropomorphic global warming were a scientific fact ... they would present the facts and not write little bitch ad hominem editorials directed at Christopher Monckton.

Only idiots and subservient peasants still buy into the Global Warming ... ooops. "Climate Change" myth anyway.

Stick around "Anonymous".

Learn something.

Denmark Vesey said...

Funny again how you equate "white man" and "scientist".

No Jigaboo.

You do.

Which is why you are so eager to believe nonsense.

If a group of Moors were to tell you the earth was heating up because of CO2 you would laugh in their faces and probably report them to the police.

Let Al Gore and a bunch of Copenhagen nuts say it and you are ready to submit to marital law.


You are a product of the Plantation School system.

You have been conditioned / trained to obey.

Not to think.

Think about "Global Warming" for 5 minutes and you will come around.

(Actually you won't because you are too weak to admit you are wrong. Which is why you are back here now posting as Anonymous)

Anonymous said...

You. Still. Have. Not. Proven. One. Word.

And that's really the bottom line.

You don't even know what you don't know.

No matter how many times you say you scientists, doctors, economists etc are wrong, and all of these internet bloggers and psychotics are right (no matter how ignorant their theories) your reach ends at the uneducated mob. Nobody with any power is listening to you. You are the 21st Century Sandwichboard man. This blog is your soapbox. I hope it's at least been therapeutic for you. Because it damn sure hasn't been enlightening...unless of course you are a moron who believes anything because "it was on the computer".

You audience is a group of people who don't know any better. And you take no responsibility for any choices made from information you put out.

Simple as that.

Denmark Vesey said...




You are right.

The earth is getting warmer because of man-made CO2.

My fault.

You are right about this just like you were right about the H1N1 Pandemic, the efficacy of Vaccines, the safety of GMO, the healthiness of processed food when eaten in 'moderation' and the inability of Vitamin D to boost the immune system.

How anyone could ever doubt you and your employer - the medical industrial complex - is beyond me.

JH said...

Snow or yesterday's weather in Peoria are clues about global warming's existence like 22" rims are a clue about my income's existence. Unrelated.
It only needs to be 31-degrees to snow, and precipitation means what? Further, The planet is x Billion years old, and we're relaying anecdotes about last week?

You don't need anecdotes to figure out that GW is at the very least questionable, and at the most, somewhat hoaxy becuase of two things. One, that we do not know enough about the planet's history to accuraely predict where we've been, where we're going, and our ability to influence it. Two, that there is so much money to be made in GW's promotion that it deserves cultural re-evaluation.

Also, I'd urge us not to throw out the great things about environmentalism that we know are right (like better waste management, not ingesting pollutants, recycling, etc.). GW is a very separate issue from conservation and environmentalism, though many would insist that you clump them.

Anonymous said...


The anti-climate change cabal is an agenda driven group whose motives are at best the antithesis of environmentalism.

If you'll notice they rely on discredited theories, fringe scientists, and seedy characters such as "Lord" Monckton above. They are the status quo and rely on the mobs ignorance of physics (admittedly very difficult stuff to digest) and other hard sciences. How man papers have you read and discussed from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on this topic? OK, now how many blogs from random cats who barely graduated high school?

If you don't want to hear what the VAST MAJORITY of the worlds scientists are saying. Don't listen. Hopefully, you'll be long dead before the chickens come home to roost.

Even if there were no global warming, don't you want to breath fresh air and drink clean water? Wouldn't you like to see less air pollution from cars? Shit, don't you at least want to drive a car that gets 60mpg instead of 22mpg? Now, ask yourself about the dudes talking about there's no global warming, the earth is expanding, keep drilling for oil...

Anonymous said...

It's really sad when you have nothing to say, but still try to grin and act like you actually have a come back. Sad.

Denmark Vesey said...

"VAST MAJORITY of the worlds scientists are saying."

Pure ignorance bordering on faggotry.

Scientific evidence is not determined by the "VAST MAJORITY" of anybody.

Facts stand on their own.

The "VAST MAJORITY" of the world's scientists have said a lot of stupid shit in the past.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Even if there were no global warming, don't you want to breath fresh air and drink clean water? Wouldn't you like to see less air pollution from cars? Shit, don't you at least want to drive a car that gets 60mpg instead of 22mpg?

Hegelian Dialectic.

No one will argue for dirty water and polluted air. But what does some fairy tale about burning infernos on earth (oddly similar to the Biblical stories of hell) do to accomplish the utopian vision you describe through your questions?

Anonymous said...

You always seem to have "Faggotry" somewhere on the tip of your tongue...so to speak.

Since when is driving a car that gets 60mpg a "Utopian" vision? Since when is not living like fucking pigs polluting the air, and drilling for oil...that in turn pollutes the air Utopian?

You mental hobbits are so busy running around talking about conspiracy that not only do you not notice the snake oil salesmen emptying your wallet (fossil fuels, "alkaline food"), you tap him on his shoulder to say that he forgot to steal your shirt and drawers!. You allow the weakest of arguments to get you to march as a mob whose IQ drops with each addition.

But, if live and let live means I have to let you all wallow in your ignorance, then so be it.

Denmark Vesey said...

^^ We really need to do something about the quality of public schools in this country.

We are producing generations of people who cannot express themselves.

If anyone understands what DMG ... oops... "Anonymous" is talking about please help those of us who don't get it.

How does exposing the propaganda masquerading as science, called "Global Warming" have anything to do with desiring more fuel efficient cars?




See. The Plantation depends on this type of stupidity to keep people enslaved mentally.

All they have to do is take a lot of Bullshit (AGW) and wrap it in a little good (Environmentalism) ... and fools like this guy buy the whole kit and kaboodle.

Pure faggotry.