Monday, November 29, 2010

Why The Smartest Young Black Men Remove Themselves From The Trap of The Public School System

Take at hazard one hundred children of several educated generations and one hundred uneducated children of the people and compare them in anything you please; in strength, in agility, in mind, in the ability to acquire knowledge, even in morality—and in all respects you are startled by the vast superiority on the side of the children of the uneducated. 
Count Leo Tolstoy
"Education and Children" (1862)


IWonderAsIWander said...

Poor kids are more creative; that's why jazz and rap are poor kids' music. It's tough as a parent, especially as the father of boys, to find the right mix between giving and depriving my sons. I want them to experience things and have fun, but I don't want them to get soft. I want them to be hard, but not so wounded that they can't control themselves. I want them to have enough anger to destroy running backs, but I also want them to be able to debate politics, economics, etc. The Qur'an has a lot of Guidance on these topics.

the good nurse said...

"be" the example J....

Denmark Vesey said...

"Poor kids are more creative;"


That's an interesting statement.

Made me think ...

If a kid is truly "creative" ... can he actually be "poor"?

What greater wealth is there than creativity?

I think the "poor" kids are the obese uncreative children of the petit bourgeois whose parents dutifully deliver them to institutions to be shaped, guided, molded and ultimately fucked up.

Just because a kid is sitting in a car seat in the back of an SUV watching a DVD does not mean he is not "poor".

Kids whose parents have degrees from universities but still feed their kids GMO, shoot them full of vaccines and cripple them with play-dates are far more poor than kids selling dime bags, competing for market share and manifesting swag.

Anonymous said...

Just want to say what a great blog you got here!I’ve been around for quite a lot of time, but finally decided to show my appreciation of your work! Thumbs up, and keep it going!

Denmark Vesey said...

Wow. Thank you Anonymous.

Appreciate the encouragement.

Cash Rulz said...

Are there test to measure creativity? How can we assume there is a correlation between economic status and creativity? Poor kids are not necessarily "more" creative. I've seen very well-to-do potheads come up with the most ingenious ways of smoking ;). But seriously creativity and what defines it is very subjective.

uglyblackjohn said...

Poor kids may be forced to be more creative.
But many 'poor kids' today are not even close to being poor.
Back in the day being poor meant that one had old shoes and clothes, ate sparingly, walked or rode bikes to get somewhere, played outside, read instead of playing video games, etc.

Back in the day there was a perceived impetus to remove oneself from these conditions.
School breakfast and lunch, free buss passes, govt. housing, WIC, Foodstamps, Medicare, Free phone service (Cell and homwe) etc. - Many of today's poor are so pampered that they will be more comfortable than many working people.