fist tap Anonymous
Denmark Vesey said ...
Voting, for the sake of voting, is not only silly, it is unethical and counterproductive to the political interests of the people to whom you refer as "Young and Disillusioned".
Today both parties are dependent for campaign finance on international banks, the military security complex, AIPAC, Oil, and Big Pharma. Campaigns no longer consist of debates over issues. They are mud-slinging contests.

Voting empowers the liars.
What substantive policy difference would there be for young people if EVERY one of them voted ... compared to if NOT ONE of them voted?
Are there candidates on the ballot willing to dismantle the For-Profit-Prison system? Are there candidates on the ballot willing to stop the war in Afghanistan that costs us $130 M per day and makes us less safe?
A vote for the Lesser of two evils is still ... a vote for evil.
The most intelligent young people will reject fake democracy. Illy mac said...

Denmark Vesey said ...

Anybody ...? Feel free to help Ill out.
See Ill,
ya'll Plantation Negros still talk that vote nonsense because it is your comfort zone. You were taught the system was your savior. Even when the system is revealed corrupt you continue to have faith in it.
The Titanic sinks ... and you attempt to book rooms on future voyages.
You have lost touch with reality and now are like little political children clinging to a fairytale.
Plantation Negros are like slaves ... given the Right To Vote ... from their Overseer.
One overseer, beats their asses, sells their children and rapes their women. Another Overseer comes along and promises to be nice and do right by the slaves. They vote him in. The new overseer soon beats their asses, sells their children and rapes their women.
I feel your frustration. But if there is any hope for change in how governance works, the idea of voting is empowering.
At least we have the illusion that it makes the difference. When you decide to opt out the system, you give up so much more than you see on the surface.
It is frustrating... how could the party that started this mess get back in power... and why don't the left support the President..? Hell, why doesn't HE represent the change...
... aw, forget it. But if I did not vote, I would not have the right to complain at all. And if you are active in the pursuit of a life, the likelyhood of your contact with 'the Matrix' increases. And you won't be able to bitch about things if you did not take part in voting.
Speaking of fools...
What does "complaining" have to do with voting?
And who says the host or others who choose not to vote want to complain? People with dignity pay attention to what's going on around them and plan their lives accordingly. They don't sit around like impotent cry babies, just happy to have the "right to complain" (whatever that even means).
Ding dongs like this guy vote and vote and vote, earning their "right to complain". And what does that "right" get them - they sit in front of their TV's, staring at Fox News or CNN, holding their di&ks in their hands, whining like little cry babies about whatever the media makes them think they should be upset about. Accomplishing ZERO. Learning ZERO. Advancing ZERO.
Keep voting Dude. All that complaining you've earned the right to do is making the world a better place.
Yeah dude Keep voting for the "Clint Webb's" . He will make sure that you have nothing to complain about.
Nah there are still many a reason to vote better miss me what that homie. It's important to change the process but the only intelligent way is to do it from within. Participate because there IS a difference between the two parties..however slight.
1)Gay marriage in California
2)The legalization of marijuana
3)Zoning laws
What does not voting do? It's no different from voting, just a different side of the same coin. Believing that abstaining from voting is a form of empowerment is as delusional as thinking that voting is empowering. One puts an x a paper duped in believing they are making a choice while the other sits back and watches evil take over believing they are righteous for abstaining. LOL.
They be 'like slaves arguing who got the flyest chain.'
Meg wanted to cut my Dad's pension Jerry said he won't. We'll see what happens everything else is bullshit. Gay marriage didn't pass. That came from the vote. Did it not? You're using all this grandiose rhetoric. Address my answers
the free man vote
or he don't vote
the smart man wonder why it so easy
gotsa feeling like he crossin' uh moat
this justa trick
in uh illusionary safety boat
but the free man float
debt-free, contracts clean
tryin' accumulate those IOU notes
retirement and pensions
like club med detention
n u changin' the menu wiff yur freedom loving vote...
Voting is the act of renewing your vows with the state. They need confirmation of your faith. They need reassurance that you believe the concerns they present are necessary to staple onto humanity’s concerns. They need reassurance that YOU BELIEVE creative and innovative solutions by ethical architects are nothing more than impractical reckless naïve romantics doomed to catastrophic failure. They want you to see that through science (their absolute definition of science) they have transcended mythological sentiments (even though the paper money in your pocket got all kind of weirdo symbols on it).
They need reassurance that you believe life is not about facing challenges, but life is about living in perpetual fear of some pending doom that only certified experts can resolve, provided you’re clear on their definition of certified experts through an unremitting media blitz. You must believe there are ONLY USDA proper certified channels that resolve their engineered handpicked calamities. This world is out to devour us. Everything is a personal threat to humanity.
The tooth fairy terrorists, presto alakazam oil disasters. We near Christmas or rather package season and the mysterious Yemen package coincidently takes center stage. People living in Queens probably don’t know a “Yemen” from what Jamaicans say. However the frustration and perpetual fear leads the majority of people that only understand work, bills and escapism/work, bills and escapism to leave the big problems for the certified experts. Yes, they’ll accept your transfer of funds, but they first need permission. They need reassurance. They are the vampire at the door awaiting the invite.
Voting against gay marriage won't deal with the problem bra. You have to reach these people's hearts. You have to provide a service to people for them to hear you.
That is a gesture of being innovative. All these old school Civil Rights elders pushing the vote, yet they didn't vote to obtain the right to vote. They organized, they rallied, they made a set of rules clear amongst their communities, building organizations, creating an atmosphere of responsibility, social strategies.
Those are all components that none of which involved a voting process to gain self-empowerment. Now whether or not that was wasted energy is another thread. But people tend to unfairly attribute those battles fought to the vote when it was relentless innovative human passion.
That's why we have art be it in music or on canvas. A relentless human passion.
Voting is a sofa, a bag of chips in front of the TV with fuzzy slippers propped up on the coffee table. You aren't doing anything to change the programing on the stations, you just flipping channels.
Voting is a sofa, a bag of chips in front of the TV with fuzzy slippers propped up on the coffee table. You aren't doing anything to change the programing on the stations, you just flipping channels.
Damn!!!! Gee Chee has become senior professor at DV University.
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