Good tickets to college football games cost more money than good tickets to NFL games. College Football is a Billion Dollar Business. Cam Newton didn't break a US law. He broke a NCAA rule.

If he didn't break the rule, he should have. NCAA athletes are modern day slaves. They don't pick cotton without compensation. They run, catch, shoot and throw balls without compensation.
Calling the 4 years of nonsense he will absorb over his college and athletic career "Education" is presumptuous. Suggesting a degree in this economy is fair market compensation for the proceeds generated by these athletes is naive.
Are you suggesting that Cameron Newton would be a potential number one draft pick without Auburn and the NCAA?
He broke a NCAA rule.-- DV
What NCAA rule did he break?
If he didn't break the rule, he should have.-- DV
Reads like the kind of advice someone was giving Ryan Perrilloux. He violated his way right out of LSU, went undrafted by the NFL and now plays for the Hartford Colonials in the UFL. Hopefully this tremendously talented athlete will get another shot at the NFL. He's certainly paid the price for violating rules.
"Are you suggesting that Cameron Newton would be a potential number one draft pick without Auburn and the NCAA?" makheru bradley
I'm saying the NCAA is the minor league for the NFL.
Cameron Newton needs the minor leagues the way Derek Jeter needs the minor leagues.
He doesn't.
"Hopefully this tremendously talented athlete will get another shot at the NFL. He's certainly paid the price for violating rules." MB
If Ryan Perrilloux was good enough to play in the NFL, he would be playing in the NFL.
If Quaterback A can throw for 10 more yards a game than Quaterback B ... Quaterback A is going to play.
The game is about money.
Not rules.
All the talk about rules is a form of mass mind control for peasants. It reminds them that the Plantation is in charge.
The public punishing of young virile powerful black men is a side show ... a B Story for the Crackas who get off on that and the Plantation Negros who play along with it.
Strongly disagree with you on this one DV.
In most large schools the Football program and the Basketball program bring in the balance of the cash for the athletic programs to be able to fund other less profitable sports AND meet their "Title IX" commitments for female athletics.
At a time when people are complaining about the affordability of a college education you threaten to upset the apple cart of MONETARY REDISTRIBUTION that would end up shifting even more of the burden upon the students.
When the Black alumni of my school gathered together recently it was NOT based upon the first game of the Woman's Lacrosse team. It was for FOOTBALL homecoming.
From this gathering all who attended were hit up for money to contribute to the Black Alumni Scholarship fund.
I do agree that college athletics should be a "Work Study Job" - and paid at the same rate so that those students from a background of few means will have some income.
However, the millions brought into the school both from NCAA television rights, the box office and various boosters pending their chase on the school ends up funding the educational eco-system.
The WORST scenario is that of a Black college athlete who fails to take full advantage of the academic resources that surround him.
"However, the millions brought into the school both from NCAA television rights, the box office and various boosters pending their chase on the school ends up funding the educational eco-system." CF
Come on bra ...
The fund the "educational ecosystem"?
What in the hell does that mean?
Colleges ARE businesses.
They sell the certification and license.
They sell glorified Job Permits.
Union Cards.
Athletic Scholarships to college are oxymoronic.
Come on CF. Let's be honest.
College is not about "education". College is about class.
The power-elite have presented college as a gateway to the middle class for the lower classes.
It once was.
In the way the bourgois mistake a better job and more money with a class change.
America no longer really has a "middle class". College degrees no longer guarantee anything.
College athletes ARE professional athletes who don't get paid money.
All the rest of the nonsense about funding female lacross teams so more girls from the hood have a "chance" to attend degree factories is a fairy tale.
Cameron Newton needs the minor leagues the way Derek Jeter needs the minor leagues.-- DV
Stay in your lane. You obviously know nothing about sports. Derek Jeter needed three years in the minors before the Yankees called him up. The Newton family was smart enough to know that their son needed a year or two of D1 football to hone and showcase his skills. They were fools if they risked hundreds of millions of dollars for $180K. Your graphic of Newton is missing the most important element: Room; Broad; Degree & $50 million guaranteed.
You've entirely missed the point on Perrilloux. If he doesn't violate his way out of LSU, based on his potential per NFL scouts (he was being compared to Donovan McNabb), he's clearly on some NFL roster right now. There's a helluva difference between the $35K base UFL salary and $1.76 million a player like Tavaris Jackson is making this year.
My issue with college sports on this is that they are never consistent. Again last years Auburn team and this years Auburn team only has one major difference, the starting QB. The NCAA is in the business of selling story lines now, it USED to be about the best teams competing on the field or court now it's about making sure everybody gets their money.
The Derek Rose decision shows you exactly how the NCAA feels about a school that ruins it's story line. It was supposed to be UCLA versus Kansas and here Memphis gets in the way.
The comment about the minor leagues though is a little off on both accounts. There have been players who broke the rules, came back and were stars in the pros(I think while Maurice Clarrett never panned out the USC player who made the same decision he did sat out a year and is playing in the pros right now). Guys get selected from DII leagues as well, if somebody sees his arm and decides yup thats a guy I can use, they will use him. The LSU player who is in the CFL right now may want to come to the Arena leagues, or just play his best in the CFL, guys have come from the CFL and the Arena leagues to the NFL. As was stated if he puts up the numbers somebody will give him a chance he just has to do it sustained.
Cam Newton beating the best in the country right now solidifies the justification for him making 50 million next year, 1 year in the minors may be all he needs. I think EVERYBODY does a few years in the minors whether they need it or not. You get called up when you are needed, just like when you get hurt in baseball you are sent to the minors for a few games to get your legs back under you.
It's a training ground for the next level that's all. But College football isn't college basketball (as Lebron, Kobe, Kevin, Jermaine and I believe Amare have shown) you do need to put on a little weight in college to play at the next level, basketball just play man.'
The college recruitment system has paid top dollar for star athletes since before Cam was born. This has nothing to do with breaking rules. We're talking about a system that allows "student athletes" to be compensated by agents or boosters (both of which are connected to the school in one way or another) to help their chances of landing the recruit, and to hopefully prevent them from transferring.
I liken this to MLB and their beloved commissioner Bud Selig, THE KEY enabler of the recent steroid era. Rather than being forced to resign he's given a pass and a statue in front of Miller Park in Milwaukee (ala Mike Jordan). While players are sent to congress and questioned under oath, Bud sits back counting TV revenue checks from the juiced up McGwire/Sosa years.
I can also liken this to ESPN orchestrating "The Decision" with Lebron and Co. then sitting back and criticizing the manner in which he chose to announce his choice as if they had no part in its execution or the excessive 18 months of teasers leading up to Lebron's free agency.
At the end of the day, if Reggie Bush didn't end up handing the Heisman back none of this shyt would be coming out in this fashion. If Denard Robinson was still the landslide front runner for the Heisman that he was up to game 4 or 5 of this season, none of this shyt would be coming out in this fashion. This has more to do with the perceived integrity of the Heisman, an award that has been awarded to damm near as many duds as it has studs.
Cam didn't create this game. He and his father played it by THE LONG STANDING unwritten rules, and they simply can't compete with the share of voice they are up against.
CF are you saying Cam's father "threatens to upset the apple cart of MONETARY REDISTRIBUTION that would end up shifting even more of the burden upon the students." if the school gave them six figures to play ball?
How much money do you think is earmarked for this shyt every year? If boosters have been breaking off players over the last umpteen decades don't they slide some to the Athl. Depts too when need be? Come on bruh. I call BS.
If your child is one of the top high school quarterbacks in the nation, and there is a financial market for his services, it seems undoubtedly reasonable for him to sell his services to the highest bidder.
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