Friday, October 15, 2010

The Plantation Negro Mind Deconstructed & DMG Explained ...

The Epistemological Cartel
In The Architecture of Modern Political Power, Daniel Pouzzner outlines the tactics employed by the elite to maintain their dominance.

Among them is: 'Ostensible control over the knowable, by marketing institutionally accredited science as the only path to true understanding'.  

Thus, the ruling class endeavors to discourage independent reason while exercising illusory power over human knowledge.


Anonymous said...

Control over the knowable? That's funny.

Are you kidding? If I wanted control over the "knowable" I wouldn't tell you what I know...I'd let you wallow in your ignorance.

Pointing out that you are incorrect is a service to you. I'm offering my depth of knowledge free of charge.

But, carry on with your cartels, cabals, and conspiracies. I'm going to a football game with my boy.

Denmark Vesey said...

Noooo ... lol ... Doc.

Of course you don't have control over the "knowable".

(That's like Chicken George thinking he has control of the Plantation)

You abdicate control over the knowable to people you confuse with "science" itself.

Anonymous said...

Why do you choose stupidity and ignorance? What do you gain keeping your "subjects" ignorant?

Your like the Catholic Church trying to discredit Galileo (who provided proof the Earth wasn't the center of the Solar System) so they can keep their flock ignorant and submissive.

I just can't believe that shit actually works in the 21st Century with literate people with broadband internet connections.

Amazing. Thousands of people choosing blindness and ignorance instead of light and truth.

Thordaddy said...

"the light and the truth?"
buttjew u faithless, doc
an unambiguous self-rebuke...
doods come to u cuz u got killa skills
butt-up on DV, u justa fluke
stay comfy in yur health zone
smilin' at homosexuality while otha dood puke
average life expectancy
'bout MID-40's, ain't the truth...
and the light?
u a doc, butt buggery all right...
Theez felines self-annihilatin'
n u joinin' n they fight...
u don't care 'bout that orientation
euphemized by day/destructive at night...
that's cuz u faithless doc
u can see, but got no sight...
what u think 'splain theez doods

...droppin' like flies???