Friday, October 15, 2010

Fight The New World Order. Make A Baby

Ab said...
"Fight the new world order-Make a baby" I love this one Denmark Vesey & the comments. 

When Groove Theory drops a new album i'm sure we'll all be motivated to fight & reproduce with the help of melodies, lyrics and lots of love.


Cheir Harmonie said...

That picture is awesome. For a long time I didn't want children because I thought the world was so fucked up. When I finally made the decision a child, I all but removed myself from society to raise her. I know that fear is not good but when I had my daughter, it was like a weight on my shoulders. I got over my fears and will have more children. With all the retards in society, I found a way to use their idiocracy as a way to educate her rather than to create fear. We need more intelligent individuals in the world and fools aint gonna stop reproducing.

Joanna said...

Damn... I have to tell you, desire/need to have a child and the seeming impossibility of it ever happening has gotten to the point that I CANNOT and WILL NOT go places where I know I will have to spend any significant amount of time with other people's kids or I will end up in tears at my inability to conceive thus far... I cannot even speak on the phone with my friends when their children are around.... the whole reason I am changing the way I eat and my activity level is so that I can have a child!!!

Joanna said...

Oh, speaking of making a baby.... I think we should all take a minute to congratulate a PROUD NEW DADDY!!!


Cheir Harmonie said...

It took me 7 years to conceive and have a child. The most fucked up, disturbing aspect of my ordeal was the damn OBGYN's I was seeing. Telling me I could not have children and by the time I was 24, I was told that I may have well get a hysterectomy. I founf a BLACK OBGYN, got pregnant, stayed on bed rest for 7 months and had my daughter. My employer paid me in full the entire time and my spouse was very supported. This is just another situation where I'm like, "fuck white people." BTW, my mommas white. lol. Don't give up Joanna, if a child is what you want, a child is what you shall have.

Cheir Harmonie said...

Sorry for my lack of spell check. The IRS stay messing w/ people so I'm short on time. Like an addict tho, I now need my daily dose of DV blog.

Pink said...

Joanna, I'm sorry to hear about your struggle. I pray things work out for you soon. Don't lose faith, it will happen in God's time. I know how you feel because I really want a child too but have yet to find someone to have this child with and I'm not getting any younger so the clock is ticking! I still love being around my friends/family and their kids but I know they are losing faith in my ability to reproduce (although with me it's not medical). I know they all look at me like I'm some crazy chick who puts her career first but that's really untrue. I legitimately have not found anyone who is willing to commit to me, a relationship or a child.

Anonymous said...

Are you switching providers? When you type in "" the site comes up, but the font and format are slightly different. It looks nice, a bit sharper. I like the search feature.

Denmark Vesey said...

Hey D.

Thanks man.

Got a guy working on something.

Anonymous said...

Alright, I'll check back tomorrow or Tuesday. Hope it comes out nice, so far it's not bad.

Ab said...

"Fight the new world order-Make a baby" I love this one Denmark Vesey & the comments. When Groove Theory drops a new album i'm sure we'll all be motivated to fight & reproduce with the help of melodies, lyrics and lots of love.

the good nurse said...

i suggest u write ur own soundtrack using the melody in ur heart.