Sunday, October 10, 2010

Homo Lobby Using "Bullying" Meme To Cast Homosexuals As Victims, Heterosexuals As Villains & To Force Special Laws For Gays


Seven Half Store said...

This is such bullshit. First of all, I need not even explain my allegiance to the gay community. At least one other person here can attest that without a doubt, O. Mahogany does NOT hate gays.

This Rutger's kid was not a victim of a hate crime! Gay and straight alike have agreed with me on this.

Here's my question: Why is no one joining together on the fight against tinkie winkie ass gays who cant handle name calling?

Mannnnn I was the most popular and most talked about girl in high school. It comes a part of the territory when you're outspoken and look good while doing it.

If I ACTUALLY killed myself at times when I thought about killing myself I would only give the people I made feel uncomfortable the satisfaction they wanted.

In fact, I'd say if you are a TYPICAL teenager in this day and age and havent gone through an experience that you've overdramatized (which is pretty gay, I may add ;) in your head to the point of pseudo-suicidal thoughts then...


You have excellent parents and a sufficient support system.

Anonymous said...

Homos need to go buy some guns and start learning how to use them.

Anonymous said...

Homos need to go buy some guns and start learning how to use them.

but then they would no longer be homos

Anonymous said...

right, they would be homos with guns and far more capable of handlin-they-bizniz with homohaters.

Denmark Vesey said...



How predictably trite.

Who hates homos more than they hate themselves?

Group Identity Politics 001:

Characterizing heterosexuals as "haters" provides the homosexual a scapegoat. It provides a villain on which to blame the inevitable pathology that accompanies deviancy.

The Gay Lobby Narrative dictates:

"I don't feel like shit because I'm a homosexual! I don't have a disease because I let men bone me in the ass. I'm not depressed because I give men blowjobs in my dorm room! Noooooooo!! I'm depressed because some heterosexuals think what I do is nasty and that my behavior causes me to feel this way. Bullshit! It's not what I DO. It's not my BEHAVIOR that makes me feel like killing myself. It's how YOU make me feel about what I do that makes me want to jump off of a bridge!"

This "Bullying" Meme that is saturating the airwaves right now is an act of MIND CONTROL in action.

Plantation Negros are falling all over each other to be the first to a) "condemn" heterosexual bullying and to b) publicly affirm their allegiance to the cause and disdain for those who reject the Gay Narrative by calling them "homo haters".

Peasant ass weak minded easily misled silly Negros.

Joanna said...

I would like to know where all the celebrities were when James Jones was arrested for defending his disabled daughter against bullies who targeted her because of her MEDICAL condition?? Did she need to be a homosexual to be deserving of defense? She was an 11 year old girl who ended up in the hospital on suicide watch because she was the target of bullies, but apparently, she doesn't count, because she is STRAIGHT!

CNu said...

The perfessers and students of Jiggaboo-U have no idea exactly what kind of monster they're trying their ignant-best to evoke by continued provocations to homosexuals to resort to violence;

While a multitude of uniforms existed for the SS, often depending on the theatre of war where they were stationed, the all black SS uniform is the most well known. Black, traditionally a German colour, was seen as somber and authoritative. The black-white-red colour scheme was characteristic of the German Empire, and was later adopted by the Nazi Party. Further, black was popular with fascist movements: a black uniform was introduced by the blackshirts in Italy before the creation of the SS. There was a traditional reason, as well. Just as the Prussian kings' and emperors' life-guard cavalry (Leib-Husaren) had worn black uniforms with skull-and-crossbones badges, so would the Führer's bodyguard unit.[1] As with many more formal military uniforms, these SS uniforms were tailored to project authority, and foster fear and respect. As Himmler put it, "I know there are many people who fall ill when they see this black uniform; we understand that and don't expect that we will be loved by many people." [2]

Many of the uniforms were produced by Hugo Boss and some were produced under forced labor conditions and in concentration camps, especially later in the war.

what stupid, historically and psychologically ignant muhphukkaz fail to understand is that the deadliest and most efficient killing machines in history have always and without exception been dominated by masculine homosexuals. Whether Trojans, Pirates, Samurai, or Nazi SS - when this monster gets back off its leash, silly conspicuous consumer afficionados will be among the first to be lined up against the wall and dealt with with industrial ruthlessness and efficiency...,

Anonymous said...

Johanna, want celebrities to jump up and support a grown man who threatened young children with physical violence and threats of death because someone teased his disabled daughter?

You are trying to make connections where there are none. Tossing an unwrapped condom on someones head and broadcasting someone having sex to the entire world, are slightly different in magnitude of "bullying"...actually the latter ISN'T bullying at all, but rather invasion of privacy. Or are you suggesting teasing in school should be criminalized? Kids in school can barely play tag or bring peanut butter sandwiches to school anymore because of hypersensitive parents talking about "bullying". In my day, kids took care of problems themselves, and didn't run to mom and dad all the time. In this case picking on the disabled girl is something that needs to be dealt with by the parents and school.

Umm...not to get all technical, but there's a few things wrong with your indignation.

1. How the do you know if this young girl is straight or gay? You don't.

2. The girl ended up in the hospital because of stress...after her father's outburst on the bus.

3. "...apparently she doesn't count" What are you talking about?

Joanna said...

Ummm... do you realize how many straight kids killed themselves because of bullying and no on paid attention?? It is only because of several recent cases of GAY students killing themselves that bullying is getting any attention. Teachers and school administrators have allowed severe bullying to go on unabated for YEARS AND YEARS and no one tried to do anything until gay kids became the new, most popular "oppressed"
population, now people want to jump in. I am not talking about teasing here. I am talking about relentless, constant abuse. It happened to me, and I was told to "deal with it" and it was suggested that I switch to a new school. The kids who were spitting at me, sexually harassing me, and hitting me were NEVER disciplined. This new anti-bullying movement is totally focused on only ONE special interest group. Bulying of all children needs to be addressed, not just bullying of gay kids.

Joanna said...

And I want celebrities to stand up for a disabled girl who was bullied to the point of suicidal ideation.... has nothing to do with her father... the kids kept tormenting her even AFTER her father confronted them... whether or not you agree with his actions (I totally support him) his DAUGHTER, a CHILD, who was the VICTIM should have people in her corner just the same as kids who kill themselves because they are teased for their sexual orientation.

Joanna said...

Oh, and if you really believe that children were able to handle it on their own in your day, you have NO CLUE what it is really like to be bullied..not teased on ocassion but bullied 24/7. You know how many people i meet my age and older who are still carrying the burden of being abused as a child? Bullying is not innocent childhood teasing... everyone gets teased, not everyone is bullied.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Ummm... do you realize how many straight kids killed themselves because of bullying and no on paid attention??" Joanna


Denmark Vesey said...

Name a bigger "bully" than the government:

__________________ ?

Joanna said...

Legislation is not what is needed to stop bullying. There simply needs to be a change in the way we teach children to treat each other.

Isn't it interesting that people want to charge the ones who filmed a gay student having sex for "invasion of privacy", yet are turning around and applauding a woman who publicly released a detailed "thesis" with names and pictures of men who she slept with, along with assessments of their sexual prowess?

Anonymous said...


The cause of the suicides was underlying mental instability, very likely exacerbated by some further severe mental trauma. I said it about the kid at Rutgers, and I'll say it about anyone else who kills himself over "bullying".

You are attempting to say that this little girl got no attention because she's NOT gay (and of course you don't know if this child is or is not). Just stop it. Do you really want the news to broadcast every time some kid gets called fat ass?

I don't know if you have any children in school or not, but this whole bullying thing has gotten PLENTY of attention over the last 5 years, so your "no one tried to do anything" is a load of bullshit. Kids in school aren't allowed to even solve their own damn problems anymore because some parent is going to step in and accuse someone of "bullying". Beating someone to death and torturing them because they are homosexual is not mere bullying.

The only reason the disabled girl made the news is because her father jumped on a bus and made a complete ass out of himself threatening children. And what the hell do you care what a celebrity thinks anyway?

And please, don't you DARE tell me I don't know what it's like to be bullied. I had knife held to my throat (for the first time) when I was 5, by some kids saying they were going to kill me because I was black. I dealt with it. I tell my son not give shit about anything anyone says or does, unless it involves a physical confrontation. Then his orders are to end it when the other kid is on the ground.

You were the fat kid. So damn what? How you dealt with it is the key. You think you were the first and only fat kid to get teased and bullied? That shit has been going on since the beginning of human history. You have nothing to do BUT to deal with it. Or did you let the words of others ruin your life?

What kind of namby pamby bullshit are you trying to sell now "we need to change the way teach children to treat each other". Change what? You got Whitney Houston playing in the background while you are typing? Got the the Lifetime Channel? Just about every parent I know teaches their children to be polite, honest, caring, etc. it doesn't matter some kids are just assholes.

We try to wrap our children and ourselves in bubble wrap, which is part of the reason Americans have forgotten that most of the world is a cold and violent place, where fairness and goodwill is the exception, and not the rule. Deal with it or curl up into a ball and cry. Your choice.

I'm not buying the bullying meme. And I really wish you all would be honest and just come out and say that you hate "faggots". I'll bet it feels so much better when you are honest about it.

Joanna said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I really wish you all would just come out and say that you hate homosexuals. I'll bet it would make you feel better.

Joanna, I don't know if you got Whitney Houston playing in the background, or Lifetime TV on, but are you really going to try to pass this off on us?

"There simply needs to be a change in the way we teach children to treat each other"

Change from what exactly? Most of the parents teach there kids to respect others. Some kids are just assholes, no matter how they are brought up. I'm not sure if you have kids or not, but now kids are being raised to be overly dependent on their parents. Get bullied? Have mommy come in and fix it. Todays kids don't solve problems among themselves.

So you were "bullied" as a kid. That's been going on since the beginning of human history you have no choice but to deal with it...or go cry in a corner and let it ruin your life. Which did you choose?

I've been called nigger more times in my life than I choose to recall. Even had a knife put to my throat when I was some older kids. I dealt with it. Had plenty of friends who were fat, skinny, poor, dumb, whatever. Americans have forgotten that most of the world is a cold, violent place, and nobody gives a shit about your feelings. As a country, we are soft and craving of acceptance.

People in this world not knowing where they are getting their next meal, or of somebody is going to come and slaughter them, and you are still having issues over someone calling you fat back in the day.


Anonymous said...

"Isn't it interesting that people want to charge the ones who filmed a gay student having sex for "invasion of privacy", yet are turning around and applauding a woman who publicly released a detailed "thesis" with names and pictures of men who she slept with, along with assessments of their sexual prowess?"

Details are lost on you huh?

You realize that someone can't film you without your consent right? Or would you mind if I installed a webcam over your toilet, and streamed it 24/7?

The second girl knowingly (and stupidly) forwarded this to her friends. The kid at Rutgers didn't know and didn't consent. So YES it's invasion of privacy.

Joanna said...

1. I have no problem with homosexuals, I just do not believe that that they deserve special treatment that no one else gets.

2. GOOD parents raise their kids to respect others. MOST parents teach their kids to look out for themselves and fuck everyone else.

3. It was obviously not a violation of the WOMAN'S privacy in that case, it was a violation of the privacy of HER PARTNERS.

4. Not everyone has the same constitution that they can just "shake things off". Not every problem can be fixed with the coping mechanisms a CHILD possesses. If someone is spitting on me, inappropriately fondling me, burning me with cigarettes, and throwing shit out their car windows at me, and I am 12 years old, it is sure as hell going to impact me. It is not something I can take care of alone.

Anonymous said...

You talking about abuse at home or bullying at school?

Yeah it's going to impact you.

You have no choice but to deal with it, or be ruled by it the rest of your life.

Joanna said...

I am talking about bullying at school. See, most people can understand when a person is impacted throughout their life by childhood abuse at the hands of a parent or another adult, but they expect someone who was abused by their peers to just "get over it". No one tells a person who was abused by their parents that "the past is the past". But they tell that to someone who was abused by their peers.

You are a doctor, I am sure you have heard of borderline personality disorder, which is an "illness" with NO BIOLOGICAL BASIS. How many people do you think developed it due to childhood abuse? Because almost everyone I have ever met with that diagnoses suffered from some sort of abuse as a child. Now whether it is actually an "illness" or just a piss poor coping mechanism is not even an issue, but the fact that it is usually a reaction to childhood trauma is indisputable.

Anonymous said...

I repeat, you don't have a choice but to overcome these things, or be consumed by them. Nobody said you had to do it alone. Seek help.

Not to quibble, but I wouldn't type "no biological basis" in capital letters. There is a serotonin and dopamine model being studied.

If you haven't properly dealt with this, you probably need to. Professionally...not blog therapy.

And BPD and gun ownership doesn't mix...

Joanna said...

"And BPD and gun ownership doesn't mix..."

Ya think???? LMAO....

While I would love to learn to use a gun, having one in the house while I live alone is not even an option...

Truthfully though, I have spent YEARS with "therapists" and frankly, I am no longer interested in talking to people who are paid to pretend they care.

Anonymous said...

Truthfully though, I have spent YEARS with "therapists" and frankly, I am no longer interested in talking to people who are paid to pretend they care.


lincolnperry said...

White Gays are attempting to gain backdoor, no pun intended...White Rights, This is not a real Civil Rights Mahogany, you wake up a Black Woman, cant change that racial element about you...White Male, White Female still have WP if the choose to be gay or not! Its a vicious smoke screen that they are running!

Pink said...

I think a big part of the problem is that too many kids do not learn that sometimes fighting is not only okay, it's necessary. My mother taught me that no one has to like you but if anyone touches you, you beat one of them until they can't see straight. If you're being bullied you need to catch one of them and handle it. (I give a pass to the girl with the disability). That gay boy should have shown his roomate how humiliating it is to be beat down by an out of the closet homosexual. Too many kids are taught not to fight. Remember that video of that teenage girl who was jumped by about 4 or 5 other girls in the house of one of them? They invited her over because she was messing with some girl's boyfriend and beat her while taping it. How many hits did she get in??? NONE. Win or lose, kids need to learn how to defend themselves.

Pink said...

...And he's gay so he could have gotten away with slapping the roommate's homegirl around a few times as well.

Seven Half Store said...

"I think a big part of the problem is that too many kids do not learn that sometimes fighting is not only okay, it's necessary." PInk


"...And he's gay so he could have gotten away with slapping the roommate's homegirl around a few times as well. " Pink

lol youz a mess.

"White Gays are attempting to gain backdoor, no pun intended...White Rights, This is not a real Civil Rights Mahogany, you wake up a Black Woman, cant change that racial element about you...White Male, White Female still have WP if the choose to be gay or not! " LincolnP

Huh? Can you explain this to me. I dont understand the connection to color in regards to the post.

Joanna said...

Pink... My parents never taught me tot fight, because they were both rather submissive people. I know one thing though, I remember only ONE TIME that I was actually encouraged to hit someone, and I THINK the advice came from my grandmother. I was 11 years old and FAR MORE developed then any of the other girls in school There were some boys on the school bus, and every day, they would be touching up on me and rubbing up on me and fondling me. This went on for months until my grandma told me to punch them in the face. So, even though I had never fought anyone in my life, I punched one of the kids. The next day they came up to me again, and I thought they were going to start their chit again.... instead, they said "Damn, you got a pretty good right jab! Where did you learn that from?" And they NEVER bothered me again!

Pink said...

LOL Joanna!!!! Sometimes that's the way it HAS to happen! If you had just cried about it you would have been the main school bus attraction until you graduated!

Joanna said...

Pink- I think maybe one of the reasons I ended up gaining so much weight so soon after that was because of a subconscious effort to avoid being put in that situation again. I have had SO MANY "professionals" try to tell me that I am suppressing memories of sexual abuse at the hands of an adult (yet another reason I stopped going to "therapists" with their bullshit theories), when the truth is, that situation could have impacted me just as much... never thought of that before.... but yeah, at that age, back in those days, I was the only girl with the body of a woman in the school, and I caught hell for it... I even remember FEMALES trying to break into the cubicle I was getting changed in.....

Denmark Vesey said...

"there were some boys on the school bus, and every day, they would be touching up on me and rubbing up on me and fondling me. This went on for months "


um hm.

Come on now Jo.

Sure you didn't like it?

I mean. I just sayin'.


Pink said...

Joanna, that's awful that it affected you like that. Some women are afraid to be attractive because of the fear of attracting the wrong kind of attention. But now that you're figuring out the root of it hopefully that will help you to recover both mentally and physically from what you went through.

DV some people are really that afraid to fight back! Let me find that link of that girl getting beat up by those 4 girls... Some people will take it because they are taught that there's something wrong with getting aggressive.

Joanna said...

DV- I was ELEVEN and I was CLUELESS... my parents had taught me about sex and all that, but I NEVER saw this as anything sexual... I just thought they were doing the things they were doing because they hated me. It never even crossed my mind that they were getting off on it until 2 years later, after I had gotten fat, and I heard some boys talking about how I used to have the hottest body. Then I realized that all of the comments about my previous size (when I was still thick, not yet fat) had more to do with me having a woman's body then about me being slightly bigger than the others. I think the boys just had no idea how to interact with an 11 year old with breasts bigger than most grown women. Nah, I did not enjoy that shit, I just had no clue what to do about it!

Joanna said...

Ummm... DV, if I was 11 and the boys were 19 instead of the same age as me, would you be asking if I was sure I didn't like it??

Denmark Vesey said...

"I had no idea how to interact with an 11 year old with breasts bigger than most grown women."

I know I was ... shiii

Denmark Vesey said...

"DV, if I was 11 and the boys were 19 instead of the same age as me, would you be asking if I was sure I didn't like it??"


But I would wonder how it went on for "months" without being brought to someone's attention.





Is not too young to know people on a school bus are not supposed to be touching you on your breasts, your ass or your vajayjay.


Doesn't mean you liked it.

But if you were my daughter, I'd be looking at you like ... "let another muhfuggah feel on you for 'months' without saying something about it ... and see what happens".

I'm sorry Joanna.

But I don't think you have been as weak and helpless as you have made yourself out to be sometimes.

I like what you said earlier about that other hoax of the 'medical industrial complex' - therapy.

You said they were paid to make you 'think they care'.

That's true.

When I read some of your comments, I can't help but notice the pattern of 'victimhood'.

I get the impression that you seem to think part of the reason you got fat is because of the way you were 'made to feel' about your body.

That's an externalization.

Something 'outside' caused a reaction inside you.

Fuck that.

Aint nobody make you fat.

Can't nobody make you healthy.

Except you.

As long as we blame others, we deny ourselves the responsibility to make change ourselves.

Which is why I reject that 'Global System of White Supremacy" bullshit.

It's a boobytrap that keeps Negros powerless.

Joanna said...

"When I read some of your comments, I can't help but notice the pattern of 'victimhood'."

I will admit that I have internalized a lot of messages I got over the years. Not something I am happy about, but it is all I knew for many years. And as much as I try to make a change, old habits die hard.

"I get the impression that you seem to think part of the reason you got fat is because of the way you were 'made to feel' about your body."

I don't know if I actually BELIEVE that, it is just that it has come up again and again from so many sources that I feel like I need to consider it.

It is so funny, because I have several pen pals, and every one of them has written to me telling me how "strong" I am, but I feel so week and ineffectual at times. My strength comes out when I am working for someone else's benefit, but not so much for myself. And you are right, I am the only one who can make myself get healthy. And I think that means rejecting the idea of being "sick". Which is why I no longer participate in the mental health system. After years, I have recognized it is a trap to keep people weak and docile, beleiving themselves to be helpless.

lincolnperry said...

Yeah, Mahogany, how many White Gays were hiding in the crowds during the lynching parties...when they castrated and burned Black corpses hanging from trees!

Gay is a social and sexual decision, not racial...A Black Couple can walk into a restaurant, and get discriminated against for being Black, even if both parties are Gay, whereas two Gay White Males can walk into the same restaurant and being treated respectful and dignify manner, regardless of there sexual orientation!

Intellectual Insurgent said...

2. GOOD parents raise their kids to respect others. MOST parents teach their kids to look out for themselves and fuck everyone else.

Noooooo my friend, GOOD parents teach their kids to respect themselves. Everything follows from there.

Denmark Vesey said...

Noooooo my friend, GOOD parents teach their kids to respect themselves. Everything follows from there.


Classic Intellectual Insurgent

soghey said...

Yea, I love how nobody gave a shit when heterosexual boys at Columbine or VTech were bullied. Or even girls.

But now that a gay one gets bullied and NOW the liberal media sees it as a problem (and great opportunity to exploit to push their homo agenda).

Joanna said...

Let me tell you, I was kind of proud of those kids at Columbine for a minute, until I found out they were racist pricks.

Anonymous said...

...until. UNTIL. UN-motherfucking-TIL, she found out they were "racist". Two mentally disturbed and over indulged brats go shoot up a school because nobody liked their crazy asses, and THAT makes you proud? If they hadn't been "racist", you would have been alright with that? Thank you white girl, but we don't need you on the team if your only reason NOT to be proud of them was because they were "racist".

More and more citizens of this little blog village are turning out to be idiots. Most places only have one. Here it's the major portion of the population.

Joanna is the newest initiate. Finally, you belong. What could you POSSIBLY be proud of? That these pampered pussies decided to play out some murder 'em all fantasy?

I don't care if there "reason for going buck wild" was because someone was shooting hot pee directly in their eyes everyday in math class at the teachers direction.

What the FUCK is wrong with you? Seek help. Shit, seek lots and lots of medication--synthesized, organic...don't matter.

Joanna said...

LOL.... I knew that would inspire you.... nah I wasn't really "proud" of them, but I totally understood where they were coming from....

Anonymous said...

You understood complete lack of humanity? Someone get's "bullied", and you "understand" if they throw a tantrum and start shooting up kids who are just trying to go to school?

Most functioning adults realized the world didn't revolve around them by the time they were 3 years old.