Sunday, October 10, 2010

Good Black Fathers Teach Their Sons To Shoot • Advanced Black Fatherhood 003 • DV University Fall 2010 • Professor Emeritus Denmark Vesey

My father and I spent a recent July 4th teaching my sons to shoot. 12 gauge pump action. Taurus 9mm. Remington Bolt Action Rifle 700 Titanium 30-06, with the Nikon Prostaff scope.  A little .22.  Needless to say our boys were ecstatic, nervous and extremely attentive. They seemed to sense the significance of the ritual transcended sport and self-defense.

Yes son.
What if the police hear all this shooting?
What about it? 

Won't we get in trouble?
Trouble? Man this our land.  We can do what the hell we want.  That's why I'm teaching you to shoot.  Don't want you to be one of these typical Plantation Negros.  You know what I mean?
Scared of the government?
Exactly.  And dependent on the government. Government tells them what to eat.  What to teach their children. What to think.  What not to think.  They let the government inject their newborn children with every toxic vaccine the drug companies push on them.  They even allow the government to take responsibility for their family's safety.  They are still slaves son. OK.  Now pick a target.

I want them to understand early on what it means to be free.

As we loaded the truck with weapons and ammo, one of my aunts rolled her eyes and mumbled something about black boys, guns and violence.

You know me. I told her to kiss my ass.

"Black man aint 'pose to ha no gunnnn!"

As the rest of the world arms itself to the teeth, I think it is irresponsible for a black man not to be able to defend himself and his family. Neoliberal bullshit nonviolent "stop the violence" conformity be damned.


Pink said...

LOVE the pic! So cute! If I stay in Philly I want to learn how to shoot as well. How do you store the guns with the kids in the house?

D.SMITH said...


Perhaps some sort of safe in the house or something; something easily acessible for an adult (high up on a wall) but not so for children. Or just teach them to know better. When I was a kid, my father stashed shotguns in a walk-in closet that I could easily get to. They weren't loaded but I knew where the ammo was; the thought of going full Rambo in the backyard or out the bedroom window never crossed my mind...cuz I knew better. When we bought this house a few years ago, we found a little compartment that was built inside wall in our bedroom closet. Perfect spot to stash some heat, and that may have been the previous owner's intent as well.

I used to fall for that whole stop-the-violence-black-on-black-crime-guns-kill-people nonsense. I was a heavy drinker and would fool myself into thinking that if I had guns in the house, I might start buggin' out and shoot up everything in the living room. The guns weren't the issue though; the drinking was.

So I don't drink anymore except the occasional glass of wine at dinner. I was talking to my wife about it:

"So if a motherfucker rolls up through the basement at 3 in the morning and is making his way up the steps, what we gonna do, turn on "Self Destruction" and rap our way out of it?!!"

Haven't made the first purchase yet, but ain't no better time than the present.

the good nurse said...

i have a .38...
learned to handle a weapon early in life. father taught all of us to respect and have a certain healthy fear of a weapon...knowing the power it has when handled correctly as well as incorrectly.

Amenta said...

Ye'zer, gotta have that Mossberg 500, 30.06, trey deuce for da queen, six inch dagger, sword and saber...Why some black folk think only white folk are armed?

@Pink, when your children are taught correctly about weapons no need to worry about that.

About two years ago a white 8 year old shot & killed an 8 or 11 foot long gator I really don't remember the length but it was big enough to swallow him, never to be seen again. If he had been walking in the woods alone w/o out a weapon he would be gator fecal matter somewhere in the swamps of Mississippi!

uglyblackjohn said...

This past week, someone or something set off a neighbor's alarm.
Before the police arrived we had six Black men from the neighborhood with guns looking around the elderly lady's house.
"Nice Neighborhood Watch", the officer said.
"Shit.... WE have "Neighborhood SHOOT", I replied.
The other men laughed but agreed.

Joanna said...

I been trying to get a friend to give me some lessons, but no one seems willing!

Anonymous said...

Lessons in firing a weapon? Why? You planning on using it for personal protection?

Joanna said...

I am planning on using it for whatever the fuck I feel like using it for! What the hell kind of a question is that?

Anonymous said...

Calm down. It's a question. And a handgun is only for one thing.

Now, I'll ask again. Are you planning on using it for personal protection?

Joanna said...

I actually never said whether or not I wanted a gun, let alone a hand gun. All I said is I want shooting lessons.

Anonymous said...

My reason for asking is that I don't suggest you buy one for protection unless you are going to be trained to use it under duress. Your mind and body do funny things when you are in the dark, and your heart is beating 160 times a minute after a spike of adrenaline...

Get proper lessons from a professional. Especially weapons safety. You'd be surprised how many people arrive in the trauma bay having shot themselves while "cleaning" their weapon. Good rule to live by is don't point your muzzle at something you don't plan on killing.

Anonymous said...

Freemen Own Guns, and know how to use them!

lincolnperry said...


You are on a roll…Bro, he who has the guns, gold rules! Nothing like home protection, I lived in a predominately African American community know for its crime rate, and had some cats try to steal my brand new heat pump, and condenser unit one night…roll up on those two crack heads with a HK MP5 semi auto carbine, with laser targeting system, both those muthaf**kers got the point, and ran like hell! Haven’t had any problems since…to Joanna, point if you are interest in hand gun usage and technique, look up local gun ranges in your area, and the NRA has good referral sources.

Denmark Vesey said...

Sista Nurse! Sweetness got the Heat!

Denmark Vesey said...

Ensayn1 said...

"Ye'zer, gotta have that Mossberg 500, 30.06, trey deuce for da queen, six inch dagger, sword and saber...Why some black folk think only white folk are armed?"

Daaamn E!

You worse than me Bra!

Whew ... from the Moss to the sword and dagger.

You aint fuggin around huh?

Denmark Vesey said...

"This past week, someone or something set off a neighbor's alarm.
Before the police arrived we had six Black men from the neighborhood with guns looking around the elderly lady's house.
"Nice Neighborhood Watch", the officer said.
"Shit.... WE have "Neighborhood SHOOT", I replied.
The other men laughed but agreed." UBJ


That's what I'm talking about.

Fuck "Black History Month".

Teach black kids this story right here.

In 25 years we'd be the most powerful people in the nation.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Good advice DMG. Joanna, there are "academies" that offer classes at firing ranges. They will rent you a weapon. All you have to do is buy the ammo.

Denmark Vesey said...

"I am planning on using it for whatever the fuck I feel like using it for! What the hell kind of a question is that?" Joanna

lol ... ahhh that's funny.

But nah Jo.

I think DMG is sharing good advice.

Training turns a gun into a weapon.

Without training you it can become a liability.

Anonymous said...

Final point. There are a few sensational stories of "grannies" with guns defending their home from some crackheads. I guarantee you, if someone enters your home with a weapon drawn they have tactical advantage. An untrained person who has never fired a weapon at anything other than a target waking up from a deep sleep is going to be disoriented, scared with their heart will be beating so fast they'll be shaking from head to toe.

That is a dangerous situation, especially if you have other family members in the house.

Denmark Vesey said...

Yeah that's true DMG.

Assuming the point of the firearm is to defend oneself ... in one's home ... while waking up from a sleep.

That's about 10% the case with me.

Other than that, I aint going to lie.

90% of the reason I keep one is in case I have to shoot me a muhfuggah.

"Home Defense" is a euphemism.

Anonymous said...

So murder. At least you are finally honest.

Joanna said...

Can't speak for anyone else, but killing in my opinion is not murder when there is a war going on.... and a war does not always have to be officially declared to be a war

Pink said...

DMG that might be true if they're entering the house with their gun drawn. But sometimes home invaders are just working with a knife and your fear. In that situation it's gonna be tactical advantage: PINK! LOL.

But seriously, a guy I went to school with was just arrested in Cambridge, MA where we're from for breaking into a home and raping an 11 year old boy with a knife while his father was forced to watch. The father was stabbed numerous times and practically decapitated. I wish the father had had a gun. I wonder how things would have turned out differently.

Denmark Vesey said...

"But seriously, a guy I went to school with was just arrested in Cambridge, MA where we're from for breaking into a home and raping an 11 year old boy with a knife while his father was forced to watch." Pink

raped an 11 year old boy?

damn Pink.

I got a $1000 says that dude ate processed food.

Anonymous said...

You may not protect property with deadly force, however you may use deadly force to protect the life of you or your family. Shooting someone in the back of the head when he's carrying your flatscreen through your front lawn is murder (or at least manslaughter).

What if he had a better security system? What if he had an attack dog? What if he knew Systema? Having a gun in the house isn't always the answer and creates a false dichotomy of having one or not.

Don't forget that bullets don't stop after passing the "bad" guy, and often find unintended targets.

I'll bet the rapist liked Drake and Weezy....

Denmark Vesey said...

I'll bet the rapist had all his "vaccines".

Sheikh Ali said...

I'll bet the rapist says no homo a lot.

No homo.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


I'm going to choose to believe that you say outlandish things for the shock value rather than actually believing the shit that runs down your chin onto a keyboard.

Because nobody can be that stupid...

Denmark Vesey said...

"I'm going to choose to believe " DMG

Of course you are.

You are a believer.

Not a man of science.

You believe what makes you comfortable.

You believe what makes you feel good.

That's why you believe in the Plantation.

The Plantation paradigm supports your fragile little ego.

When a brother who eats natural organic food and avoids toxic vaccines "rapes an 11 year old boy" ... get back at me.

Anonymous said...

"When a brother who eats natural organic food and avoids toxic vaccines "rapes an 11 year old boy" ... get back at me."

Ummm...there were entire "civilizations" where raping young boys was long an accepted practice. Strangely, these societies all seemed to be around LONG, LONG before vaccinations or "processed" foods.

I'll give you a freebie retraction today. I'll just pretend you didn't open your mouth without thinking.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Ummm...there were entire "civilizations" where raping young boys was long an accepted practice." DMG

Name 1 __________________ ?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Shall I continue? I mean, there certainly weren't any "vaccines", or "processed" food back then. Just good old food eaten straight from the pasteurization.

But not only Greece, but Central Asia, Europe...and don't forget the Egyptian Pharoah's liked to marry their brothers or sisters....that too must be because of vaccines and processed foods...right?

Why do you insist on taking the bait to these challenges?

Anonymous said...

Yep QUEER as $3 bills...and part of the training was "mentoring" by older soldiers when they were very young.

But held the Persians off at Thermopylae for 3 days because they were warriors.

Look up the history of the Spartan warriors...and Samurai, and alot of others.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Sparta" DMG

"there were entire "civilizations" where raping young boys was long an accepted practice."


Whey dem bumbaclot get dat frum?

1) What makes you believe that?

2) Who told you that?

3) How do you know what was "accepted" in a civilization that existed 2,650 years ago?


This tickles me.

Why do you parrot that conspiracy theory ... that meme ... without question?

Denmark Vesey said...


Gaaaaaat Daaaaayummmmm

The Plantation MD ... actually submits a Hollywood movie trailer ... as evidence ... that the "rape of 11 year old boys" ... was ACCEPTED ... by an entire CIVILIZATION.

He is soooo poorly educated that he cannot appreciate the reproductive impossibility of such a 'norm'.

Some Negros believe anything white folks tell them.

Particularly if they are told by white homos.

Joanna said...

DV- I have a link of a radio show you should listen to... now, there is a LOT in it you are NOT going to agree with, because I know you do not believe that there IS a global system of white supremacy, BUT check out this program with the Irritated Genie. He speaks of the historical background of homosexuality and pedophilia in ancient civilizations. He has a book called "War on the Horizon" about this topic. Check out this interview though, in it, he mentions how it was written by ancient philosophers that love between a man and a boy was the purest form of love, and that the only reason a man and a woman should engage in sexual or romantic activities is for procreation.

Anonymous said...

Um, Clown?

The movie trailer was just for show, obviously. I'm sure you were thinking how "MANLY" and "hetero" these guys were when you watched the flick.

However the historical record is more impressive than the fictionalized movie version. Or did you not read about military history when you were doing your ROTC thing?

Don't believe me. Read the historical record. Or do you actually BELIEVE that all of written history is a scam, and only your street hustler 50 page book men got it right?

Denmark Vesey said...

"Don't believe me. Read the historical record." DMG

Jigaboo Plantation Negro Dupe ...

What "historical record" says the "rape of boys" was "ACCEPTED"?

______________________ ?

You have NEVER read any historical record that suggests an ENTIRE CIVILIZATION "accepted" the rape of boys.

You are just parroting the latest meme of the homo lobby ... that attempts to normalize sexual deviancy by creating the illusion it was once normal / accepted in ancient civilizations.

Historical Record? lol. Negro please.


Like all of that Plantation nonsense that you believe in and defend as if your life depends on it.

Denmark Vesey said...


You are on a roll…Bro, he who has the guns, gold rules! Nothing like home protection, I lived in a predominately African American community know for its crime rate, and had some cats try to steal my brand new heat pump, and condenser unit one night…roll up on those two crack heads with a HK MP5 semi auto carbine, with laser targeting system, both those muthaf**kers got the point, and ran like hell! Haven’t had any problems since…to Joanna, point if you are interest in hand gun usage and technique, look up local gun ranges in your area, and the NRA has good referral sources."

Lincoln P!

My Man! How you Bra?

Gaaaaat damn.

Muhfuggas trying to steal your heat pump?

Kind of shit is that?


But you pulled the Heckler n Koch MP5 on dudes?

You aint playing LP. You aint playing.

Anonymous said...

Your old standby. Everything is "propaganda" except the steaming pile of excrement dripping from your lips and stuck between your teeth like fetid broccoli.

The lament of the ignorant. The retort of the stupid.

Denmark Vesey said...

um hm.


What "historical record" says the "rape of boys" was "ACCEPTED"?

______________________ ?

chosen said...

i feel ya'll on the self-defense question, even despite 'black on black crime'. if half the kids who are blowing each other's brains out had some discipline and training, they wouldn't be going out looking for innocent people to practice shooting.

i've thought about getting a ccw myself, but ultimately decided against it. i think i'm like joanna, i just want to learn to shoot rather than have a gun.

dv, did you take the cutie-pie Snack out with the boys?

Denmark Vesey said...

Cho Zen!

Yes! That's a great point.

Training and discipline would save many lives.

I believe some type of military training should be mandatory for all boys.

11th grade should be a year of Basic Training.

Create a generation of men.

But let's be honest ... that's the last thing the Plantation wants to do. Produce men.

Snack? lol.

Yes. As a matter of fact. She was with us. However she and Grandma stayed well back and seemed a bit uncomfortable with the all the loud noise.

I felt her.

The shit aint really that feminine.

She simply was not as drawn to the ritual as were her brothers.