100 OF THEM.
100 OF THEM.
Ancentus Akuku •100 Women • 200 Children = The Wealthiest & Most Intelligent Man On The Planet • The Global System of Black Supremacy

A true revolutionary, Ancentus Akuku, frustrates the insane ambitions of Freemasonic technocrats to sabotage biological human reproduction and to control humanity by regulating fertility.
I was wondering when this would come back around in the rotation...
Haven't we already beaten this stupid premise to death? Hey, how about discussing the Kenyan Polygamist who died widowing 100 women, and leaving 200+ kids?
"Hey, how about discussing the Kenyan Polygamist who died widowing 100 women, and leaving 200+ kids?"
You "discuss" him.
What's YOUR point?
Same as your "points". Absolutely nothing. It's just conversation.
zzzzzz ...
if it is "just conversation" ... converse Jigaboo.
Say something interesting.
Make a point.
Share some insight.
Give us your perspective.
Exercise some critical thinking.
Don't just parrot the tone, attitude and beliefs of the Plantation source that spoon fed you the meme.
Show off those 24 years of Plantation schooling.
You introduced "the Kenyan Polygamist who died widowing 100 women, and leaving 200+ kids".
You can make little bitchy snide drive by comments ... pretending ... to be "bored".
But what you got to say Negro?
The forum is yours.
Make a point: ___________________________ ?
Already did. Manipulated you into posting it....jigaboo.
Just as I thought.
A dull hater with a peasant's intellect who confuses snide and bitchy with interesting and thoughtful.
Admit it.
You won't have a thought on this subject until DV gives you one.
Oh, go on. Your clownish remarks don't interest me tonight.
Here I am giving you a meme on a platter, far more interesting than your recycled garbage only to receive such ungrateful words.
Stop being proud and run with it. You and I both know you wish you'd thought of it first.
Of "what" exactly ... did you think?
Stop playing bra.
You know Plantation Negros don't think.
They parrot.
Cultural values dictate the way "spin doctors" communicate this story.
Is he a man who valued legacy? He created schools and produced engineers from his own seed.
Is he a selfish "playa?" He seduced 100 women and had 200 babies.
If I could plot my opinion on a continuum (with those to points at the extremes), my dot would lie significantly closer to "legacy."
The man named each of his children and built schools to educate them. Not exactly the "deadbeat" dad.
Our host wants to see this man as some sort of revolutionary striking against "Freemasons". Our host gives Freemasons too much credit...WAY too much credit. I doubt this man gave a shit about some Eurocentric cabal of secret handshakers (I wonder if our host realizes that most of the world doesn't give a shit about "freemasons").
I see him as just a man following a common cultural practice. This dude doesn't seem to share much in common with Mr. "Danger", who built schools and seems to have nurtured his children. I think Mr. "Danger" understood that fatherhood didn't stop after he busted a nut.
Polygyny or polyandry have worked well in some cultures throughout history. He's probably one of the last of his kind in Kenya.
Then you have this dude--Howard Veal--in Michigan:
[The 19-year-old son of the state's most egregious deadbeat dad said there was nothing particularly fatherly about his relationship with Howard Veal. If anything, it showed him how not to be a parent, the teen said.
"It's not like I ever saw him; our relationship was not the way it was supposed to be," the young man said. He lives on the Northeast Side with his mother, one of 23 children Veal fathered by 14 different women, according to the state attorney general.
Veal owes $533,000 in child support for the children -- a state record, according to Joy Yearout, an attorney general spokeswoman.]
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