Monday, October 04, 2010


uglyblackjohn said...

Oooh... I love me some pidgeon-toed women.

Anonymous said...

For real...

Nothing beats that.

The Doc said...

She has toes too? :D

Anonymous said...

dv you got me over here licking my laptop.

Anonymous said...

OMG! I can't get over her...

lips, eyes, legs...

She is just perfect.

Why yo do this Vesey?

Constructive Feedback said...

Eye 2 Eye - DV!!

Illmath said...

See that's my calibur of woman...

Dr. Love said...

DV I concur with the others, tell her I am not that strong..weak..and easy..she could keep the dress and the shoes on!!!

Denmark Vesey said...



Ya'll cats crazy.

Yeah. She aight.

If a man is in the mood for that whole ... Huzzy vibe.

But do you really want to walk around with Ms. Fugme Rye Now?

A brother can't have his wife standing around all greased up and pigeon toed .... ass up on the radiator.

That shit's cute for the first 15 minutes of a relationship.


Well ...

It's cute for the first couple of weeks.

Maybe 6 or 7 months tops.

But after a year of banging this broad ... the whole slut routine gets old doesn't it?

A man has to pick his women carefully.

How you cats going to look kicking it with this girl?

At 25 ... who give a shit?

At 30 ... want be careful who you seen with.

At 35 ... look like the Ol' Dude in the Club got lucky.

At 40 ... look like you bought the delux package from a stripper you met at Crazy Horse in Vegas.

At 50 ... look rich and divorced.

She aight.

But I'd coach my sons to lean a bit more towards the Burka than the bikini.

Anonymous said...

I remember this cat I used kick it with. Every girl that showed some skin or tight jeans he use to always say, "Mange, I'd run up in that biotch." Dude was wild. We were different worlds but the negro was a comedian. I still remember this one female stepped into the joint, had a long skirt, hair pulled back, glasses, blouse & lil jacket. Super cute (could have been Spanish don't know). This dude says, "Damn, I'd marry that woman."

That shocked me, I mean coming from him. Negro said "marry" that woman. I know he wasn't being literal, but I didn't even know "woman" was apart of his vocab. It wasn't about her being Spanish because plenty Spanish hootchie mamasitas been up in his face and he'd gaze straight pass them at the sistas. But this moment this Negro was acting like marriage was his MO.

Just interesting how the gift wrapping can sometimes trigger a response that some cats may not know is even in them.

Anonymous said...

Good God.

Anonymous said...

I would marry her anytime...

I'll make her some babies (lots of them).

And then she can wear the burka.

Sheikh Ali said...


Marry her?



Licking Laptops?


LMAO at you all.

Clearly you don't know that this woman is Little Lana Lopez... A Brazilian porn star known for the elasticity of her anal walls. LMAO!

Ready to wife this chick, slap raw skins, drop seeds, exchange more bodily fluids than a Detroit free clinic.... All on a picture.


Whatup DV

Denmark Vesey said...




That's funny dude.

But nah Ali.

No porn star with elastic anuses on this blog.

(Less one of the resident haters want to fess up)

That's Freida Pinto.


Slumdog Millionaire

Seven Half Store said...

"Maybe 6 or 7 months tops."

"But I'd coach my sons to lean a bit more towards the Burka than the bikini." DV

passing this one to my baby brother....priceless DV, priceless.

Anon said...


A pornstar isn't an actress?

IWonderAsIWander said...

Yeah, the Muslims are onto something when it comes to women dressing wholesome and covering their bodies. No need to go the burkha route, but a nice scarf and a long skirt is definitely attractive in a respectful way to me and most men. But, alas, in America, it's damn near against the law to say something like that. Muslim women are running a marathon; American women are running a sprint. The broad in the pic is cool for a night in Vegas - strapped - and that's about it.

Her Side said...

When I was 19, I drove a man nuts in a pair of fine wool pants and a white turtleneck.

I learned a lot from that day forward.

A man likes his meal hot, but he wants to be the one to unwrap the feast and watch the steam waft out.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Maybe 6 or 7 months tops."

"But I'd coach my sons to lean a bit more towards the Burka than the bikini." DV

passing this one to my baby brother....priceless DV, priceless.


Feel me Sista?

Let me know how baby brother responds.

I'd be interested to know if that meme resonates with a young cat.

uglyblackjohn said...

- Sheikh Ali - You watch enough porn to know the peformers?

- DeeVee - Is that really Ms Pinto?
She's gained some weight.
I stand by original comment - there is just something about pigeon-toed women.

Denmark Vesey said...

Black John!


You aint lying.

When you know the surnames of individual porn stars and their relative specialties ... you may go blind.

pigeon toed huh?

lol ...


I don't know.

Look like serial rape victims to me.

Anonymous said...

I stand by original comment - there is just something about pigeon-toed women.

No need for a mini-skirt.

pigeon-toed women are as sexy as burka women.

Anonymous said...


Is that porn actress a "household" name, or is she known only to the "aficionado".

Just wondering.