Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Are You Trying To Plantationize Me Bitch? Well This Aint Gone With The Wind! You Aint Scarlett O'Hara! And I Damn Sure Aint Rhett Butler!

Introduction to Edward Bernays & The Manufacture of Plantation Negros 003 • DV University Fall 2010 • Professor Sucka Free


Her Side said...

I became interested in marketing many years ago. I worked for (still work for) a technology company that never had a formal marketing plan.

During my era of self-education in marketing, I came across findings such as these. The more you can appeal to irrational emotion, the better your chances of selling. At the time, I didn't make the connection to how these tactics were used against entire populations to "sell" more than hair grease. Disturbing to say the least.

Anonymous said...

This is interesting, our host has tipped his hand. Thanks for pointing that out Her Side. If I had, he would have whined about it.

"The more you can appeal to irrational emotion, the better your chances of selling"

Which is precisely what our host is attempting to do right here on this blog...irrational emotion is what is necessary to get folks to believe in conspiracy theories. So what exactly is our resident misinformation pimp really selling on this blog? Or is he just fattening the unwashed masses up for the kill?

Her Side said...

"So what exactly is our resident misinformation pimp really selling on this blog?"

Whatever it is, you must love it, because you're here more than most. hehe

I say that in jest, so don't get your knickers in a bunch. ;-P

Anonymous said...

Her Side,

Don't worry, I just rolled my eyes...as I do most of your comment. Maybe your next attempt at jesting will be something original?

Her Side said...

Worry? Nah.

The originality of my comment matched the originality of your 1000th accusation about this blog.

Roll your eyes at my comments? LOL That goes both ways.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Whatever it is, you must love it, because you're here more than most. hehe" Her Side

Ahhhhhhhhhhh ...



Sista Side don't hurt him.

You must forgive the brotha. He is just saying something for the sake of saying something.

He's here everyday because he learns something everyday.

Because he's managed to get a little medical degree from his Plantation Masters ... he had come to think of himself as smart ... informed ... educated ... reasonable ... scientific ... advantaged.

DMG The Plantation MD has come to this blog and encountered a group of people far better educated, far better informed, much more scientific, more reasonable, more ... more ... black ... than he knew existed.

This phenomenon both frightens him and attracts him.

His fear causes him to adopt the pose of the "Cynical Nonbeliever" ... when in fact he is simply a poorly educated poorly misinformed stooge AFRAID to face the truth because the truth frightens him.

Therefor he finds himself in the unenviable position of defending silliness like Mandatory Vaccines, Processed and Genetically Modified Food and the Altruism of Big Pharmaceutical corporations.


But DMG is my brother.

I've got love for him.

So I play this little game with him while I educate him against his will.

He'll come around.

Actually. He came around about a year ago.

Which is why he has been here everyday since he encountered this blog.





The fake, exaggerated hostility is a defensive pose.

It says "Teach Me More!" ... but allows him to not express gratitude for the gift he receives.

Anonymous said...

Let me know when you stop making googly eyes and kissy noises at the host.

For a group who is supposedly so "educated" they seem to be so easily disproved.

Denmark Vesey said...



"Disprove" the benefits of natural food:

______________________ ?

"Disprove" the skepticism of mass vaccinations:

______________________ ?

"Disprove" the assertion that the H1N1 "Pandemic" was a profit driven HOAX?

_______________________ ?

Never mind.


Because you can't.

Just come back and say something bitchy and snide.

Why stop now?

Her Side said...

This phenomenon both frightens him and attracts him.

I believe that's a natural reaction when first encountering information that challenges deeply-held belief systems.

And if "googly eyes and kissy noises at the host..." is the only way DMG can find to describe my appreciation for what Denmark brings to the internet... then {{muah}}.

Anonymous said...

Her Side,

If you just want to blow kisses and talk about how much of a fan you are...please go right ahead. Just don't waste my time pretending to make a point.


I don't need to "come back" and say anything to you. I've dismantled your feeble arguments so many times that it's boring debating the same thing over and over again. Check the archives. (You too, Her Side, you haven't been here long...you should at least know whose ass you are sniffing...).

SickFraud said...


* This thread has been deemed anti-Semitic by the SPLC/ADL/DNC/neocons/AIPAC/ADL/JDL/Hollywood/MSM/NW0 *

chosen said...

@herside - i was an advertising major as an undergraduate ... i got hip and quickly switched fields for grad study.

'disturbing to say the least' is totally right, i didn't want to have the weight of being a mouthpiece for corporate interest on my soul!

@DV, bra! speaking of corporate pimps ... have you heard of this documentary that just came out?!


try not to be off-put by the title ...

HotmfWax said...


The Century of Self. Goes into more detail on this and Freud's role.

Cash Rulz said...

Good look on that Century of Self vid.