Thursday, September 16, 2010

You Eat What They Eat • What Is Injected Into Their Blood Ends Up In Your Blood • Modifications To Their Genetic Code Modify Your Genetic Code

"Êtes vous ce que vous mangez"


CNu said...

makes the prospect of a raw/vegan long-pig sound a lot like top shelf, prairie grass fed buffalo...,

what's the superior branding for this future delicacy, "organic sashimi" or "vegan tartar"?

Denmark Vesey said...

"makes the prospect of a raw/vegan long-pig sound a lot like top shelf, prairie grass fed buffalo...,"


mixed with a little rat and a little dog of course.

CNu said...

"long-pig" is human twit.

but your unintended irony is not entirely wasted given the rat/dog proclivities you champion and endorse...,

Denmark Vesey said...

Whatever Jigaboo.

The shit you eat has caused you to grow boobs.

Do you think anyone trusts what you have to say about food?

Anonymous said...

You seem to mention CNu's chest an awful trying to tell us what's always on your mind?

Craig, I suppose it's a good think you didn't mention rump roast, might have given our host the vapors.

Denmark Vesey said...

DMG said...

"You seem to mention CNu's chest an awful lot".



Every chance I get.

I get a kick out of contrasting his enthusiasm for Plantation food with his development of female tits and child-bearing hips.

It's kind of like contrasting your enthusiasm for Plantation Medical Industrial Quackery with the fake H1N1 pandemic, Viox recall and the links between vaccines and auto-immune diseases.

I call it a Plantation Negro Reality Check.

Anonymous said...

So you and CNu have met in person? Or is this just part of your fantasy?

I mean you assume I'm a docker wearing nerd with a Steve Harvey box cut. I don't correct you because I take pleasure in watching you play out your personal fantasy where you are the good looking, stylish hero.

Denmark Vesey said...

Good looking?



lol. You tellin' on yourself Doc.

My style speaks for itself.

And you seem to like what it's saying.

Ever met CNu? Nah.

How do I know he's a 300lb Walmart eater with manboobs?

Because he defends being a 300lb Walmart eater with manboobs.

He identifies with it.

He's not defending truth, or science or dietary best practices ... he is defending an identity.

He's been taught that eating chicken and pork is part of "WHO" he is.

He interprets my attacks on the toxic vulgarity of processed factory meat as an attack on his way of life.

Thus all the predictable and rambling heckling from the sidelines: "Peepus who eat Natrual food iz assholes!"

Doc. I don't think you get it. This is a lesson in group identity politics.

And a bit above your head.

I suggest you attempt this class next semester.


How did I know you were a stain resistant pleated Dockers kind of cat?

I can tell by the way you write.

Anonymous said...

Sooo...basically what you are saying is that you are talking out of your ass. Again.

At least you are consistent.

You do realize CNu gets more mileage out of you suggesting he has manboobs (because it's your only comeback when you know you've been beaten), right? Or did you not realize you sounded like a petulant child with no verbal dueling skills?

It's sad that you don't even realize you are being handled.

Anonymous said...

By the way, I haven't worn pleats in years...but please do continue to suggest I'm thick glasses, pencil necked nerd.

It's cute how you call out to me when your blog traffic slows.

You are here for my amusement.

Anonymous said...

He's not defending truth, or science or dietary best practices ... he is defending an identity.

that is so deep!

CNu said...

only if you're exceptionally shallow...,

Bacon-Bey pretends to function as an antagonist to elite indoctrination.

But the fact of the matter is that he lives as - and presents as - a pure sycophant of the very worst attributes of the psychopath/sociopath elite that he pretends to oppose.

Not only does Bacon-Bey imitate what he pretends to despise, he also depends exclusively on the methods of elite indoctrination.

90% of what this trifling jiggaboo advocates is pure, barbarian, psychopath/sociopath imitation at its worst.

Moorish science as practiced by Bacon-Bey is nothing more than hypocrisy, conspicuous consumption, and vain status seeking.