One capable technocrat is worth a thousand mimetic hucksters anyday....,
Denmark Vesey said ....

(lol. Plantation Negro Nerd so busy seeking validation from white folks he doesn't recognize the fact he's been attending a "virtual school system" right here at DenmarkVesey.Net for over 3 years.
6 days a week.
Ya'll squares go 'head and have "phone calls" about it.
DV been doing it for a minute son. (Matter of fact. I'm the best that has ever done it.)
What on earth leads you to believe this is about saving "the world", rather than just saving a minimal regret subset of it from profligate two-legged locusts?
Uh..why can't ya'll negrows show some solidarity?
They do.
They show it with their attendance.
Its solid as a muhfuggah.
Uh..why can't ya'll negrows show some solidarity?
Cause jiggaboo jones stay mad ever since he started scoring 75's on his blogospheric IQ tests...,
"What on earth leads you to believe this is about saving "the world", rather than just saving a minimal regret subset of it from profligate two-legged locusts?..." Malthus
whatever it is it is nothing more than a subset of Freemasonic, Darwinian, Babylonian, human being hating, occult, apocalyptic, faggotry masquerading as science and technocratic nerd bravado.
Oil been "Peaking" For 20 years Jigaboo.
Get another hustle.
whatever it is it is nothing more than a subset of Freemasonic, Darwinian, Babylonian, human being hating, occult, apocalyptic, faggotry masquerading as science and technocratic nerd bravado.
"Elite DNA" (psychopath/sociopath and schizophrenic DNA) "dispersed" throughout the planet with the rest of you humans.
It's almost impossible for you to see people as the huge "evolved" (one piece grown on top of another) constellation of logic gates that you are. Most (or all) of you responding to the cultural cues you respond to.
Culture is designed to insure that everyone who matters sees their society the same and are willing to die in war for it.
Bacon-Bey constantly inveighs against "education" while simultaneously promoting the worst and most insidious aspects of elite culture.
He is an arch hypocrite and propagandist.
Just like the rest of you humans, elites react to cultural cues with feelings that drive their behavior.
They see the same "doomsday" charts that I've shown you.
They realize that "culture" and "economics" exist to prevent ordinary people from understanding their system and their structure as I do.
The only question that remains to be answered wrt Bacon-Bey's ouevre - is whether he's an intentional tool of the elites he pretends to oppose, or, whether he's just not bright enough to see how his whole and entire modus operandi serves to promote and endorse the unsustainable and intrinsically evil elite culture that he pretends to oppose.
Ya'll squares go 'head and have "phone calls" about it.
DV been doing it for a minute son. (Matter of fact. I'm the best that has ever done it.)
roflmao! only at dvdotnet!
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