Saturday, May 19, 2012

You Can't Teach Good Taste

O. Mahogany said...

"It's kinda like going to high school with these cheap girls who try to dress "sexy". Bad misses know sexy is in your attitude. This looks like poverty and third world high end prostitution."
the good nurse said...
u all are once again missing the fuckin' point.
no one is asking the chic to dress like a nun. no one is asking her to wear "dyke fashions".

she is screaming sexual harassment.
she works in an industry FULL of heterosexual men.
i fully support and applaud my fellow hate here. as i said, she has a fabulous figure and i am not implying that by wearing more professional attire that her sensuality would be minimized.
i am not saying she should not work as a reporter.
i am again saying that it is distracting. and if she chooses to wear it she should also expect to have the men respond in kind. especially if she is claiming to be a reputable reporter.

obviously if you were allowed to roam the halls of the hospital, in and out of pt rooms, discussing their care with family members..wearing tight "running gear"..there must not have been much to see.


Anonymous said...

Um, no. It looks like a woman with a nice body wearing tight clothes.

Everything else seems to be projection.

Check yourself, lest you also be judged without evidence.

Seven Half Store said...

Youre right DV, some of us are just born with it.

Anonymous said...

Funny your "good taste" in clothing may be judged in much the same way you are judging this woman if you were in say...Taliban ruled Afghanistan circa 1996, when being covered in a sack eyelid to pinky toe was all the fashion. Fair? Of course not.

that dude said...

Ooo, her body is BANGING!

Whatever for all this convo.

Illmathematical said...

the face leaves a lot to be desired

the good nurse said...

my issue has very little to do with her fashion acumen and more with her seemingly lack of professionalism.

i consider myself and have been told by men and women alike that i am a sexy/sensual woman....i love my body and my spirit even more.
and there is a time and place to express my personal style as it relates to the clothing i wear, but i realize that i cannot do so at work.
what we wear has a direct affect on how we are perceived by others, how well we are respected.
i would be mistaken if i came to work with all of my deliciousness exposed and sat in my directors meeting expecting the staff to be able to focus on the information provided...IT IS A DISTRACTION!!!!
fuck my "right to wear it".
i would not be effective.
and neither is the trick.

the good nurse said...


IWonderAsIWander said...

The problem with "good taste" is that the only way it works is if everyone has it.

Anonymous said...

My problem with all of the women here judging this woman to be a the way she dresses.

If that isn't the height of hypocrisy....

Intellectual Insurgent said...

I don't know if it's hypocrisy, but Big Ups to the reporter on an A+ P.R. stunt.

No one knew who she was 10 minutes ago and now...she's a household name in the sports world. She made herself relevant.

Don't hate the player, hate the game.

the good nurse said...

dmg said:"My problem with all of the women here judging this woman to be a the way she dresses."

i did not judge nor did i call her a whore. i called her a trick. there is a difference.

secondly, my issue is not that she chooses to wear the outfits pictured. my issue is she chooses to wear the outfits pictured to WORK!

doc u seem to be a fairly intelligent, reasonable man. i am not sure where u practice medicine, but i am positive u would have all privileges stripped if you walked into a pt's room to discuss treatment/post op or whatever with a pair of tight leather pants on that clearly outlined the shape,size and state of erection of your mr johnson and his two friends nut and sack.
so please stop with the whole "captain save a trick" routine.
the girl does not require it as evidenced by her choice of attire in an environment of testosterone laden men.

Seven Half Store said...

DMG shut up.

no one said she WAS a whore. I stated it reminds me of a lower class. And it does.

Her fashion, which shouldnt be taken lightly as it rules the way we are perceived, is in this case inappropriate. If she was in a bar I wouldnt blink an eye. And although she maybe "trying to be sexy" my point was that one's sex appeal is largely a mental muscle. I exercise mine daily. So my comment is not for you apparently. cool. I'm keeping substance to the topic. That's fair.

Anonymous said...


Do YOU know this woman? Do you know her family? Do you know her personality?

No. You called her a "trick". Not me. Why are you calling her out of her name, when you don't know her, except for some internet pictures? Haven't even talked to her. And about "class". Define "lower" class. And what class do you think YOU are in?

So perhaps it isn't ME who should be shutting the fuck up?

And calling someone trick kind of takes away from your "sexy". Know what I mean?

We can do this all day.

Anonymous said...


I'll stop defending this woman's right to "where what the fuck she wants to wear", when you stop calling her out of her name without her here to defend herself. Fair?

Really, despite what you may think most of the women here are coming off as catty, jealous sounding women hating this woman because she's garnering quite a bit of male attention.

Again, you don't know this woman's thoughts. You are judging her on her ass...kind of like what most women DON'T want to be judged by.

Seven Half Store said...


I state what I want. you're exhausting a non-existent point. shut up, Trick.


the good nurse said...

i think u should know by now that i make every attempt to be respectful when making my point here at dv's blog...been here for quite some time and have actually met a few of our blogmates "in real life".
with that being said, i will not give u the topnotched cuss out that would be most appropriate right about now.
what i will say is:
i am not judging the woman's body. not at all. i have an appreciation for all beautiful things. i believe that God smiles and gives himself a pat on the back every time a beautiful woman or man receives attention...after all, we are fearfully and wonderfully made.
i am simply saying that ol' girl is cleverly aware that by wearing items of clothing that she will in turn receive exactly the outcome she is seeking. attention.

so, once again doc, not the booty...the poor choice of attire.

oh, and for the record i define the word trick for describing women who are either teases, hoes, or one of the above pretending to be the other....

either way the duck is quacking.

Joanna said...

the good nurse said "my issue is she chooses to wear the outfits pictured to WORK!"

If she didn't wear those clothes and appear the way she does, she would not have the job she has.... the only think that qualifies her as a "sports reporter" is her T & A credentials. Sports reporters either need to be knowledgeable about sports OR be sexily dressed women who appeal to a man's libido. She is the latter. Her career is based on the way she appears, so why complain when someone pays attention???

Anonymous said...

"I'm positive u would have all privileges stripped if you walked into a pt's room to discuss treatment/post op or whatever with a pair of tight leather pants on that clearly outlined the shape,size and state of erection of your mr johnson and his two friends nut and sack."

I don't know where YOU work, but I've run into the hospital with running attire on. Privileges remain intact. You are REALLY stretching this out. For what reason I can't imagine. The woman wasn't giving Mass, didn't wearing a thong bikini in an Retirement Home, she was in a FOOTBALL locker room, where there were plenty of men, wearing towels, jock straps or just buck nekkid.

The woman has a nice body. Her clothes accentuate her figure. So what? You all are trying to suggest she was in there doing something other than getting an interview. How you get poverty and prostitution out of that is beyond me, but I suppose it requires a very vivid and puritanical imagination.

I'll bet you two would go around putting boxer shorts on naked Roman statues or forcing Masai women to "cover up". Now, if enforcing a specific so-called Western style of dress isn't "Plantation" I don't know what is....

Anonymous said...


Really? That's it? "Shut up trick". If that's all you are going to offer up for debate, you aren't worth any more ammo.

Please :)

Anonymous said...

You girls are so silly!


Whatever else she would've wear instead of those jeans, she'd still look freakin' hot and still would've turn guy's heads.

And maybe she did wear those jeans on purpose, and what of it?

She might be looking for som'...

There are 6 girls that work with me.

They are all hot (seriously).

They all wear tight casual pants like this and I don't think they look inappropriate.

They just have tight, nice & round asses that they just can't hide.

I don't blame them.

Neither my boss.

A woman should always want to look sexy, appropriately based on the occasion... but that depends on how each see it.

I don't think she was inappropriate for the occasion.

She was doing her job, which at the moment was to measure footballer's biceps.

How would she appropriately dress to measure men's biceps?

Part of her job is being sexy.

And btw, I am not defending her (of nothing she did wrong) for being latin or mexican or whatever.

I have the same problem DMG has about women talking 'crap' about other women.

It is in your blood ladies, admit it.

You just can't handle not do it.

Joanna said...

I'm not mad at her for using her looks, her body and the way to dresses to get attention, make money, and enhance her career. I AM mad at her for trying to turn that shit around and act like she is offended because someone else tells her she should be upset and because she wants some free publicity. But, shit, if I had a hot body, I would be walking down the street with as little clothes as allowed by law.... and I wouldn't be bitching if men noticed.

Thordaddy said...

Y'all still missing the point which is the homosexualization of all things... Even football... Dudes are supposed to act homosexual and the chick is supposed to be a professional.sports.reporter... Aren't those dudes mostly insufferable jock-strap swinging geeks? Ol' girl comes from a place where it is normal to get fresh with the jocks and devout dyke fashions are not in her closet.

the good nurse said...

u all are once again missing the fuckin' point.
no one is asking the chic to dress like a nun. no one is asking her to wear "dyke fashions".
she is screaming sexual harassment.
she works in an industry FULL of heterosexual men.
i fully support and applaud my fellow hate here. as i said, she has a fabulous figure and i am not implying that by wearing more professional attire that her sensuality would be minimized.
i am not saying she should not work as a reporter.
i am again saying that it is distracting. and if she chooses to wear it she should also expect to have the men respond in kind. especially if she is claiming to be a reputable reporter.

obviously if you were allowed to roam the halls of the hospital, in and out of pt rooms, discussing their care with family members..wearing tight "running gear"..there must not have been much to see.

Anonymous said...


Seriously girl, why do you want to have an knock-down drag out with me of all people. I'll ignore your childish attempt at a swipe for now.

Not sure what sort of nurse you are, but I take care of people who are really if I have to run into the hospital, during my workout, that means some bad shit is happening. And I'm thankful that the nurses and staff at MY place of business are more concerned with patient care than with what somebody is wearing and are professional enough to NOT be checking out someones body while a patient is attempting to "go into the light".

But thank you. You've shed light on just how petty you are. And remember...we can SEE your picture. You aren't all that, my dear.

Denmark Vesey said...

Doc. You need to get the fuck outta here with that shit.

Got your little feelings hurt so you try to get nasty with a sister?

Pure Faggotry.

I'll put my taste in women up against yours any day of the week.

I'm saying Sista Nurse is badder than any woman who ever dug you ... in your life.

Stay in your place Jigaboo.

the good nurse said...

thank you dv. i appreciate u having my back.
i will not defend my nursing experience to u. i am very comfortable and confident in what i bring to the table professionally and personally.
i completely understand the emergent nature of what we do in terms of providing EMS when needed. and at those times, i am sure your attire is not the focus. u did not qualify your previous statement about "running into the hospital" in running gear with the fact that it occurred during an emergency ( I am assuming you were on call).
it is not my intention to "have it out" with you sir.
we are here because we ALL are thinkers and feel we are contributing in some way to this intellectual "club".
u sir, i have noted quite often get offended, yell, scream, name call, and take your ball and run home when someone stands toe to toe with u. please stop. it is immature and very unbecoming.

as far as what i look like....don't require your validation there either. was not talking about your face falling short...was speaking of your dick. and until u see a pic of my deliciousness you cannot judge me there either.(and we both know that will never happen).
i bid u peace.

Anonymous said...

My place is kicking dumbasses like you and your girl in the head.

Maybe you should quit playing "Captain Save a Bitch". Like I've said before, if you can't handle the words, shut the fuck up.

Sista Nurse is a mediocre intellect with issues about other women's style of dress...who made a feeble attempt to attack me. I responded in kind.


Carol '85 said...

as far as what i look like....don't require your validation there either. was not talking about your face falling short...was speaking of your dick.

haaaaaaaaaaaa ;)

Anonymous said...


Offended? From your feeble attempts? I've been restrained. I've responded in kind when insulted. I'm just better at it than you. Notice, I don't run off crying, I stand and throw down when necessary.

Usually doesn't take more than 30 all aren't that creative.

As far as your looks...again you aren't all that. My opinion. Perhaps you'll consider that when next you make an attempt at "humor".

Denmark Vesey said...


1) Sista Nurse is more "all that" than your wife.

2) Intellectually she is far more developed than are you. She understands more about health, diet and spirit than that sterile "State University" Plantation Negro status quo corporate bullshit you've been trained to mistake for science.

3) Only bitch I'm saving is you.

Anonymous said...


Get off it. She knows the rules of the Octagon. If you don't want to get hit, stay out.

So we going to do the "my wife is better than your wife" thing? Negro please graduate from the 3rd grade.

Intellectually, she is confused and did not prove her point. Rather she spent all of her time making catty remarks about another woman.

Quit your pseudo-chivalry bullshit and wipe the fake tears out of your eyes. I'm sure she can fend for herself, but if she can't...maybe she should go back to the sidelines and pick up some pom pons or something, fill the water jug, get some towels, anything useful.

Denmark Vesey said...

You going too hard Doc.


Sista Nurse touched a nerve.

That's testament to her intellect, her feminine wiles, and her cultural fluency.

She knows men.

Those kinds of Sistas seem to bother you.

Going out of your way ... bending over backwards ... trying so hard to hurt a woman personally ... gives credence to her observation.

Do you not get that?

Only cats who do that kind of shit don't like women in the first place.

Not "pseudo-chivalry" Bra.

The sista don't need me to straighten your ass out. She's done that above ^^ ^^

I'm trying to keep her from destroying what's left of your obviously fragile ego.

She smarter than you Doc. Don't fuck with her.

the good nurse said...

"As far as your looks...again you aren't all that. My opinion. "

and i am ok with that. i do not expect every man i come in contact with me to find me attractive. just as i do not find every man i see attractive.
my beauty reaches deep. i understand u are merely looking at my shell (which is beautiful as well)..i dig what u are saying and respect your humble opinion.
still bidding u the peace that surpasses all understanding..

and, oh, i can be a bitch at times...most women can. the shame is when men like u do it.
tsk, tsk.

Denmark Vesey said...

"i do not expect every man i come in contact with me to find me attractive" TGN

But don't fall for the head fake Sista Nurse.

Dude finds you attractive. That's why he said something. He can sense all them soft chocolate brown curves and sweet sexiness in the one little pict.

Put a 2 x 2 of Becky up here and have an "all that" contest.

Anonymous said...

Very petty DMG, put up a photo, and lets see what you look like!

Anonymous said...


I didn't say you were unattractive. I just said you weren't All That. But whatever. I know you have to get the last word. I enjoy watching you take every scrap of the bait...not to mention the gesticulations of our host.

Continue on gassing her up. It is what you do best.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, get a name before you make demands.

the good nurse said...

i stand corrected.u did not say i was not attractive. u did say "i was not all that" whatever "that" means.

child please.

gassing? is that what u really think i require to share how i feel about a subject or to express my opinion?
u don't believe that.

i admire your tenacity and your commitment to defending your position. and while i may not agree with what u say, i am positive that you have enough sense to formulate and articulate your own thoughts without someone pumping u up.
i don't have a problem acknowledging the intelligence in the room.

and is there really a "last word" here at
most likely not. but there is evidence that some of the players here have provided final statements that were so profound that it caused a hush over the virtual room.

and my brother, dv...
i am so aware of the power i possess as it relates to the male half of his hue man experience.
the evidence of true power is not the releasing of the power...but it is often found in the restraint of it...i love for real :)