Thursday, September 16, 2010

Submariner. You Cool?


IllmathECOLOGY said...

Why this post? Is he OK? Thas my dude DV...I hope everyone that comes to DV university is happy and healthy...

Joanna said...

I smell a cover up.....

Anonymous said...

What? No fist tap?

I believe the dude who was shot was a Thoracic surgeon (or that's what they made it seem like). Taken to the OR and is doing OK.

Didn't know Sub was at Hopkins. Would like to know what the real deal was.

Actually just read that SWAT didn't kill the dude. He shot the doctor, his mother, and then himself.

Um...what cover up?

Joanna said...

well... considerng the fact that the police spokeman got on tv and repeatedly asserted that the suspect was shot and killed BY THE POLICE even and DENIED that the man's wounds were SELF INFLICTED, it seems kind of suspicious to me that now that the mother is dead as well, they are back pedaling and making the claim that when they entered the room the man and his mother were already dead from wounds HE inflicted. I am thinking maybe the police were a little too, um, intent, on subduing the suspect that they ending up killing an old paralyzed lady in a hospital bed and now want to blame her son in order to cover it up.... but hey, maybe I was the only person who heard the spokeman repeatedly DENY the idea that the man committed suicide and confirm that the cops shot him.... until, of course, that story changed.

Anonymous said...

Actually I wouldn't care if he was shot by SWAT. The man brought a weapon into a hospital, with sick people, and families walking around.

You don't shoot someone just because you don't like the outcome.

Anyway it's pretty easy to figure out how they died, and who shot whom.

And how can you be TOO intent on subduing a crazy man with a a hospital? Do you think they should have been a bit gentler? He already shot his mothers doctor (crazy behavior), murder-suicide isn't much of a stretch from that.

But, on this site, there always has to be a conspiracy or cover-up.

Joanna said...

Would you care if his mom was shot by SWAT? Because THAT is what I am getting at when I say I suspect a coverup.... listen to the initial interview with the police.... they claim police shot the gunman and THEY DID NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HIS MOTHER.... now they are saying as soon as they walked into the room they found the mother dead and the gunman had shot himself too.... my conclusion? SWAT shot the mom too, and are blaming the man who shot the doctor to cover it up.... this has nothing to do with whether or not SWAT had a right or responsibility to shoot him, it is about whether or not they are telling the truth.

Her Side said...

My boss' father is in that hospital right now, which may explain her sister's sudden rush from our office in VA this afternoon...

Anonymous said...


You are making something out of nothing.

A man brought a gun into a hospital and shot a man doing his job. For no reason. But you don't seem to care about that fact.

Why are you so bent on some cover-up? Perhaps the more plausible answer is that the news agencies reporting the story got it wrong, and corrected themselves.

My question to you, is how do you KNOW there is a cover up?

Answer is you don't. You are assuming. Quite alot I might add.

Joanna said...

DMG WATCH the video.... this was NOT misconstrued by the media... this was a POLICE SPOKESPERSON.... making the VERY SPECIFIC STATEMENT that the POLICE SHOT the suspect.

Anonymous said...

well she got you there dmg!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, watched the video. The spokesman seems to be getting a statement out without all of the facts, and he actually admits it.

Here's a later police statement with more details

Anonymous said...

So Joanne, there are two statements. One admittedly with few details (the one your sent me), and a more detailed statement. Both from police.

Joanna said...

I don't trust them... not one of them.....

Anonymous said...

Whatever. Quite frankly I don't give fuck about the shooter. It's most likely he shot is mother. If she died by the stray bullet of a SWAT team member (which is unlikely), that's unfortunate.

Your paranoia not withstanding.

HotmfWax said...


Anonymous said...

Karma how? I'm waiting to hear this one...