If 1 Million people Tweet their congressman to give 1/10 of the Direct Aid they gave Israel last year & whatever they will spend on the war in Iraq next week - that will be $5 Billion dollars.
Haiti could be a developed healthy literate and thriving nation in 10 years.
Use Our Foreign Aid Tax Dollars, That We've Already Sent To Washington To Help Haiti & Let Israel Finance It's Occupation of Palestine With $5 Tweets.
Help Haiti & Finance The War On Iraq With Tweets.
That's a great idea. But wouldn't writing congressmen essentially be participating in the "plantation"?
And tweeting a request isn't as guaranteed as tweeting $$.
Development is nice, just as long as it's not a big gentrification scam.
It would be called "taxation with representation."
Currently Israel gets more money from US Taxpayers than any other nation on earth ... not because that represents the will of the American people - but because the American people behave like plantation peasants who don't even expect the government to exercise their will.
We pay taxes for foreign aid.
Why should Haiti be dependent upon our Tweets?
Let Israel Tweet to get missiles and build illegal settlements.
You more worried about what Israel gets?
Personally, I'd like to see ALL US aid to Israel halted.
But that's not the point here. Your wish for Israel to rely on tweets and bake sales is nice, but irrelevant to this situation.
The math is good, but a million tweets to Congressmen would be met with complete silence. If voting could change anything it would be illegal. A million Twitter votes must be exponentially futile.
Not exactly sure what, other than cold cash, would move a politician to do what really needs to be done on this or most other issues. DMG has a point that you so often point out. Playing the plantation game, by the plantation's rules is not a winning game plan.
Doc Americans pay tax.
Much of our tax dollars are allocated for Foreign Aide.
There are 10 times more African Americans in this country than there are Jews.
If Jews can effectively lobby for Israel ... why can't black people effectively lobby for Haiti?
As an American who is supposedly of 'Haitian' descent, I'd think you would be appalled at the fact Israel gets in a day what we are offering Haiti after the worst natural disaster in modern history.
The money used by Israel to occupy Palestine and kill people in Gaza is enough money to send every Haitian child to college for 100 years.
America can't say ... "we don't have the money to give to Haiti" ... because WE DO.
We just give it Israel.
And stupid ... cowardly ... scared ... punkish ...obedient ... conformist ... sissy ass Plantation Negros have been conditioned NOT TO EVEN NOTICE IT.
Let alone say something about it.
So you go 'head Doc. Tweet $5.
Post "links" for nurses to go down and help.
That's all cool.
I'm going to continue to spark the kind of awareness that could change Haiti forever.
Hell. We've got a black president now.
Maybe it's time to cash in.
Those cats at Goldman Sachs are cashing in.
Why can't we for the people of Haiti?
What are you talking about? Do you actually read? I am appalled, I have been appalled, and always will be appalled that we've given even a dollar to Israel, while they are actively caging human beings like animals and slowly encroaching upon them...stealing water, illegally blockading their coast etc.
But that's another topic right now. Not notice? Now I know you aren't addressing me.
Where were you last week when Haiti was struggling? I was in contact with my boy who was down there...building a clinic.
As far as lobbying for Haiti? I'm all for it, and will back any serious effort to lobby for that country.
But the PR/propaganda that's needed to get the job done seems to be more your thing, like Sub said. I've been waiting for you to start addressing people other than this group of regulars. But you know if you try to get serious (and this in all honesty, without any malice toward you), you are going to HAVE to give up the conspiracy theory, and dubious source stuff. The quickest way to being ignored is to be branded a nut, and although you may not care, not being an effective lobbiest means Haiti suffers, not you.
Or if you think standing on the street corner yelling at the top of your lungs is effective...have at it.
If Jews can effectively lobby for Israel ... why can't black people effectively lobby for Haiti?
Could it be because black people don't produce much wealth compared to Jews?
Just guessing.
Could it be because black people don't produce much wealth compared to Jews?
Just guessing." UBM
I don't know UB.
Let's think about that.
What wealth do Jews actually "produce"?
Why should we be financing racist apartheid by wealthy Jews in Israel?
If we are protecting their interests there, shouldn't they at least be paying US?
Especially when we are trillions in debt ourselves now???
Plantation Negro MD,
It is apparent you aren't the sharpest crayon in the box.
Yeah, you've managed to get an MD ... but you are a relatively shallow thinker.
Don't take that as a rub man. Just a constructive observation.
I've received a tremendous amount of confirmation and appreciation that my coverage of Haiti has been unique, insightful, meaningful and thought provoking.
Simple minded Negros who don't want to be challenged call it "propaganda" because it is out of their comfort zone.
Doc I create ideas. You react to ideas.
That's cool. Everyone can't be a thought leader. But don't get salty with me because I don't participate in the same intellectual charades as you Plantation Negros who think $100 M is a) A lot of money for Haiti and b) All we could get from our own government for Haiti.
The reason Haiti has been victimized for so long is partially due to the ignorance and political ineptitude of African-Americans like you who think 'staying in your place' is a virtue.
You want to come on here and brag about "your boy" who is building a clinic and announce you plans to "go down there" in the future.
Go ahead and do that.
We need boots on the ground, roll up your sleeve types.
Go put on a few band aids and inject a few hundred Haitian kids with vaccines.
Do. You.
I think the people of Haiti need a bit more than band aids and hypodermic needles.
I think Haitian Survivors deserve to be treated with all the sensitivity respect and entitlements of Holocaust survivors.
They are both victims of essentially the same crime.
Let's get them reparations.
Here's A DV Meme for you to chew on PMD.
"If African Americans don't successfully lobby Barack Obama for a $1 Billion to develop Haiti ... we are all a bunch of punk ass pussy sell-outs"
Let's not forget that not only our taxes go to Israel, but that we also contribute to Israel by consuming products from corporations that fund this "nation" and its war.
Just a few:
Coca cola, IBM, Intel, Starbucks, Nokia, Home depot, Disney, Revlon, Johnson & Johnson, Timberland boots (oh yes!) Aol, McDonalds, L'oreal.
The list keeps on... and on... and on...
How much is a Palestinian life worth? a morning latte?
What wealth do Jews actually “produce”?
Dang, DV. A dedicated Jew-watcher such as yourself? How could you fail to notice such culture-shaping Jewish-American entrepreneurs as Michael Dell, founder of Dell Computers? Maybe you’re rocking a Dell right now as you read this, DV.
How about Lawrence Ellison, founder of Oracle? And the two cats who created Google? I know for a fact you used Google today, Denmark, so you answer your own question on a daily basis.
Did you ever own any Ralph Lauren clothing? Then you helped Ralph Lauren become a billionaire. That’s what wealth Jews “produce.”
Do you pop into Starbucks to get a jump-start on your mornings? Then thank Howard Schultz, who single-handedly made espresso bars a profitable American enterprise. Another example of Jewish wealth creation.
Have I made my point, DV?
If you want niggas to be calling some muhfuckin’ shots... encourage ’em to act more like Jews. Because you don’t become a collective force to be reckoned with by bitching about how history done you wrong.
That is a posture of perpetual weakness... and is unworthy of respect from powerful people.
UBM is shul.
There is nothing unique, or provocative about your words. They are merely annoying, and make people think you are either a lunatic, or a complete narcissist. You don't give a fuck about Haiti, or anything else you write about.
It's just today's news. Something for you to exploit.
Because you don’t become a collective force to be reckoned with by bitching about how history done you wrong.
That's funny because that's all Jews do. All their museums, memorials, and other loads of propaganda are nothing but an never-ending PTSD therapy session.
So why do they make a killing, literally and figuratively, from their alleged historical suffering - extorting money from Swiss Banks and German companies - while Black folks get zilch?
Because you don’t become a collective force to be reckoned with by bitching about how history done you wrong.
That's funny because that's all Jews do.
II is truth!
... while Black folks get zilch?
Dang, II. Like I said... if Jews didn't create wealth for every host society into which they're welcomed, their appeals to pity wouldn't amount to much. They'd be like the Armenians.
But you keep on thinking that appeals to guilt and pity are the route to black power.
"Because you don’t become a collective force to be reckoned with by bitching about how history done you wrong." UBM
Just spit Dandelion tea all over my monitor.
We'll let you take that one back.
I know as soon as you press "post" you realized how fucking ridiculous you sound.
No prob.
We'll pretend you didn't put this up.
^ DV, I think we've made a breakthrough here. You have obviously taken the wrong lesson from Jewish power and influence.
You think their power and influence stems from bitching at Europeans and demanding reparations for past shit?
Okay, good luck trying to duplicate that.
Undercover Black Man if they created wealth for every "host society', why were they eventually kicked out of each and every nation they were originally welcomed?
^ Why? Haters.
John Jonas, the fully exposed kneegrow is either completely unselfconscious, or, a pure predator/deceiver in his own right.
He either has no earthly idea why every "host" society has eventually and inevitably rejected the unsustainable metastatic exploitation which this infiltrator inevitably imposes, or, he actively and knowingly works to supress the natural human tendency to reject this infiltration and exploitation.
Regardless of which side you come down on with respect to the fully exposed kneegrow's motivations, he is indisputably a longterm, active participant in cultural infiltration and exploitation.
Read Norman Kelly - The Political Economy of Black Music
The seriously read Norman Kelly on this same subject in detail.
Finally, read some Norman Kelly on the failure of Black political, economic, and cultural organization.
^ The Jew as cancer-like infiltrator and exploiter?
Craig, Craig, Craig...
I see your true colors shining through...
Jews ain't the reason you got no job.
Apparently undercover black man Jews are the reason you feel you do have a job.
^ Well, JJ... they do appreciate excellence.
What do you do for them if you don't mind me asking?
John Jonas, the FEK is a "writer" who has specialized for the past 20+ years in the infiltration and exploitation of American subcultures for profit - thus the ironic misnomer "undercover black man".
Fully exposed kneegress,
Close your big pasty legs, somethin smells vaguely of fish and cheese again....,
Jewish wealth is taken primarily from banking cabals, smut-peddling, propaganda mills (media), instigating Zionist wars and guilt-tripping (for foreign aid). This extracts the most amount of wealth from a host society whilst giving the least actual value or material goods in return.
When was the last time you saw "Made In Israel" on a useful item of yours?
One of the last discussions UBM was in. I caught an episode of Treme on the way back home from London on Wednesday. It was very good.
Here you go,
Products made in Israel:
Also, seems like Israel sent a lot of aid to Haiti over the past few months which is a lot more than any of you broke asses did.
More reasons why you are all haters:
" Israel, the 100th smallest country, with less than 1/1000th of the world's population, can lay claim to the following:
Israel has the highest ratio of university degrees to the population in the world.
Israel produces more scientific papers per capita than any other nation by a large margin - 109 per 10,000 people - as well as one of the highest per capita rates of patents filed.
In proportion to its population, Israel has the largest number of startup companies in the world. In absolute terms, Israel has the largest number of startup companies than any other country in the world, except the US (3,500 companies mostly in hi-tech).
Israel is ranked #2 in the world for venture capital funds right behind the US.
Outside the United States and Canada, Israel has the largest number of NASDAQ listed companies.
Israel has the highest average living standards in the Middle East. The per capita income in 2000 was over $17,500, exceeding that of the UK.
With an aerial arsenal of over 250 F-16s, Israel has the largest fleet of the aircraft outside of the US.
Israel's $100 billion economy is larger than all of its immediate neighbors combined.
On a per capita basis, Israel has the largest number of biotech start-ups.
Twenty-four percent of Israel's workforce holds university degrees - ranking third in the industrialized world, after the United States and Holland - and 12 percent hold advanced degrees.
Israel is the only liberal democracy in the Middle East."
What in the blue fuck are you talking about? How do you know what we did or did NOT do or send to Haiti?
I'd like to see how well Israel functions with $0.00 from the U.S. Taxpayer, no U.S. made weapon systems, removal of AIPACs death grip on U.S. foreign policy and elections, and without U.S. blindly running interference when Israel has been rightly sanctioned by the U.N. Spare me the nonsense, this group may have it's faults but we aren't blind to the dirty dealings of the Israeli government.
And please, before you even think it spare me the usual "anti-semitic" nonsense usually whipped out when someone calls your bluff. I don't hate Jews, I hate right-wing governments who suppress people on the basis of ethnicity.
Now, if you'd kindly go back to shutting the fuck up, we can all get back to discussion Ines Sainz...
Thanks bud.
Wow, i must have struck a nerve with some facts and truth. I think Israel would do a lot better without US Aid. That way ignorant losers couldnt keep blaming their lack of skills, employment, and overall knowledge of anything useful on a few billions of dollars that go to Israel when the facts speak for themselves. Maybe when Israel doesnt have to listen to people who know nothing about Arabs or the way the Middle East works there will finally be peace.
No, Yaron you didn't touch a nerve. Just that nobody wants to hear that Israeli PR nonsense, when you won't even bother to face up to what your government is doing to other human beings in the name of "security". Until you do, save 6th grade book report stuff.
Maybe when Israel doesnt have to listen to people who know nothing about Arabs or the way the Middle East works there will finally be peace.-Yaron
-Israel gives Haiti aid. Check.
-Ethiopian airlifts. Check.
Everything is in order, still that last statement came off anti-Semitic Yaron. Your PR is a bit janky.
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