Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Murder Weapons


Anonymous said...

So you finally agree obesity is caused by the number of times fork meets mouth. Excellent. It's also nice to see you now realize that handguns are for hunting humans.

Denmark Vesey said...



No wonder everyone who follows the advice of doctors ... is sick.

You all actually make people sick.

Bad enough you don't heal people ...

You arrogantly ignorant muhfuggas .... are actually making people sick.

Doc. Do you have any idea how ignorant you are revealing yourself to be?

Honestly bra.

In 2010 ... to suggest in a public forum ... that WHAT WE EAT ... has no impact on our health ... is so ignorant ... it borders on evil.

Doc. Is your ego so fragile that you will resort to the ridiculous to perpetuate the illusion that you haven't lost?

To suggest to black people that 100,000 calories of fast food will have no more of a negative impact on their health than 100,000 calories of fresh vegetables, natural oils and unrefined salt is some modern day Negro slave catcher shit.

Black people discussing the ways to escape the bondage of engineered diabetes and lifelong addiction to corporate pharmaceuticals ... and this We Sick Boss MD up in here talking about "it doesn't matter what you eat, just how much".


How in the Fuck is 5,000 calories of Popeyes Fried Chicken any better for you than 7,500 calories of Popeyes Fried Chicken?

You get diabetes either way.

Eat natural food. Avoid processed salt and preservatives as if your life depends on it. Don't eat oils cooked over 112 degrees.

Your chances of diabetes plummets to about the same as your chances of getting struck by lightening.

Anonymous said...

Um, YOU are the one who put up the picture talking about Murder weapons. And all I did was agree with you. Don't be bitter because you can't keep your hustles straight.

You wasted all of those keystrokes. I rarely read your posts anymore because they are so redundant with the same old fallacious "reasoning".

Don't you need to put up some pictures of some leaves and the nuts you jacked from the backyard squirrels, this morning, it's well past lunchtime?

HotmfWax said...

Less is more.


HotmfWax said...

Why brothers love Chicken and Pork.

Call R. Kelly DV. :)

Maybe he got the hook up.
