Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Global System of White Supremacy? Negro Please ...


Joanna said...

DV.... you found my long lost uncle Cletus.... where was he hiding??? LOL... nah, just playing, but when you find some cousin Vinnys and Uncle Guidos, let me know, they might have fallen from my family tree!

Denmark Vesey said...


lol. Your cousins huh?

I'll keep an eye out for Vinny.

Nah. This is just an average ol' beneficiary of the "Global System of White Supremacy".

D.SMITH said...

Yeah, I can tell he running things. Eating good apparently, living large on a nice big plot of land with a sturdily built home...

...Man, white people keepin' us in check still to this day. I'll be back, gonna run down "to the welfare" and find some more white folks to blame for my miserable condition.

white dude said...

This guy ain't white. He's black.

KonWomyn said...


I’m failing to see what a GSWS defined on the basis of race is getting at when there is no such system. In the past race was a significant factor in the exertion of capitalist and political power, and even for the poorest of whites they enjoyed certain social privileges that the poorest of blacks did not.

But it’s 2010 now; we live in a world where our understandings of race as a social construct are way more advanced than even 50 years ago. Race is a social myth that has it’s uses and evils, but it is part of our biological and cultural selves as humans.

To be speaking of ‘Whiteness’ or ‘Blackness’ as systems of supremacy as though they were clear cut categories in a country like America is not only strange, but false too. How do you know that scrawny man up there is White? Because he looks it? What if he has Black or Native Red ancestry, then what? What system does he belong to? Is he held up as an example of false supremacy within that system too?

Plenty of Black American people have White, Native Red (as opposed to Native Black), ancestry – parents, grandparents, great grandparents or significant others so whoever that picture of the scrawny guy is meant to be educating on the non-supremacy of White Supremacy it fails on the account that most people are racially mixed even though they may identify as Black, White or Native Indian American.

So that suggests to me Whiteness as an easily discernable, pure category is in itself is a myth and you’re not addressing that. Instead you’re saying Whiteness is not supreme. But what is Whiteness in America?

Bear in mind that its 2010, the discourse of race has developed greatly from seeing every White person as a symbol of a racist hegemony called USA.

Given what I’ve said, what’s that pic s’posed to do for a person like me? Elicit sympathy, evoke laughter – what? And so yea I feel a li’l sympathetic and humoured by this dude, but I know the GSWS doesn’t exist so #fail. Maybe that’s what you’re trying to say and we’re arguing the same thing, but IMO you’re not saying it in the way you should be.

Where are the pictures of that system which does exist - a Global System of Capitalist Supremacy? Where are the pictures symbolising the MANY and VARIED racial, economic and gendered exploits it was built on? Where are pictures of how it operates today on capital wealth, political capital and geographic advantage – local or global?

It’s 2010 and the system that oppresses me, as an African is not racial but comprises new White and Asian neo-colonialists and old power-loving Black nationalists, it’s Western systems of difference that classify me as ‘other’ on the basis of citizenship, so-called developing status of my country and ethnic descent – race isn’t always a part of the math and when it is, its inextricably linked to other identity issues that another Black American or Black Canadian person might not experience.

If we keep talking and deconstructing along the same old race lines and rubbishing out people on the basis of race, it ignores the capitalist and military elephants in the room munching up all the gra$$ and mushing down the people by any means necessary.

'kay nerd rant over.


Her Side said...

Good question, KonWomyn.

I count myself a "black" woman to keep it simple for the simple-minded. But I've been called "white," "mixed," "latin," and "half asian." I can't even confirm what I am or what system I'd belong to...

Denmark Vesey said...

"So that suggests to me Whiteness as an easily discernable, pure category is in itself is a myth" KW 1 Plantation 0

Denmark Vesey said...

"Given what I’ve said, what’s that pic s’posed to do for a person like me? Elicit sympathy, evoke laughter – what?" KW

What's a Rothko supposed to do for you?

What's a Basquiat supposed to do for you?

A Denmark Vesey post is more art than editorial.

What you take from it is limited only by the range of your creative imagination.

"And so yea I feel a li’l sympathetic and humoured by this dude, but I know the GSWS doesn’t exist so #fail. Maybe that’s what you’re trying to say and we’re arguing the same thing, but IMO you’re not saying it in the way you should be." KW

Not really trying to say anything.

I'm just allowing the meme ... the notion ... the myth ... of a "Global System of White Supremacy" ... speak for itself.

All memes are abstractions.

The ones we choose to give power to is up to us.

Denmark Vesey said...

Where are the pictures of that system which does exist - a Global System of Capitalist Supremacy? KW

I'm wide open Kay Dub.

Please ... show us such a picture.

If ... that ... truly ... is the system which ... you believe ... exists.

I think that's a rather thin meme personally.

I told you which system of supremacy actually exists.

The Global System of Black Supremacy.

Peep my blog. Look up and down. Walk through the archives.

I've documented The Global System of Black supremacy in images quite well.

I challenge you ... Kay Dub.

Since you seem to have a problem just taking DV's word for it...

I challenge you to post 1 image of this "Capitalist System of Supremacy" to which you subscribe.

KonWomyn said...


"Since you seem to have a problem just taking DV's word for it..."

Why the assumption I have a problem with the GSBS? It wasn't even mentioned in my post and purposely so because that wasn't my concern here. For GSBS - you're preaching to the choir. You know that.

My comment intended to dismantle the notion of a GSWS and shift focus to that the Plantation - I'm sure a quick peek through your own archives will show you how the capitalism and power operate - from the Pfizer to Haliburton to Shell.

Those to me are examples of the Global System of Capitalist Supremacy - and the GSBS is another system of supremacy, a positive oppositional force that goes way beyond skin colour.

Denmark Vesey said...

I disagree KayDub.

I don't consider the sick corporate pseudoscience of the Plantation a form of "Supremacy" at all.

Their "supremacy" is an illusion.

Their "supremacy" is contingent upon the ignorance of the masses to "believe" in it.

The way they still "believe" in vaccines ... even though they know better.

Black supremacy is not contingent upon your "belief".

You don't have to "get it" for it to reign supreme.

It's supremacy is self-evident.



Doesn't even exist ... let alone reign Supreme.

KonWomyn said...

Fine then. Believe what you will.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Fine then. Believe what you will." KW

Nah Sis.

Um. Um.

Not that easy.

You send me a link.

To an image.

Illustrating an example of a "Global System of Capitalist Supremacy".

(Please understand that the forces manipulating climate science, engineering the food for population control, bombing children with drones in Pakistan and infecting the population of Sub-Saharan Africa with AIDS ... is ONE AND THE SAME ... and far more Marx than Adam Smith.)

KonWomyn said...

"Please understand that the forces manipulating climate science, engineering the food for population control, bombing children with drones in Pakistan and infecting the population of Sub-Saharan Africa is ONE AND THE SAME..."

There are your links, pictures and examples as to what I mean by a Global System of Capitalism.

I said fine because we're arguing about the use of the word supremacy, not about the existence or non-existence of global forces of evil.

"Far more Marx than Adam Smith"

More like fascist corporatism.