Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dick Gregory & Alex Jones On 9/11

ATLANTA, Sept. 16, 2010, 10 a.m. - Comedian and activist Dick Gregory said he wants former civil rights activist, mayor and ambassador Andrew Young to explain his comments about an FBI spy in the civil rights movement.

Young, now 78, told The Commercial Appeal that he is not bothered by a report that Ernest Withers secretly worked as an FBI informant while snapping photographs of the civil rights movement.

"I always liked him because he was a good photographer. And he was always (around)," Young is reported to have told the newspaper. "I don't think Dr. King would have minded him making a little money on the side.''
[Civil Rights Movement was a Reality TV program. A 50 year head fake. Social Engineering. A detour to a long road of dependency.]

Gregory said the comments show a "hatred" of Martin Luther King Jr.

"We are talking about a guy hired by the FBI to destroy us and the fact that Andy could say that means there must be a deep hatred down inside of him...If he feels that way about King only God knows what he feels about the rest of us," Gregory said on Redding News Review's daily radio program.


sakredkow said...

This is pretty amazing. Ernie Withers was a very esteemed photographer of the civil rights movement and friends of many of its leaders. Could he really have been an FBI informant?

And then Andy Young quoted as saying "Martin wouldn't have minded Ernie making a few bucks on the side." Wow.

Dr. Love said...

These niggahs were playahs and making money when they got the chance...have you checked out Andy Youngs investments lately...Not only were they cashing in on Civil Rights... the photographer was not only a "snitch" but he was FUCKING Coretta on the side...You heard it first on DV and the info comes from a reliable source as close to the horses mouth as you can get.... don't challenge me cuz my info is solid!!!!! Why are we so surprised when a niggah tells on a another niggah thats the very reason Denmark Vesey's shit failed... Harry Belafonte was FUCKING Coretta too...Nobody is perfect...whats good for the goose is good for the gander...Fuck Andy Young becuz he is a sellout...Dick Gregory talks all that shit but he sold out his health product... had niggahs believin he was this health guru while he was eating fried chicken and candy talkin about spirituality while the white folks continued to put the hammer down on black health care...Hey DMG tell mugfuggahs about the hospitals controlled by blacks with black doctors on the wall for the board of directors...I can't hear you there were 13 hospitals in the US controlled by African many are their now???? While you got yo' black ass over in Oslo who gives a fuck unless you were discussing a master plan to get black folks off the endangered list.....PEACE!

Joanna said...

You know what, I read the article about him being an FBI informant, and it seemed a little too convenient that they supposedly were SO CAREFUL to leave out identifying information about informants, but someone let his informant ID number slip past them and into the hands of the media. And it was able to be connected to all sorts of spy activities. This dude was either set up to take the fall, OR, if he really was a spy, he was considered so dispensable that his identity was purposely compromised. I do not believe in coincidences and inadvertent errors when it comes to the government.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Love,

You see that's what's wrong with you conspiracy motherfuckers (I don't abbreviate). You just can't get your facts straight. I was in London, Aarhus, Stockholm, and Florence (I mean shit negro I JUST WROTE IT DOWN). Never set foot in Oslo (not Oslow) this trip.

I could give a fuck less about black or white controlled hospitals, back in the Jim Crow era or now. Black owned doesn't mean it has to the best interests of black people in mind...or do you want to talk about black owned hair care products and the amount of lye burns to black scalps?

So I guess I have to reiterate for you slow ones. I am a surgeon. I am black. I am not a surgeon who only takes care of black people. I take care of any and every person who comes through the door. Especially ignorant ass motherfuckers like you, since it's y'all who seem to do the stupidest shit. Don't get me started on talking about removing foreign bodies for certain orifices "dr" love....

HotmfWax said...

The headfake is always 24/7. Ten levels Deep. Chess not Checkers .

When will you people learn..... :)

You got to get rid of the emotions. Find Discernment.

You will always be manipulated....unless you grow up.

However, you can also choose to continue on....As the Quacktor says : they are no conspiracies.:)

"Untangling the Bizarre CIA Links to the Ground Zero Mosque"

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

HotWax, I can see that. You see traditionally in America, the face of Islam has been associated with one of "blackness." African heritage, anti-colonialism. The Nation of Islam and the Darul Islam Movement fortified those sentiments. These older cats from the movement will tell you that immigrant Muslims were afraid of revealing their Islamic identity back in the day. It was the Nation of Islam and Darul Islam that defined Islam in America. If you notice, every time corporate media puts a mic in some one's face it's the immigrant community. Why? Because they are on the defensive. They have no heritage of struggle. No lineage of blood sacrifice. How we were able to see after the War African-Americans were welcomed into France and favored over the French blacks.

Immigrant Muslims (non-African specifically) have no roots or connection with the indigenous people of the country while attempting to identify with who they considered the privileged class. "Po folk" then can't identify with them, and the "privileged class" refuse to accept them, so they are left dangling in space. Divide and conquer on auto-pilot. African Muslim slaves use to be severely punished if found amongst the Native Americans. It was enough to be an escapee, but worse if found with the indigenous peoples out of fear they would incite them by proselytizing to them. Black peoples have been at the fore front of social change. These are strategies to subvert that historical potential. Whether or not one believes in that, it is definitely their concern. You don't maintain power through shooting dice, you work at it.

So the objective is to repaint the picture of Islam as "foreign liquor store owners" completely void of it's previous service to the black community regarded as anti-drugs, anti-alcohol, self-sufficient, and a service targeting specifically poor people. This is why you have stories of black folk in the hood hiding Darul Islam members from the Feds. That was a relationship that BIG BOSS HAD TO CHANGE.

Immigrant communities are so accommodating to "the provider of Visas," that it makes absolutely no sense in the rules of "immigrant self-preservation" for them to be so insistent on building the "ground-zero mosque" unless this was engineered by the CIA to incite and fan the flames of dispute and divide. That is not the MO of the immigrant community that are totally compliant with FBI agencies.

This performance piece is creating the illusion of cultural bombardment forced onto the American populace. The illusion that Islam is new here. I can't emphasize enough how important it is for every American to study media ecology. It will become so clear and evident that they are merely appropriating marketing stratagem of products for politics.

Denmark Vesey said...

""Untangling the Bizarre CIA Links to the Ground Zero Mosque"

As always Bra Wax ... As Always.

Great link!

What a perfect illustration of the Hegelian Head Fake.

The piece exposes and documents that not only is the "Ground Zero Mosque" completely contrived ... it reveals that both the pro-Mosque "side" and the anti-Mosque "side" are financed by the exact same small group of former CIA agents and military industrial complex operatives.

Average Plantation Negro may or may not read this. If they do, they will tell themselves "they know it". They will tell themselves they "get it".

But they don't have the intellectual courage or the critical thinking skills to place it into a meaningful context.

I aint sayin' no names DMG.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Immigrant Muslims (non-African specifically) have no roots or connection with the indigenous people of the country while attempting to identify with who they considered the privileged class. "Po folk" then can't identify with them, and the "privileged class" refuse to accept them, so they are left dangling in space." Gee Chee




Most powerful explanation I've heard for the obvious attempts to defame Islam was by Henry Makow:

"Islam is one of the last bastions of genuine God worship, the last major obstacle to pagan World Religion. The attack on Iraq is another step in the plan to destroy Islam, monopolize world resources and enslave humanity. "

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you have the gall to use the terms intellectual and courage, not only in the same sentence, but at all.

Your camp is more acquainted with the ignorance and cowardice, and intellectual dishonesty.

Critical thinking does not mean coming up with fiction.

When you all are able to get your facts straight about anything, let me know.

Denmark Vesey said...

Facts straight?


Cool. Doc.

I'll compare my "facts" to your "facts" any day of the week.

Off the top of the dome:

H1N1 "Pandemic"
DV 1 DMG 0

Dangers of High Fructose Corn Syrup
DV 2 DMG 0

Value of natural unrefined salt vs profound dangers of refined salt
DV 3 DMG 0

Alkaline / Acid Balance vs. Kill Microbes Approach
DV 4 DMG 0

Sunlight & Vitamin D vs. Vaccines
DV 5 DMG 0

Natrual Food Only vs. Processed Food In "Moderation"
DV 6 DMG 0

0 Tolerance for Genetically Modified Food vs. Genetically Modified Food in "Moderation"
DV 7 DMG 0

In ping pong 7 nothing is a skunk.

Anonymous said...


You can't play and tally the score at the same time. And it's easy to see who presented and proved their argument better, by taking a look in the archives.

I'll leave you to your fantasy thinking.