Fuck Reggie Bush, nigga.
Sarah Friedlander said...

live and let live.
Joanna said...

Have you ever REALLY looked at the world around you? Or are you so blinded by your little lily white kumbaya color blind we are the world shit that you believe that Black people are the ones who are at fault when it comes to the rampant racism in this world??
News flash: If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem! All of that shit about you getting offended because you think someone has a problem with interracial dating? Sweetie, you need to get over that quick, fast, and in a hurry, because all it does is show that you are wearing blinders to the VERY REAL problems in this world.
Basically, what you are saying is "I am white, I am special, I am privileged and everyone should treat me like the special snowflake I am because I deserve it". The world doesn't work that way. Please, whatever you do, do not have children with your "African American" boyfriend if you are going to teach them to ignore reality, as you seem to want to do.
Oh, and lemme add this... I would rather have ten Klansmen that one bitch like Sarah in my midst... at least with the Klansmen, they are just str8 up racist ass muhfuckas and make no bones about it, while Sarah pretends she is so enlightened because, well, she is SLEEPING WITH a Black, oh no, wait, "African American" man.... she is one of those "racism would be dead if THOSE people didn't keep bringing it up" type of hoes I can't stand!
Fuck Reggie Bush, nigga.
Why "fuck Reggie Bush"? Because he had a white girlfriend? My boyfriend is African-American. Should it be fuck him too? I don't understand this type of irrational racial hostility from people who revere Dr. King. You all would be better off if you practiced what you preached.
live and let live.
^ who all would be better off if they practiced what they preached? and who said anything about dr. king? please be so kind as to pump your brakes.
I could care less who he's dating or what color they are. He fucked upped my my school's football program. So I say fuck Reggie Bush too!
IWAW ... "fuck Reggie Bush"?
Come on brah.
I've seen you at USC games with your face painted Red and Gold screaming in ecstasy as Bush jooked linebackers.
Now it's "fuck" the brotha?
Come on brah.
Pray tell?
"You all would be better off if you practiced what you preached." Sarah Friedlander
Now ... THAT
is some funny shit.
I don't even know where to start.
"please be so kind as to pump your brakes." Chosen
Get 'em Chosen!
"He fucked upped my my school's football program. So I say fuck Reggie Bush too!" Anonymous
"fucked upped my my school's football program" Anonymous
"my school's" Anonymous
He fucked up "your" school's football program, huh?
Your sense of ownership is interesting.
SF jumped to a few conclusions, plus she inserted race and dating into the discussion.
Who is "you all" by the way? How many other times have you used that group identity BS in a sentence? Seems as though your paranoia has manifested into a false reality.
Relax, be at peace with your dating decision and enjoy your man. If its live and let live, practice what you preach and let haters hate.
he says "fuck Reggie Bush" and calls him a "nigga" but I'm the bad guy because I say "you people"? Please. I mean "you people" who would say that to an African-American man because he has a white woman draped all over him. Are you telling me those people do not exist?
SF - You're in the dark and don't even know you're in desperate need of light. Not a bad person, just ignorant. Ask your man where you went wrong then get back to us.
BTW, IWAW didn't call Reggie Bush a nigga. He called DV a nigga. Now please, go sit down somewhere.
Sarah Friedlander... "irrational racial hostility?" Have you ever REALLY looked at the world around you? Or are you so blinded by your little lily white kumbaya color blind we are the world shit that you believe that Black people are the ones who are at fault when it comes to the rampant racism in this world?? News flash: If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem! All of that shit about you getting offended because you think someone has a problem with interracial dating? Sweetie, you need to get over that quick, fast, and in a hurry, because all it does is show that you are wearing blinders to the VERY REAL problems in this world. Basically, what you are saying is "I am white, I am special, I am privileged and everyone should treat me like the special snowflake I am because I deserve it". The world doesn't work that way. Please, whatever you do, do not have children with your "African American" boyfriend if you are going to teach them to ignore reality, as you seem to want to do.
Oh, and lemme add this... I would rather have ten Klansmen that one bitch like Sarah in my midst... at least with the Klansmen, they are just str8 up racist ass muhfuckas and make no bones about it, while Sarah pretends she is so enlightened because, well, she is SLEEPING WITH a Black, oh no, wait, "African American" man.... she is one of those "racism would be dead if THOSE people didn't keep bringing it up" type of hoes I can't stand!
damn, joanna...u got in her ass.
now sf, it is obvious that you really don't have a clue about what the post really is saying.
please take some time to go back in time and revisit the history of this blog and the history of blacks in this country and abroad.
and i agree with kp...check with your man and see how well he may be able to assist u in overstanding...
nothing but peace.
You know why, tgn? Cuz I used to BE here.... and then I turned 13.....
I am assuming she is a grown woman, and as a grown woman, particularly one who could potentially one day be raising a Black child (if she remains in her current relationship), she needs to take her head out of her ass.... willful ignorance is not cute....
wtf? How bizaar.
Joanna, excuse me hun. Yes I have "looked at the world around me" and I see a world where no one race is at fault when it comes to racism. What kind of mind fuck have you endured that makes you think only white people are responsible for racism? Do you think chanting nonsensical black nationalist cliches from the 60's grants you some type of ghetto pass? Not part of the solution part of the problem? Did you write that one yourself hun?
Why must my "African-American" boyfriend be in quotation marks? I refer to him as he refers to himself. What is it? I can't say "African-American" now because I'm white?
Gee. Thanks KP. Reggie Bush is not the "nigga", DV is the "nigga". That makes it so much different. I can't say "African-American" but calling the blog host "nigga" is copacetic.
Someone please update the Race Rules so us racist oppressive white bitches can get with it.
*looks around* I'm being punked right? Cuz this chick cannot be serious!
oh wait, I know a million others out here like her.....
never mind.
i stay laughing my ass off at black men with white girlfriends/wives who don't really like black people.
getthefuckouttaherewiththatbullshit son!
Sooooooooooooo...maybe this is the reason why IWAIW said "Fuck Reggie Bush":
Not sayin' that validates saying "Fuck Reggie Bush", but I'm just sayin'.
Sooooooooooooo...where in Africa is your Black boyfriend from Sara?
@ Joanna - "I am white, I am special..."
What's wrong with Sarah thinking that way? (If she does.)
Is it any different than DeeVee saying, "I am Black, I am special..."?
Or would he be wearing blinders as well?
I personally don't give a damn who anyone dates or what color they are because I have too much going on in my life to concern myself with other people's business. That being said, am I the only black woman who has noticed that a lot of white women who are with black men are constantly giving black women (or at least this black woman) the dirtiest looks??? I don't quite get if it's because they think I have a problem with their relationship or because they are threatened by the thought that he may have settled for her while secretly longing for a black woman... Either way a lot of times I don't even notice who's with whom until I start getting stared down and try to figure out why.
But I'm not mad at Reggie.
He did what many other college athletes have done.
He just got caught and his coach left town before the ish landed on him as well.
USC is 2-0 and will win the AP title this year.
(Oh yeah... DeeVee - Have you noticed you girl Gabby on the cover of "Elle"?)
uglyblackjohn... There is a difference between just being white feeling you are special and feeling you are special just for being white, which is what I meant by my comment.
@ Joanna - Oh. Okay.
But I feel that I am special just because I am Black.
uglyblackjohn i understand what you are getting at, and i do not expect everyone to agree with me, but I think there is a difference in a having a sense of racial pride (which you seem to be referring to) and the sense of unearned entitlement that white people in general feel they deserve. maybe my views are irrational, but hey, I feel how I feel and there is a lot of historical and current evidence to back me up (as well as personal observation), so I am willing to go out on a limb here and say it is not the same thing. And, of course, I am not that eloquent so I may be ineffective at getting my point across.
... And I was gonna ask what's the difference between Kim K and Nikki Minaj? Either there needs to be a re-evaluation of GSWS or Nikki gets downgraded from GSBS.
iLike Nikki, but just in doses. Couldn't care less for Kim K, but they're both manufactured chics: butt injections and botox to the max. Global Supremacy Nuffin!
" Do you think chanting nonsensical black nationalist cliches from the 60's grants you some type of ghetto pass? Not part of the solution part of the problem? Did you write that one yourself hun?"
Now ... THAT
is some funny shit.
It's like I'm in the Twilight Zone. The host of this blog, who calls himself "the blackest man on the internet", is called "nigga" by someone who doesn't like Reggie Bush for some nonsensical reason and I'm called a racist bitch by a white woman who happens to be a self-appointed interracial dating expert with a specialty in black men. Why? For referring to my own boyfriend as an "African American".
"NEWS FLASH: Having sex with a Black man does not mean you are NOT A RACIST! "
ha! you couldn't make this stuff up. Joanna do your relationships with black men ever evolve beyond the part where you feel necessary to constantly demonstrate that you are white but not a racist? Do you think being hostile to other white people makes you 'down' with your black brothers and sisters?
Sarah.. first of all, I never actually called you a racist bitch... I mean I didn't say your NOT a racist bitch... but those were NOT my words.... and where ON EARTH did you get the idea that I am a "self appointed interracial dating expert"??? Did I say anything of the sort?? Sarah, I been around chicks like you ALL my life, I know your M.O., and you are PROVING what/who you are with every word that you type. And frankly, I am not trying to be "down" with anybody... I am ME, and whoever doesn't like it can go fuck themselves. I speak the truth, and if your feelings get hurt along the way, oh well. Deal with it. I'm not looking to make friends or win accolades, I intend to change the world. And if people don't hate me, I am doing something wrong.
BTW.... you have no idea WHAT IWAW's reason is for not liking Reggie Bush, so how can you determine it is nonsensical, first of all... second of all, I don't think you are a racist because you call your boyfriend "African American", I think you sound DUMB, but I think you are a RACIST, because you basically are saying that the reason racism exists is because of the actions of Black people, instead of accepting that white folks are responsible for racism.
James Baldwin on "An American Invention" from 4:50 - end. Roughly 2mins.
Silly ass conversation here.
We all know that Black men who date White women are brothas with no game. So SF is here trying to compensate for her man's lack of a pair by jumping in the fray. Give the girl a break. She's dating a Black man Black women wouldn't mess with. And she knows it. Poor thing.
I am confused, is Joanna actually white? Changes nothing but it does bring another level irony to this thread.
I am a BLACK MAN that lives and breathes for BLACK WOMEN. Started with my MOM, SISTER and GRANDMOTHER... Its all I know... And I'm very happy with that..
yes da revolutionary, i am actually white.
Ironic indeed.
Why is the one white chick more hostile than the black chicks with the other white chick for dating a black dude who definitely likes white chicks and who may or may not like brown, yellow or black chicks?
Only on dv.net
troll... it seems sad to me that you find it ironic... let me break it down for you... I am not "hostile" towards this chick because she is dating a black dude.... I am "hostile" towards her for expressing ignorant, racist ideals... and to me, there is no irony, it is more a sad commentary on the state of our society that people seem to believe that it is NOT normal or natural for white people to call out other white people on their racist words and deeds. Is it ironic to you because you believe that it is the "responsibility"of Black people to point out this chick's blatantly biased beliefs while white people sit back idly and watch without commenting? Because, frankly, to just sit back and not say anything because I'm white and "it's not my job" is really pathetic.
Oh, what is ironic though, is that I just sat here and typed out a response to a commenter who calls him/herself "troll".
oh you desire irony do you? Check this out.
In my language "joi" means "corpulent or fat"
And "aina" means "swine or pig"
"Joi aina" = corpulent swine
Joi aina. Sounds a lot like...Joanna, doesnt it.
Now THAT is some irony fa yo ass.
What is ironic is that some girls assume that just because they had some Black IN them that they also have some Black in them.
The "Battle of the Beckies" @ DeeVee.Net - Now that ish is pure comedy gold.
But I'll go with Becky#1.
She asks questions more then she makes assertions.
If DeeVee IS school - only a fool fails to ask questions.
The thing about most of the people who frequent this spot is that most of us don't buy into the whole victim mentality being taught by others.
Knowing that I am special BECAUSE I am Black is not the same as a false sense of pride or the self-agrandizement of naming myself "King", "Diva", "Queen"....
Knowing my history proves to me that the Black influence is the life giving force behind the progress of many nations.
The whole Tim Wise/white priveledge/white guilt issue is not mine.
If I fail, I should have done better.
If I succeed, I did the work.
Racism and racist beliefs don't dictate the outcome of any given situation - they only set the conditions under which one must perform.
Is your anger directed at Becky1 because she may enjoy more white priveledge because she is more fit?
Damn, UBJ came with it.
UBJ- it takes all kinds of people to make the world go round. If you prefer a chick like Sarah over me, that is all good. Obviously you do not know me or anything about me, so you cannot have any idea how I really feel about things or how I live my life. Do I expect to be embraced/accepted by anyone? Not particularly. Whether people love me, hate me, or I never cross their mind at all, I am still going to be me, and do the same things I do every other day of my life.
And that whole, "Oh you only think the way you do because you are fat" thing.... I have heard that too many times to count, so I am not even going to bother with that one. Trying to defend myself against that accusation is just a distraction from my ultimate goals.
I've always found it amusing that anyone could have "racial pride" when they had no choice in the matter? It's a silly concept really, since by definition there is only one race, and that being human.
Sweetie, calm down. Take a breath. Alot of what you said is valid. But I don't think you understand whose backyard you've wandered into. You are like the clueless white girl who is in a relationship with a black man for the first time, who got invited to the family BBQ and doesn't know how to act. It's not your fault that you are clueless. The best thing you can do is well just be you. Here are some helpful hints.
Rule number 1: Invoking the name of MLK (or any civil rights leader) won't necessarily get you any points. I mean I'm sure you don't think we all get together and talk about the civil rights movement whenever we have a quorum? We do have other interests. Racism is not on the top of that list.
Rule number 2: Don't get all upset when black folks use the term nigga or nigger. Best ignore it. It has nothing to do with racism. The term "nigga", "nigger" all depends on the intent of the speaker. Coming from my lips or the hosts, or UBJ or anyone else who happens to be black, most often is a term of endearment. Coming from an unknown white person...well sorry, it sucks but you can't have that word back.
Rule Number 3: Don't try hard to be "down". There's nothing more awkward then watching a desperate attempt at being something you are not. If you come from the suburbs, don't apologize.
Rule Number 4: You are being silently laughed at when you say "African-American". I don't know a single black person who intentionally refers to himself as such. I mean do you go around saying you are a "European-American"? No, you usually say white. We are black. It's ok if you say black, we aren't fragile people. (Please tell me your boyfriend doesn't call himself "A-A").
And finally I don't think you are racist. Stick around the blog, don't let anyone run you off.
Joanna, stop being the "racist" cop. Nothing she said was intentionally racist. Sorry, but it seems like you are going for the "down white girl" thing (maybe I'm wrong, but that's how you come off). And that post on your blog...I think you are too invested in "racism". We are a rather sturdy people, we don't need your protection from those marauding white chicks who want to sleep with black men just for sport. I mean (gasp) what if some brother got his feelings hurt. (I'm sure you get the sarcasm...).
DMG- I get where you are coming from... you obviously cannot know who I really am from my comments on one blog, hence the idea that I am trying to go for the "down white girl thing" (yeah you are wrong, but I can understand it, you don't know me) And, truthfully, I very rarely address the whole IR dating thing (I think I have written about it twice) and when I have it was just because I was at my wits end listening to the bullshit (sorry there are only so many times I can listen to some white girl talk about how Black women are SO JEALOUS of her because she is SO MUCH BETTER for a Black man before I have to scream). And believe me, I do not have kind words for a man who allows and encourages that type of shit either.... one thing though, a lot of racism is not "intentional" and that to me, is the most insidious shit.
You seem to use racial adjectives in your writing alot, that's why I made my statement, that and the fact that you have a short hand for what I presume means "inter-racial". There's no such thing as inter-racial "dating". Inter-racial dating would be human-gorilla. It's just people dating who happen to have a small difference in outward appearance. Quit making a big deal out of it.
I don't know what sort of women you are talking to, but I cannot imagine anyone I've ever dated, white, black, asian, latina whatever ever saying anything like what you are claiming. And I'm sure you are well intentioned, but I don't think black women need your defense efforts.
Perhaps it's the quality of the women you are talking to, rather then their ethnicity. My two cents.
Again, racism is not on the top of my list of things. I really wish people would get that black people don't wake up in the morning thinking only about race issues. Sarah wasn't being racist. You seem to be more sensitive to these issues than she is. I'd be interested in knowing why?
Ummm... DMG... so because YOU think that she wasn't being racist, am I supposed to agree with you and say she wasn't being racist? I personally think she was being racist. Why am I more sensitive to these issues than she is? Because I am a different person than she is, and frankly, from my observations, and in my not so humble opinion, a more aware person. Agree or disagree, it is how I feel. And, you say racism is not on the top of YOUR list of things to deal with/discuss. Does that mean that it should or is not on the top of the list of OTHER Black people? Cuz I know some people who will definitely disagree with you. For that matter, should it not be on the top of MY list, simply because I am NOT Black?
As for Black women not "needing" my defense efforts... it is not a matter of anyone "needing" me or anything I do. I do and say what I do because of who I am, not because anyone else "needs" or wants me to do or say it. I just have a strong opinion of what is right and wrong, and I will express my opinion, and I don't care who thinks I should or shouldn't.
I really don't care with what you agree or disagree. Maybe you've watched the Blind Side, Dangerous Minds or some other "Captain Save a Nigga" movie one to many times, I don't know. I don't care. Thank you for your concern, but you are not needed. We've been taking care of ourselves for quite sometime now.
You are actually being racist, and don't even know it. You do realize that we aren't children in need of protection. I'm not going to play psychologist, that's not my training, but have you ever heard of the concept of projection?
Say what you want. I'll say what I want (but since you've been here awhile, I'm absolutely SURE you know I'm going to say what I want, feelings be damned...and you also know I'm good at what I do).
So, you have a choice. We can continue with this back and forth, or call it a day. I'm off for the rest of the week, so your call.
Being black isn't a part-time job for me.
DMG- Do you know who I am? Do you know anything about me aside from a few comments you have read on this blog? If you really believe that racism is not a problem that white people need to address, then so be it. I do not agree. So, I will continue to speak my mind.
You make a comparison to "Dangerous Minds" and "the Blind Side", movies I have not seen, but which I believe are about a white person swooping in and "rescuing" Black teens from some perceived/manufactured "flaw" which their own community is supposedly unable to handle .... frankly I do not see the parallel. First of all, no one is trying to "rescue" anyone here. Secondly Racism is a problem created and perpetuated by white people, so it should not be ignored by white people.
Becky II,
I'm pretty sure I mentioned earlier that I didn't care.
"...Racism is a problem created and perpetuated by white people...". That whole "liberal white guilt" thing isn't cute, so can you...you know stop?
And are you out of your fucking mind? White people created racism? Do you also see African's living in some Kumbaya fantasy like innocent children dancing in the jungle? Or did you mistype?
Racism is a problem created by and perpetuated by people. Period. Ethnicity has nothing to do with it. Don't be so patronizing as to suggest that black folks are innocents who are incapable of such evils.
Again, you are racist and don't even realize it.
dmg- maybe i am, maybe i am not, i try not to be but nobody is perfect. but i feel how i feel, and i believe what i believe and i strive to do what is right, and that is the most i can do. i am going to sleep now.
Well then my dear, sleep well. And think about what I said.
Everyone has flaws and hates someone. I, for instance, hate stupid people. If I were president I'd deport everyone of them to Antarctica wearing only windbreakers, but that's just me. We can't all be Barack Obama.
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