Monday, September 20, 2010

Average Plantation Negro Doesn't Get This ...

“The establishment of a central bank is 90% of communizing a nation.” Lenin


Joanna said...

I must confess, I take pride in being a (reasonably) intelligent person, but reading The Creature from Jekyll Island was like going from swimming in the shallow end to being thrown in the deep end of the pool without any floaties on, so while I understand the gist of the central bank = bad thing, the intricacies of the monetary system still sort of elude me. Although WHILE I was actually reading the book I had a pretty good grasp on things.... until I was finished and realized I couldn't really reproduce the knowledge without pulling the book back out again. Lucky for me, I am not a "borrow a book from the library and bring it back when I am done" type of chick, so I can actually refer back as needed.

IWonderAsIWander said...

That's one hellavu quote. Joanna, it takes YEARS of study to understand this stuff before you can even BEGIN TO THINK you "know somethin'." Me and DV used to sit up in his office studying this stuff and choppin' it up TEN YEARS AGO and I'm still stumped about Central Banks, Bolsheviks, etc. You will get called "crazy" for knowing this stuff. If you don't, you're not learning enough. Most people get confused and give up. They say, "it doesn't affect me."

The essential powers of the central banks are that they can "create" money and cause inflation, or "restrict" money and cause deflation. They set and play interest rates to their advantage, which causes a slow drain of money from the populace to the banks. Don't sweat the detail.

Joanna said...

Well, luckily, I have an older dude who I been speaking with who has been kind of "mentoring" me as to a lot of this stuff over the past year, so I am learning from him though my "awakening" is still in its infancy stage. Well, I spent 36 years sleeping, so I guess I can expect to spend just as many waking up.

HotmfWax said...

Everything else is amateur hour.!

Chess People. Chess.

Who is "They " was a question from yesterday?

If you have to ask, you don't really matter.

Keep working Slave.

As your doc tells you, " They are no conspiracies." :)

HotmfWax said...