UglyBlackJohn said...

The "Battle of the Beckies" @ DeeVee.Net - Now that ish is pure comedy gold.
But I'll go with Becky#1.
She asks questions more then she makes assertions.
If DeeVee IS school - only a fool fails to ask questions.
The thing about most of the people who frequent this spot is that most of us don't buy into the whole victim mentality being taught by others.
Knowing that I am special BECAUSE I am Black is not the same as a false sense of pride or the self-agrandizement of naming myself "King", "Diva", "Queen"....
Knowing my history proves to me that the Black influence is the life giving force behind the progress of many nations.
The whole Tim Wise/white priveledge/white guilt issue is not mine.[Preach Black John. Preach!]
If I fail, I should have done better.
If I succeed, I did the work. [Buckshot! Buckshot!]
Racism and racist beliefs don't dictate the outcome of any given situation - they only set the conditions under which one must perform.
Is your anger directed at Becky1 because she may enjoy more white priveledge because she is more fit?
Tim Wise does not speak for me. I do not follow him or read his work.
I still find it amusing when people attempt to negate everything I have to say/everything I believe in by claiming it is all about me being fat and "not fitting in".
should I really stop fighting for what I believe in because a few people do not agree with me? sorry, not gonna happen!
I may not be perfect, and yeah, I fuck up, I make mistakes, I may unintentionally say the wrong thing. But I believe what I believe and I will fight for what I believe with every thing I am.
That's all I am going to say for now.
Nah Joanna.
Continue to do you.
That's what this blog is about.
An invitation to everyone to do themselves.
Self-affirmation is the key.
I like your style. Keep doing your thing.
But this blog is like a truth machine. When you put something out there, it is going to get processed. If it holds up. Great.
If it doesn't, you've been done a favor and can let it go.
DV.... continue to do me? that is a given.... if i stopped expressing myself, there would be nothing left of me, and we can't have that!
@ Joanna - Exactly my point.
You say that you don't feel inferior because you may be, what many in the West would see as being, overweight.
Why is it assumed that Blacks would fall victim to misguided teachings of being inferior even though history proves otherwise?
By the way, I didn't say that I prefered SF's body type - only her method of broaching questions about race.
But this is often a situation which many minorities have to deal with when it comes to 'race'.
If a minority calls foul on a racial situation - they are just projecting and being too sensitive.
But this is not a case of 'white privilege' - it is just another example of 'white ignorance'.
So, by me addressing Sarah as I did, how does that translate to me assuming that Black people are victims, or buy into teachings of inferiority? And this is a genuine question, because as I said, I am not perfect, and I am always striving to learn. I do not feel like I am trying patronize or do anything that should be outside the realm of my (or anyone else's) personal responsibility, but obviously you perceive things differently.
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