Friday, August 06, 2010

Another Reason Not To Send Your Kids To College

"Spirits don't fill bellies, or put a roof over your babies heads, or fix a failed Nation." DMG


Anonymous said...

So Clef is King (sorry preferred Malcolm) and Ghandi now?

I guess you expect Wyclef to lead the nation in a rendition of his "President" song, and things will mysteriously get better...




So after the pats on the back, and the week of celebration I suppose food, clothing, shelter, will appear, the National Police will actually start protecting the people instead of protecting the elite from the people, and then the deforested land (which isn't very good for growing anything) will all just reappear, while the nation is holding hands rocking to a President Wyclef concert?

Nice fantasy.

Denmark Vesey said...

DMG said...

So Clef is King (sorry preferred Malcolm) and Ghandi now?

Noooooooo Jigaboo ....

This is not about Gandhi, Martin, Malcolm or your pathetic notions of "preference".

This exercise is an illustration of what you pretend not to understand in words.

No 'nation was ever built' WITHOUT spirit.

Which is why spiritless technocrats always fail.

Human beings are not machines.

Wyclef is capable of doing something nerds like you and CNu will NEVER be able to do.


But enough of this.

Obviously you just want my attention.

Hot Wax is right. As usual. This whole thing is starting to smell homo.

Go read up on the Technocracy cult.

Get back to me.

Anonymous said...

That fact that you think Haiti doesn't have spirit now, without a famous pied piper at the helm is testament to your lack of knowledge about the place.

Thanks for playing. When you start with the homosexual stuff the conversation has already become irretrievable. Better things to do today than watch you stroke yourself today...

"Obviously you just want my attention"

By the way...that's my line. Anyone with eyes can scroll down and tell who is calling on who.

Anyone know if KW is still keeping count?

Anonymous said...

Obama didn't play a Pied Piper? When he protected Rev. Wright, Negroes loved Rev. Wright. When he cut Rev. Wright off, Negroes wanted Rev. Wright to shut the eff up. Took the politician over the pastor. Who can pry a 300lb/holy "SPIRIT" induced sista from the church but Pied Piper Obama?

So Negroes already had spirit, in fact the "holy spirit", and still became even more spiritual with Obama.

Anonymous said...

I didn't like that he cut Rev. Wright off. I don't think "Goddamn America" was off point at all.

But it was a tactical decision to accomplish his mission, and to take it out of play.

Wright knew it, and knew what he had to do. Otherwise we might be sitting here talking about the impending Presidency of Sarah Palin....right after she knocked off old man McCain.

Anonymous said...

The difference is he has no foundation and no plan. Wyclef has charisma and people like him because of his music and charity. That doesn't translate into pulling Haiti out of it's tailspin.

What's your basis for believing he would make a good president?

Anonymous said...

But is it the foundation or plan of one person, or is it the foundation or plan of patrons that the one person is the mouth piece for?

Denmark Vesey said...

Great point Gee.

Technocrats and bureaucrats like to think of themselves as indispensable functionaries in possession of exclusive "knowledge" not available to the rest of the population and because of that obligated to rule.

Closer examination usually reveals the emperor has no clothes.

(Compare how much more Hot Wax understands about the PREVENTION of illness and the maintenance of health than does our resident "MD" armed with a license and degree from the Plantation.)


If ANY Haitian was running for President OTHER than Wyclef Jean ... it wouldn't even make the paper.

The only reason we are talking about Haiti AT ALL right now is because of Wyclef's flirtation with running for office.

Haiti is ignored until it is in the interests of Technocrats looking for a photo op and a chance to play 'Cpt. Save A Starving Negro'.



______________________________ ?

Without using Google 80% of Americans couldn't tell you.

95% of Plantation Negros couldn't tell you.

Being able to attract attention and manage the memes, the ideas and the perspective the world has about a country IS THE REAL JOB of any President.

Obama's global appeal is EXACTLY WHY he is president of the US today.

Wyclef is the DE FACTO President of Haiti ALL MUHFUGGIN' READY.

He is an internationally known Super Star who has travelled the world. His appeal transcends race, class, language and culture.

He is to Haiti what Bob Marley was to Jamaica.

Can he set up an Excel spread sheet?

Probably not.

Hire any dull nerd to do that.

What he did after the earthquake brought more attention and good will to Haiti than anything any of the little Negro technocratic puppets who served as models of incompetence and justification for 3rd party NGO's to hijack Haiti's sovereignty.

What percentage of resources sent to Haiti does the Haitian government directly control?

Very little if any.

The Presidency is a joke without Wyclef Jean.

Anonymous said...

"L'enfer est plein de bonnes volontés et désirs".


If you actually read what I wrote about Wyclef, you'd know that I'm not against him running. However, I don't care if it's Wyclef or my father running, I'm still going to ask myself is this man the best for that country.

You are more interested in some spiritual though they would be in a better place if they only had a charismatic leader. That's a bit patronizing don't you think?

When it comes down to it the nuts and bolts of revitalizing their economy, and getting food on the table what are you going to do...rhyme for them?

Anyway you only like him because he's a Hip Hop star. If he were just some cat running an NGO you wouldn't be so animated. I don't doubt his appeal, nor to I doubt his sincerity. I doubt his ability to make things happen. Running an NGO ain't running a country with so many problems that the fix is measured in decades. And as the old adage goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Wyclef definitely has good intentions, the question is he like you and merely talks a good game (actually you don't even do that).

Again, if this is just a vanity project then he needs to examine what's more important getting his picture on The Source in Presidential garb or moving that country out of the deep hole that it's in.

By the way a country can run without a charismatic can't run without people who know how to work out the details. Nothing worse than incompetence.

CNu said...

Charismatic incompetence is much, much worse..., peep post-Weimar Germany as a classic case study.